Harper's Round Table, May 21, 1895 Part 12

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Two Exciting Puzzle Contests Ended.

Endeavoring to favor the TABLE with an easy puzzle, since many said the questions were too hard, a flood of correct answers resulted in the Authors' Outing Contest, and, in accordance with the role, a second contest had to be held. Here are correct answers to the original contest:

1. Moore--Moor. 2. Gay. 3. Yonge. 4. Lot's wife. 5. The mulberry is said to have turned red because Pyramus killed himself at the root of the tree, in the belief that Thisbe had been devoured by a lion. 6. Bacon.

7. Hogg. 8. Ruskin. 9. Lemon. 10. Robinson Crusoe's man Friday. 11.

d.i.c.kens. 12. Watts. 13. Bangs. 14. Theodore Child. 15. Butler. 16.

Canning. 17. Hawthorne. 18. February. 19. Reade. 20. Swift. 21.

Howitt--How it. 22. Motherwell. 23. Scott--Scot. 24. Hood. 25. Lamb. 26.

Lover. 27. Harte. 28. Twain. 29. Spenser. 30. Akenside. 31. Holland. 32.

Sterne. 33. Cooper. 34. Smiles. 35. Wordsworth. 36. Goldsmith. 37.

Sh.e.l.ley. 38. Borrow. 39. Steele. 40. Santa Claus.

A set of 35 new questions was prepared and sent by mail, to those who gave the foregoing correct answers. Thus the ties were played off, so to speak, unsuccessful contestants and outsiders being barred. Following are answers to the new questions. In some cases the questions themselves are given, since they have not before been published. It was asked who wrote these:

1. "The Widowed Heart," Albert Pike; 2. "The Revellers," William Davis Gallagher, Mrs. Hemans; 3. "The Remarkable Wreck of the _Thomas Hyke_,"

Frank R. Stockton; 4. "Sicily Burns's Wedding," Geo. W. Harris; 5. "The Tar Baby," Joel Chandler Harris; 6. "The Only Daughter," Harriett Campbell, O. W. Holmes, Mrs. Henry Wood; 7. "The Semi-attached Couple,"

Hon. Emily Eden; 8. "Marco Bozzaris," Fitz-Greene Halleck; 9. "The Buckwheat Cake," Henry Pickering; 10. "Adams and Liberty," Robert Treat Paine, Jr.

Four riddles were propounded:

11. The Ghost in Hamlet. 28. La Grippe.


Four of a kind, four of a name, Loving one who was called the same.

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Harper's Round Table, May 21, 1895 Part 12 summary

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