Phaedra Part 9

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ARICIA The King draws near. Depart,--make no delay.

To mask my flight, I linger yet one moment.

Go you; and leave with me some trusty guide, To lead my timid footsteps to your side.


THESEUS Ye G.o.ds, throw light upon my troubled mind, Show me the truth which I am seeking here.

ARICIA (aside to ISMENE) Get ready, dear Ismene, for our flight.


THESEUS Your colour comes and goes, you seem confused, Madame! What business had my son with you?

ARICIA Sire, he was bidding me farewell for ever.

THESEUS Your eyes, it seems, can tame that stubborn pride; And the first sighs he breathes are paid to you.

ARICIA I can't deny the truth; he has not, Sire, Inherited your hatred and injustice; He did not treat me like a criminal.

THESEUS That is to say, he swore eternal love.

Do not rely on that inconstant heart; To others has he sworn as much before.

ARICIA He, Sire?

THESEUS You ought to check his roving taste.

How could you bear a partners.h.i.+p so vile?

ARICIA And how can you endure that vilest slanders Should make a life so pure as black as pitch?

Have you so little knowledge of his heart?

Do you so ill distinguish between guilt And innocence? What mist before your eyes Blinds them to virtue so conspicuous?

Ah! 'tis too much to let false tongues defame him.

Repent; call back your murderous wishes, Sire; Fear, fear lest Heav'n in its severity Hate you enough to hear and grant your pray'rs.

Oft in their wrath the G.o.ds accept our victims, And oftentimes chastise us with their gifts.

THESEUS No, vainly would you cover up his guilt.

Your love is blind to his depravity.

But I have witness irreproachable: Tears have I seen, true tears, that may be trusted.

ARICIA Take heed, my lord. Your hands invincible Have rid the world of monsters numberless; But all are not destroy'd, one you have left Alive--Your son forbids me to say more.

Knowing with what respect he still regards you, I should too much distress him if I dared Complete my sentence. I will imitate His reverence, and, to keep silence, leave you.


THESEUS (alone) What is there in her mind? What meaning lurks In speech begun but to be broken short?

Would both deceive me with a vain pretence?

Have they conspired to put me to the torture?

And yet, despite my stern severity, What plaintive voice cries deep within my heart?

A secret pity troubles and alarms me.

Oenone shall be questioned once again, I must have clearer light upon this crime.

Guards, bid Oenone come, and come alone.


PANOPE I know not what the Queen intends to do, But from her agitation dread the worst.

Fatal despair is painted on her features; Death's pallor is already in her face.

Oenone, shamed and driven from her sight, Has cast herself into the ocean depths.

None knows what prompted her to deed so rash; And now the waves hide her from us for ever.

THESEUS What say you?

PANOPE Her sad fate seems to have added Fresh trouble to the Queen's tempestuous soul.

Sometimes, to soothe her secret pain, she clasps Her children close, and bathes them with her tears; Then suddenly, the mother's love forgotten, She thrusts them from her with a look of horror, She wanders to and fro with doubtful steps; Her vacant eye no longer knows us. Thrice She wrote, and thrice did she, changing her mind, Destroy the letter ere 'twas well begun.

Vouchsafe to see her, Sire: vouchsafe to help her.

THESEUS Heav'ns! Is Oenone dead, and Phaedra bent On dying too? Oh, call me back my son!

Let him defend himself, and I am ready To hear him. Be not hasty to bestow Thy fatal bounty, Neptune; let my pray'rs Rather remain ever unheard. Too soon I lifted cruel hands, believing lips That may have lied! Ah! What despair may follow!


THESEUS Theramenes, is't thou? Where is my son?

I gave him to thy charge from tenderest childhood.

But whence these tears that overflow thine eyes?

How is it with my son?

THERAMENES Concern too late!

Affection vain! Hippolytus is dead.


THERAMENES I have seen the flow'r of all mankind Cut off, and I am bold to say that none Deserved it less.

THESEUS What! My son dead! When I Was stretching out my arms to him, has Heav'n Hasten'd his end? What was this sudden stroke?

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Phaedra Part 9 summary

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