The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 103

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The Guardian was specially glad to hear that you have established a new Baha'i Centre and he fervently hopes that as a result of this new move the interests of the Faith will be promoted and its teachings will succeed in confirming some new souls.

The precious efforts so continuously exerted by our Manchester Baha'is and particularly by our beloved Mr. Hall and Mr. Sugar will undoubtedly yield their fruits in a not very distant future. But the friends should persevere in their task and not let any obstacle, however great, hinder their onward march. In these days of sufferings and hards.h.i.+ps, patience and hope are indispensable for the success of any idea or plan.

In closing may I a.s.sure you of our Guardian's best wishes and ask you to extend to all our Manchester Baha'is the expression of his heartfelt thanks and appreciation.

Yours in His Service,

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your high and unsparing efforts, enable you to extend the scope of your activities, and consolidate the foundations of the Faith in that great city.

Your true brother, Shoghi

Letter of 28 July 1950

28 July 1950

The Manchester Spiritual a.s.sembly

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Your letter has been received, dated June 6th, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He feels that the questions of ... could be answered by a better understanding of the teachings-however, for the sake of his sincere services to the Faith, he will answer them here:

(1) Christ received the kiss of Judas, in fact He said one of His disciples would betray Him. It is not a question of these Holy Souls seeing the future, but of what, in Their wisdom, They deem it necessary to accept in the Path of sacrifice. If we are going to question the wisdom of the Prophets we can question G.o.d's Wisdom too, and the advisability of the whole system we live in.

(2) Nabil's suicide was not insanity but love. He loved Baha'u'llah too much to go on in a world that no longer held Him.

(3) The "sacrifice" of goats has nothing to do with the Faith. Baha'u'llah was surrounded by Muslim admirers and friends, and they merely followed the custom of their people on such an occasion, when many hundreds gathered to console His bereaved family.

(4) We cannot, not knowing the factors Baha'u'llah weighed in His own mind, judge of the wisdom of His withdrawal to Kurdistan. But, studying His life and teachings, we should see in it an act of wisdom, and not superficially measure Him by our standards.

(5) Love is certainly the attribute we a.s.sociate par excellence with our Maker. But has He no justice and does not justice fall on the back of the evil doer as a scourge?

(6) This question seems to imply a lack of understanding of love. There is very little Divine love in the world to-day, but a great deal of intellectual reasoning, which is an entirely different thing, and springs from the mind and not the heart. The Martyrs-most of them died because of their love for the Bab, for Baha'u'llah, and through Them for G.o.d. The veil between the inner and outer world was very thin, and to tear it, and be free to be near the Beloved, was very sweet. But it takes love, not reason to understand these things. We must also remember the Martyrs were called upon to deny their faith or die, as men of principle they preferred to die.

(7) Baha'u'llah's claims are much greater because humanity is more mature and can afford to hear them. But He draws on the same Source that was accessible to all the Prophets, it is we who can now receive more.

(8) The Guardian feels ... should study more deeply the teachings, and meditate on what he studies. We liken G.o.d to the Sun, which gives us all our life. So the Spirit of G.o.d reaches us through the Souls of the Manifestations. We must learn to commune with Their Souls, and this is what the Martyrs seemed to have done, and what brought them such ecstacy of joy that life became nothing. This is the true mysticism, and the secret, inner meaning of life which humanity has at present, drifted so far from.

The Guardian will pray that this dear friend may deepen his understanding and arise and become a wonderful teacher of the Faith.

He will also pray for the progress of the work in Manchester and the success of your devoted labours.

With Baha'i love,

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide and sustain you in your activities, and enable you to promote effectively the best interests of His Faith.

Your true brother, Shoghi

Letter of 19 January 1950

19 January 1950

Northampton Baha'i Community

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Our beloved Guardian thanks you not only for the good news you conveyed to him in your letter of January 6th, but for the spirit which prompted you to share it with him.

He admires greatly the services of your community and the unity amongst you, which no doubt is largely responsible for your success.

He will join his prayers to yours for the success of the labours of your two latest pioneering members.

With Baha'i love,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers,

I feel truly proud of your notable services, and I wish to a.s.sure you of my profound appreciation of your labours, of my loving prayers for the progress of your meritorious activities, and the realisation of every hope you cherish in the service of our beloved Faith and of its nascent inst.i.tutions.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 30 September 1949

30 September 1949

The Baha'is of Norwich

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Your letter of August 2nd has been received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 103 summary

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