Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy Part 2

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I quick picked them up and put them in my beauty chair.

After that, I skipped all around them. And I snipped their long white fur.

I singed a lovely song.

It is called "Snipping, Snipping, Snipping Their Long White Fur."

It was the funnest fun I ever even had.

After I got done, I holded them up to the mirror so they could see theirselves.

They did not smile.

"We're baldies," they said real soft. they said real soft.

I did a big breath at those guys.

"Yeah, only I already know you are baldies. But that is not my fault. 'Cause you kept on wiggling while I was tr.i.m.m.i.n.g you," I said.

I petted their heads very nice.

"Don't worry," I whispered. "'Cause bunny fur probably grows back, probably. I'm almost positive, sort of."

Then I hugged them real gentle. And I throwed them under my bed.

'Cause I didn't want Mother and Daddy to see them, that's why.

After that, I got in bed and did a sigh.

This job was going to take more practice than I thought.

5/Teddy and Tickle

My bunny slippers didn't grow their fur back.

I peeked at them the whole entire weekend. Only no fur growed at all. Not even a teensy fuzzy.

On Monday-at school-I didn't feel like playing at recess.

My bestest friend named Grace put her arm around me.

"What's wrong, Junie B.?" she said. "How come you don't want to play today?"

I hanged my head real glum.

"'Cause bunny fur doesn't grow back, that's why," I said. "Only who knew? And so now I can't be a beauty shop guy when I grow up, probably. And that was my hopes and dreams."

That Grace's eyes got big and wide at me.

"Hey! Me, too!" she said. "Being a beauty shop guy is my hopes and dreams, too! My aunt Lola owns her very own beauty shop. And she already said I could be a shampoo girl!"

Just then, my other bestest friend named Lucille started fluffing her fluffy hair.

"When I grow up, I'm going to be a client client," she said. "A client is the person who goes to the beauty shop and spends a small fortune."

She took a little brush out of her purse. And she started brus.h.i.+ng her hair.

"See how s.h.i.+ny my hair is? It's soft and silky, too. Soft and silky and well-conditioned."

She shaked it all around in the air.

"A woman's hair is her crowning glory," she said. "Want to feel it? Huh? Do you?"

After that, she shaked her hair all around in the air.

"You're getting on my nerves," I said.

Just then, that Grace clapped her hands real loud.

"Junie B.! Junie B.! I just thought of something! Maybe Aunt Lola will let you you be a shampoo girl, too! And so both of us can be shampoo girls together!" be a shampoo girl, too! And so both of us can be shampoo girls together!"

I did a gasp.

"Really, Grace? Do you really think she would? Really, really, really?"

Then I hugged that Grace as tight as I could.

'Cause guess what?

My hopes and dreams was back!

After I got home from school, I runned to my room speedy quick.

I grabbed my fuzzy teddy off my bed. And I zoomed to the bathroom.

My grandma Helen Miller shouted h.e.l.lo at me. She was in the nursery with my baby brother named Ollie.


After that, I locked the door real secret. And I filled the sink with water.

Then I dunked Teddy up and down. And I put shampoo on that guy.

I singed a happy song. It is called "Dunking Teddy Up and Down and Putting Shampoo on That Guy."

Only too bad for me. 'Cause pretty soon, Teddy's head got soaky wet with water. And he couldn't hold it up that good.

It flopped all around his neck.

I stood him up in the sink. He was a giant sog ball.

I felt sickish inside my stomach.

That's how come I wrapped him in a towel. And I hurried up back to my room.

After that, I patted his sog ball head real gentle. And I throwed him under the bed with my slippers.

I hanged my head real gloomy.

"Darn it," I said. "I am not a good shampoo girl, either. And so now I can never work at Aunt Lola's with that Grace, probably."

Just then, my dog named Tickle scratched at my door.

"Go away, Tickle," I said. "I am not in a playing mood."

But he kept on scratching and scratching.

I opened the door a teeny crack.

"I said to go away. Don't you even understand language? language?"

Only too bad for me. 'Cause Tickle springed right up. And he knocked open the door. And he runned into my room.

He zoomed around and around in circles.

Then finally, he got dizzy and p.o.o.ped. And he flopped on my rug.

I looked closer at that fellow.

"Hmm," I said. "Your fur is kind of tangly and matty. Only I never actually noticed that before."

I tapped on my chin.

"Maybe you should come to my beauty shop for a trim. 'Cause I already had practice. And so I can do better this time, I believe."

I did more thinking.

"Hey, yeah! And here's another good thing. Dog fur grows back. Right, Tickle? And so what do we have to lose? That's what I would like to know!"

I zoomed to my desk and got my s.h.i.+ny scissors.

Then I hurried back to Tickle.

And I gave him a hug.

And I trimmed his tangly, matty fur.

6/The Trouble with Tickle

Tickle did not turn out that professional.

His fur was choppy and moppish. Plus his tail was a teeny stubby.

I tried to push him under my bed. But he wouldn't even go.

"Yeah, only you have have to go under there, Tickle. Or else Mother and Daddy will see your fur. And I will be in trouble." to go under there, Tickle. Or else Mother and Daddy will see your fur. And I will be in trouble."

Just then, I heard feet walking in the hall.

Oh no!

It was Mother!

She was home from work!

I runned around real upset.

"Hide, Tickle! Hide! Hide!" I said.

Just then, I saw my fuzzy pink sweater!

I grabbed it out of my closet and throwed it on Tickle speedy fast!

Also, I grabbed my favorite hat with the devil horns. And I plopped it on his head.

All of a sudden, Mother opened my door.

I backed up from her.

"H-h-h.e.l.lo," I said kind of nervous. "How are you today? I am fine. Plus Tickle is fine, too."

I did a gulp.

"He is wearing clothes, apparently," I said.

Just then, Mother walked to Tickle real slow. And she took off his hat.

That is how come I quick runned out of my room. And down the hall. And outside into the yard.

'Cause I didn't want to be there when the sweater came off, of course!

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Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy Part 2 summary

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