The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 104

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He was very pleased to see that you are girding up your loins to do your utmost for the Plan in the critical months that lie ahead.

Nothing will further your ends more quickly than the greatest love, unity and co-operation amongst yourselves. These are the very soul of the order Baha'u'llah has come to establish in the world and when the people see these qualities and characteristics actively demonstrated in our midst, those who are receptive will hasten to join our ranks. Likewise when they see the lack of these virtues they will hesitate to embrace the Faith however much they may admire its teachings.

He will certainly pray that your a.s.sembly may be maintained, your numbers increase, and your devotion be rewarded.

With Baha'i love,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers,

I was pleased to hear from you and receive the a.s.surance of your love, your devotion to the interests of our beloved Faith and your determination to serve its best interests.

I will pray from the depths of my heart on your behalf, that the Almighty may bless and sustain you and enable you to win memorable victories for His Faith.

Your true brother, Shoghi

Letter of 16 September 1956

16 September 1956

Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Norwich

Dear Baha'i Brother:

Your letter of July 29th with enclosures has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

He was most happy to receive the July Jarrold Magazine and to see the article on the Faith; and also to learn from the copy of your News Letter of the activities of the believers in that locality.

The Guardian greatly appreciates the spirit animating the friends there in the service of the Cause. He sends you all his loving greetings, and a.s.sures you of his prayers for the success of your devoted labours.

With warm Baha'i greetings,

[From the Guardian:]

a.s.suring you of my abiding admiration of your devoted and constant endeavours for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and of my fervent prayers for the realisation of every hope you cherish for its promotion,

Your true brother, Shoghi

Letter of 8 April 1947

8 April 1947

The Baha'is of Nottingham

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter, dated February 16th, was received and read by our beloved Guardian with great joy, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf.

The news of your group having reached a.s.sembly status was a source of deep satisfaction to him, and demonstrates what the friends can do, once they put their shoulder to the wheel!

You have every reason to feel proud of your achievement, and he hopes you will, through your correspondence and contacts with your fellow believers, encourage them to follow your example and forge ahead, in spite of every obstacle, with determination, confident that once we do our part, G.o.d is never failing in His.

He hopes your numbers will steadily increase and that many young people will be attracted to the Faith, as the part they have to play is very great and, also, their need of the Faith very great.

You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered for you, and for the success of your labours, in the Holy Shrines.

With Baha'i love,

[From the Guardian:]

May the Beloved bless your efforts in the service of our beloved Faith, and you to deepen your knowledge of the essentials of His World Order, to increase your numbers, to extend the scope of your activities, and to fulfil every desire you cherish for its promotion and consolidation.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 30 May 1949

30 May 1949

The Baha'is of Nottingham

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 4, has been received, and he deeply appreciates your message of devotion and affection.

His burden is indeed a heavy one, and after so many years of continuous responsibility he often feels very tired. But when he sees the loyalty of the friends and their steadfast perseverance in their tasks his heart is lightened and he feels greatly encouraged.

It is much easier to work when you see results being obtained under your very eyes, and, although in many ways his service to the Faith has been lonelier and more complicated than that of the beloved Master, yet he has had the great blessing of seeing the Cause spread out all over the world and greatly expand in many countries-such as England, India, the United State, etc.-as it never did in the days of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Who worked so unremittingly towards this end, and Who planted what we now reap.

He feels the British believers can and will-indeed must-succeed in their Plan, and his thoughts and prayers are with them very often.

With Baha'i love,

[From the Guardian:]

Dear co-workers:

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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 104 summary

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