Phaedra Part 8

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Stung by remorse that would not let me rest, I tore myself out of Oenone's arms, And flew to help Hippolytus with all My soul and strength. Who knows if that repentance Might not have moved me to accuse myself?

And, if my voice had not been choked with shame, Perhaps I had confess'd the frightful truth.

Hippolytus can feel, but not for me!

Aricia has his heart, his plighted troth.

Ye G.o.ds, when, deaf to all my sighs and tears, He arm'd his eye with scorn, his brow with threats, I deem'd his heart, impregnable to love, Was fortified 'gainst all my s.e.x alike.

And yet another has prevail'd to tame His pride, another has secured his favour.

Perhaps he has a heart easily melted; I am the only one he cannot bear!

And shall I charge myself with his defence?


PHAEDRA Know you, dear Nurse, what I have learn'd just now?

OENONE No; but I come in truth with trembling limbs.

I dreaded with what purpose you went forth, The fear of fatal madness made me pale.

PHAEDRA Who would have thought it, Nurse? I had a rival.

OENONE A rival?

PHAEDRA Yes, he loves. I cannot doubt it.

This wild untamable Hippolytus, Who scorn'd to be admired, whom lovers' sighs Wearied, this tiger, whom I fear'd to rouse, Fawns on a hand that has subdued his pride: Aricia has found entrance to his heart.

OENONE Aricia?

PHAEDRA Ah! anguish as yet untried!

For what new tortures am I still reserved?

All I have undergone, transports of pa.s.sion, Longings and fears, the horrors of remorse, The shame of being spurn'd with contumely, Were feeble foretastes of my present torments.

They love each other! By what secret charm Have they deceived me? Where, and when, and how Met they? You knew it all. Why was I cozen'd?

You never told me of those stolen hours Of amorous converse. Have they oft been seen Talking together? Did they seek the shades Of thickest woods? Alas! full freedom had they To see each other. Heav'n approved their sighs; They loved without the consciousness of guilt; And every morning's sun for them shone clear, While I, an outcast from the face of Nature, Shunn'd the bright day, and sought to hide myself.

Death was the only G.o.d whose aid I dared To ask: I waited for the grave's release.

Water'd with tears, nourish'd with gall, my woe Was all too closely watch'd; I did not dare To weep without restraint. In mortal dread Tasting this dangerous solace, I disguised My terror 'neath a tranquil countenance, And oft had I to check my tears, and smile.

OENONE What fruit will they enjoy of their vain love?

They will not see each other more.

PHAEDRA That love Will last for ever. Even while I speak, Ah, fatal thought, they laugh to scorn the madness Of my distracted heart. In spite of exile That soon must part them, with a thousand oaths They seal yet closer union. Can I suffer A happiness, Oenone, which insults me?

I crave your pity. She must be destroy'd.

My husband's wrath against a hateful stock Shall be revived, nor must the punishment Be light: the sister's guilt the brothers'.

I will entreat him in my jealous rage.

What am I saying? Have I lost my senses?

Is Phaedra jealous, and will she implore Theseus for help? My husband lives, and yet I burn. For whom? Whose heart is this I claim As mine? At every word I say, my hair Stands up with horror. Guilt henceforth has pa.s.s'd All bounds. Hypocrisy and incest breathe At once thro' all. My murderous hands are ready To spill the blood of guileless innocence.

Do I yet live, wretch that I am, and dare To face this holy Sun from whom I spring?

My father's sire was king of all the G.o.ds; My ancestors fill all the universe.

Where can I hide? In the dark realms of Pluto?

But there my father holds the fatal urn; His hand awards th' irrevocable doom: Minos is judge of all the ghosts in h.e.l.l.

Ah! how his awful shade will start and shudder When he shall see his daughter brought before him, Forced to confess sins of such varied dye, Crimes it may be unknown to h.e.l.l itself!

What wilt thou say, my father, at a sight So dire? I think I see thee drop the urn, And, seeking some unheard-of punishment, Thyself become my executioner.

Spare me! A cruel G.o.ddess has destroy'd Thy race; and in my madness recognize Her wrath. Alas! My aching heart has reap'd No fruit of pleasure from the frightful crime The shame of which pursues me to the grave, And ends in torment life-long misery.

OENONE Ah, Madam, pray dismiss a groundless dread: Look less severely on a venial error.

You love. We cannot conquer destiny.

