The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 100

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[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide, and sustain you and your dear co-workers in your constant and highly meritorious activities, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to enrich the record of your deeply appreciated services to His Faith and its inst.i.tutions.

Your true brother, Shoghi

Letter of 27 August 1947

27 August 1947

To the believers who were present in Dublin at the 19 Day Feast of Kamal

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Our beloved Guardian was very happy to receive your message and to see that the Cause is now gaining a firm footing in Eire.

He is particularly happy to welcome Mrs. Coleman into the Faith as the first new Baha'i in Dublin, and he hopes that ere long you will be able to establish the first historic spiritual a.s.sembly in that city.

The Irish are tenacious in their religious beliefs, and once convinced of the truth and significance of our glorious Faith should make ardent and devoted Baha'is.

He a.s.sures you all of his loving prayers for the success of your devoted labours.

With warmest greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

Your joint message rejoiced my heart. I cherish great hopes for the future of the work so splendidly initiated in that historic island. I will pray from the depths of my heart for the extension and consolidation of your meritorious activities to which I attach the utmost importance. Persevere in your glorious task, and rest a.s.sured that the Beloved, Who is watching over you, will bless your high endeavours and fulfil your dearest hopes.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 16 October 1948

16 October 1948

The Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Dublin, Eire

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Our beloved Guardian was very delighted to receive your communication of April 21st, written to him from your newly elected body.

He was particularly pleased to read the signatures of three members of the Townshend family, as Mr. Townshend and his wife have truly sacrificed in order to stand forward as declared and active Baha'is and a.s.sist in the formation of this historic a.s.sembly.

The task facing you is great, but very exhilarating. Eire lies before you, your territory, of which you are the Mother a.s.sembly, and however difficult your conquest may be, it is a challenging and wonderful service you are called upon to render.

The Irish people, with their deep religious instinct, although they may be at first difficult to convert, once convinced of the truth, will make staunch believers and will, he hopes, convey this Faith, with all its promise and healing power, to other countries in the course of time.

He a.s.sures you his prayers are with you, for your progress and your success in every field of Baha'i service.

With loving greetings,

P.S. The delay in answering your letter was due to the long time it took to reach Haifa.

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

The work achieved in Dublin during the last few months, culminating in the formation of the first Spiritual a.s.sembly in Ireland, is indeed highly praiseworthy. Such a consummation is an event that will adorn the annals of the Faith, and is in itself a prelude to still greater victories in the days to come. I truly feel proud of the British and Irish believers who have collaborated so devotedly and strenuously, and won so conspicuous a victory. I will fervently supplicate on their behalf, and will await eagerly the news of the progress of their historic achievements.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 27 January 1957

27 January 1957

The Baha'i Group, Eccles

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of January 2nd was received, through the kindness of Mr.

Gregory, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He will certainly pray in the Holy Shrines that you may succeed in attaining your objective; but, even should you fail to establish a spiritual a.s.sembly by April, you must not feel discouraged, because it is much more important to have a solid foundation in the beginning than to meet a date line-welcome as the a.s.sembly would be!

He admires very much the spirit animating you, and hopes that a flouris.h.i.+ng community will develop there.

With warm Baha'i greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, aid you to extend the scope of your activities, and win great victories in the service of His glorious Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi

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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 100 summary

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