The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 101

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Letter of 22 September 1948

22 September 1948

The Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Edinburgh

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Our beloved Guardian was very happy indeed to receive your letter to him dated April 21st-which has taken a long time to reach him, as you can see-and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The formation of the first a.s.sembly of the Faith in Scotland is a great and promising achievement. He has a profound admiration for the characteristics of the Scots; their deep religious feelings, their frank, open and friendly nature, their tenacity and abilities will enable them to greatly enrich the Faith in the British Isles, and, he hopes, later in the pioneer fields abroad.

He trusts that your a.s.sembly, and especially those members of it who are natives of Scotland, will soon succeed in attracting many more serious minded truth-seekers to the Faith there. Now Edinburgh has become the mother a.s.sembly of Scotland, and must, by its example, set the pace, and a.s.sist in the development of all future Scottish Baha'i a.s.semblies.

He a.s.sures you all he will pray for your success, for your unity, and that Baha'u'llah may guide you all in administering the affairs of His Cause in that city.

He was particularly interested to hear that one of the new believers had met 'Abdu'l-Baha on His visit to Edinburgh many years ago.

With loving greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

Your welcome message brought deep joy to my heart and filled me with grat.i.tude for this latest evidence of the all-conquering power of Baha'u'llah, as well as for the magnificent efforts exerted by British believers in that historic and ancient city. I will, I a.s.sure you, pray from the depths of my heart for your success, the increase of your numbers, the multiplication of your activities, and the consolidation of your achievements. Persevere in your meritorious endeavours, and rest a.s.sured that the Beloved will watch over you and crown your high endeavours with signal success.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 9 April 1949

9 April 1949

The Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Edinburgh

Dear Baha'i Friends:

As our beloved Guardian is at present very pressed for time in connection with the tremendous amount of work the building of the Shrine entails at this juncture, I am answering your loving Naw-Ruz Message very briefly on his behalf.

You may be sure the work in Edinburgh is very dear to his heart and he will continue to pray for its advancement, and for each and every one of you, in the Holy Shrines.

With warmest greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, continually and abundantly, your high endeavours, aid you to add to your numbers, deepen your understanding of the essentials of His Faith, extend the range of your activities, consolidate your achievements, and win great and memorable victories for its inst.i.tutions,

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 9 September 1950

9 September 1950

To the Glasgow Baha'is

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter dated 5.7.50 has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

The progress being made in spreading the Faith in Scotland pleases him immensely, and he feels the Cause will find many exemplary and wonderful servants among the Scotch people. They may be slow to be convinced, but once they embrace a thing they do so with full conviction and great determination to serve their belief.

He will pray that your a.s.sembly may confirm many new souls, and thus gradually free the devoted pioneers, who went there to teach, for services in new and maybe distant fields.

You may be sure he deeply appreciates all you have done. With loving greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers,

I was so pleased and grateful to receive your most welcome message, and I profoundly appreciate the n.o.ble sentiments you have expressed. I wish to a.s.sure you that I will pray for your success from the depths of my heart, that the Beloved may guide your steps, bless your high endeavours, and enable you to lend a tremendous impetus to the spread of the Faith in Scotland.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 14 March 1954

14 March 1954

Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Leeds

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter of February 20th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

The Guardian was very happy to learn of your coming County Teaching Conference. He has been very happy over the large number of pioneers who have arisen in the British Isles and have gone to new territories, both in the British Isles and in foreign lands, and he considers this a fine record.

He hopes your deliberations will produce a still greater effort on the part of all the friends to implant more deeply and scatter more widely the seeds of the Faith, which are so greatly needed everywhere.

The Guardian a.s.sures you of his loving prayers for the abundant success of your endeavours.

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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 101 summary

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