You were drawn on as by a fatal charm.

Is that a marvel without precedent Among us? Has love triumph'd over you, And o'er none else? Weakness is natural To man. A mortal, to a mortal's lot Submit. You chafe against a yoke that others Have long since borne. The dwellers in Olympus, The G.o.ds themselves, who terrify with threats The sins of men, have burn'd with lawless fires.

PHAEDRA What words are these I hear? What counsel this You dare to give me? Will you to the end Pour poison in mine ears? You have destroy'd me.

You brought me back when I should else have quitted The light of day, made me forget my duty And see Hippolytus, till then avoided.

What hast thou done? Why did your wicked mouth With blackest lies slander his blameless life?

Perhaps you've slain him, and the impious pray'r Of an unfeeling father has been answer'd.

No, not another word! Go, hateful monster; Away, and leave me to my piteous fate.

May Heav'n with justice pay you your deserts!

And may your punishment for ever be A terror to all those who would, like you, Nourish with artful wiles the weaknesses Of princes, push them to the brink of ruin To which their heart inclines, and smooth the path Of guilt. Such flatterers doth the wrath of Heav'n Bestow on kings as its most fatal gift.

OENONE (alone) O G.o.ds! to serve her what have I not done?

This is the due reward that I have won.



ARICIA Can you keep silent in this mortal peril?

Your father loves you. Will you leave him thus Deceived? If in your cruel heart you scorn My tears, content to see me nevermore, Go, part from poor Aricia; but at least, Going, secure the safety of your life.

Defend your honor from a shameful stain, And force your father to recall his pray'rs.

There yet is time. Why out of mere caprice Leave the field free to Phaedra's calumnies?

Let Theseus know the truth.

HIPPOLYTUS Could I say more, Without exposing him to dire disgrace?

How should I venture, by revealing all, To make a father's brow grow red with shame?

The odious mystery to you alone Is known. My heart has been outpour'd to none Save you and Heav'n. I could not hide from you (Judge if I love you), all I fain would hide E'en from myself. But think under what seal I spoke. Forget my words, if that may be; And never let so pure a mouth disclose This dreadful secret. Let us trust to Heav'n My vindication, for the G.o.ds are just; For their own honour will they clear the guiltless; Sooner or later punish'd for her crime, Phaedra will not escape the shame she merits.

I ask no other favour than your silence; In all besides I give my wrath free scope.

Make your escape from this captivity, Be bold to bear me company in flight; Linger not here on this accursed soil, Where virtue breathes a pestilential air.

To cover your departure take advantage Of this confusion, caused by my disgrace.

The means of flight are ready, be a.s.sured; You have as yet no other guards than mine.

Pow'rful defenders will maintain our quarrel; Argos spreads open arms, and Sparta calls us.

Let us appeal for justice to our friends, Nor suffer Phaedra, in a common ruin Joining us both, to hunt us from the throne, And aggrandise her son by robbing us.

Embrace this happy opportunity: What fear restrains? You seem to hesitate.

Your interest alone prompts me to urge Boldness. When I am all on fire, how comes it That you are ice? Fear you to follow then A banish'd man?

ARICIA Ah, dear to me would be Such exile! With what joy, my fate to yours United, could I live, by all the world Forgotten! but not yet has that sweet tie Bound us together. How then can I steal Away with you? I know the strictest honour Forbids me not out of your father's hands To free myself; this is no parent's home, And flight is lawful when one flies from tyrants.

But you, Sir, love me; and my virtue shrinks--

HIPPOLYTUS No, no, your reputation is to me As dear as to yourself. A n.o.bler purpose Brings me to you. Fly from your foes, and follow A husband. Heav'n, that sends us these misfortunes, Sets free from human instruments the pledge Between us. Torches do not always light The face of Hymen.

At the gates of Troezen, 'Mid ancient tombs where princes of my race Lie buried, stands a temple, ne'er approach'd By perjurers, where mortals dare not make False oaths, for instant punishment befalls The guilty. Falsehood knows no stronger check Than what is present there--the fear of death That cannot be avoided. Thither then We'll go, if you consent, and swear to love For ever, take the guardian G.o.d to witness Our solemn vows, and his paternal care Entreat. I will invoke the name of all The holiest Pow'rs; chaste Dian, and the Queen Of Heav'n, yea all the G.o.ds who know my heart Will guarantee my sacred promises.

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Phaedra Part 8 summary

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