Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy Part 3

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Mother chased me all over my yard.

That woman is speedier than she looks.

She caught me by my arm and marched me into the house.

After that, she sat me in a chair. And she said my goose is cooked, young lady goose is cooked, young lady.

Goose is cooked means that your goose is in big trouble. Only I don't actually have a goose. Only that was not the time to mention it, probably. means that your goose is in big trouble. Only I don't actually have a goose. Only that was not the time to mention it, probably.

Just then, my Daddy came home from work.

Mother tattletaled to him about Tickle.

Then both of them hollered a lecture at me.

It was called What in the World Has Gotten into Me, Young Lady? Do I Not Even Have Good Sense? And Do They Have to Watch Me Every Single Minute? What in the World Has Gotten into Me, Young Lady? Do I Not Even Have Good Sense? And Do They Have to Watch Me Every Single Minute?

After they finished yelling, Mother put me in my room. And she took away my scissors forever.

And here's the worstest part of all.

After dinner I had to take a bath and go right back to bed.

Mother kissed me on my cheek.

It was not that sincere.

"Yeah, only I am not even tired yet," I said. "And so maybe I should watch Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune, perhaps."

Mother shook her head.

"No way. No TV," she said. "If you're not tired, you can lie here and think about what you did today."

After that, she shut my door and walked away.

I did a huffy breath at her.

"Yeah, only I don't even have have to think about what I did today. 'Cause I already to think about what I did today. 'Cause I already thinked thinked about it, that's why," I whispered to just myself. about it, that's why," I whispered to just myself.

Then I did a teeny smile.

"And guess what else? I think I am making progress."

7/The Terriblest Trouble

The next morning I was very cheered up.

'Cause I knew what went wrong with Tickle!

Tickle has dog hair! And dog hair is harder to cut than people hair! 'Cause people hair is much more tamer!

I runned to the mirror and looked at my people hair.

"I bet I can cut this this kind of hair just perfect," I said. kind of hair just perfect," I said.

Just then, I heard the front door open.

It was my grampa Frank Miller! He was here to babysit me before school.

I runned and kissed that guy h.e.l.lo.

Then I zoomed right back to my room. And I hollered a message down the hall.


After that, I shut my door real tight. And I hurried to my desk.

'Cause guess what?

Extra scissors! That's what!

They were in my middle drawer where I keep them.

I opened and closed them real fast.

Then I skipped to my dresser.

And I combed my bangs silky smooth.

And I snipped their ends right off!

I peeked at myself kind of nervous.

And guess what?

I wasn't even ruined!

I smiled real thrilled.

"I knew knew I could do this! I knew it! I knew it! All I needed was practice!" I could do this! I knew it! I knew it! All I needed was practice!"

After that, I snipped some more bangs. Plus, I snipped some sides. And some top. And some back.

After I was finished, I looked in the mirror again.

I did a teeny frown.

"Hmm. My bangs do not look even-steven," I said.

That's how come I tried to even them up.

Only those dumb things kept getting tiltier and tiltier.

Finally, I got fusstration inside me. And I took a whole big hunk. And I cut them right off.

"Ha ha! So there!" I said.

I put down my scissors and looked at myself.

I did a gasp.

Oh no! My hair was sticking out all over the place!

"Sprigs!" I said. "I got sprigs!" I said. "I got sprigs!"

That's how come I started to cry. 'Cause sprigs are shortie little sticklets. And they are not attractive, I tell you.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Junie B., honey? You all right in there?" asked my grampa. "Okay if I come in?"


Grampa Miller laughed.

"Okay, okay. I get the message," he said. "I'll go make you a sandwich. You'd better hurry up, though. I've got to do some errands, so I'm driving you to school today."

His feet walked back to the kitchen.

I sat down on my bed real upset.

'Cause sprigs is the terriblest trouble I ever even saw.


I didn't know what to do.

How could I even go to school? 'Cause everyone would see my sprigs! And they would laugh and laugh!

That is how come I couldn't stop crying.

Only all of a sudden, a miracle happened. And it is called I spotted my hat with the devil horns I spotted my hat with the devil horns.

It was sitting on my desk right where Mother left it. And that hat gave me a good idea!

I quick picked it up and put it on my head.

And guess what?

It hided my sprigs!

"Hey! If I wear this to school, no one will even see my hair!" I said real relieved.

Only just then, I did a teeny frown.

"Yeah, only what if I'm playing on the playground...and somebody steals my devil horn hat off my head? Then everyone will see my sprigs. And they will laugh and laugh."

I thought real hard.

"Hmm," I said. "Maybe I can wear two two hats. That way, if somebody pulls off one hat, I will still have hats. That way, if somebody pulls off one hat, I will still have another another hat left." hat left."

I spotted my shower cap. It was lying on my chair.

I put it on under my hat.

"Yeah, only what if I'm playing on the playground...and somebody pulls off my devil horn hat...and then they pull off my shower cap, too? Then everyone will see my sprigs. And they will laugh and laugh."

I tapped on my chin.

"Three hats!" I said. "I will wear three hats to school! 'Cause that will give me a whole extra hat of protection!" hats!" I said. "I will wear three hats to school! 'Cause that will give me a whole extra hat of protection!"

I opened my bottom drawer and found my ski mask. 'Cause ski masks hide your whole entire everything!

I put the ski mask on my head. Then I put on my shower cap. And my hat with the devil horns.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Now n.o.body can see anything! Not even my nose!"

After that, I got dressed. And I skipped real happy to the kitchen.

Grampa Miller's eyes popped out at me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't go to school looking like that," he said.

That's how come I had to tell him a teensy beansy fib.

"Yeah, only today is crazy hat day. And my teacher said we can wear however many hats we want," I said.

Grampa Miller scratched his head.

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Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy Part 3 summary

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