Blur: A Sports Romance Part 4

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Thanks, Emmet. I laid my hand on his wrist. We are going to kick a.s.s in this game, me and you. I grabbed the back of his neck and b.u.t.ted his helmet with my own.

Okay men, thats it for the day, hit the showers and Ill see you in the A.M. called out Coach. Maxwell?

I looked over, and he was signaling to me to come to the bench. I jogged the short distance between us with my helmet in my hand. I was hoping to get a hot shower in and make a stop at Pus.h.i.+ng Daisies before heading back to my apartment. Whats up, Coach?

Great d.a.m.n work out there today, son. Real good.

Thanks. It felt good.

Good. Im not the only one to take notice. I followed his hand as he pointed up to the skybox. Richie Rich d.i.c.k Bag wants to see you. Coachs obvious distaste for our new owner didnt pa.s.s me by.

I rolled my eyes. Perfect, I mumbled. I had forgotten about Mike Richardson. Yeah, Ill head right up there, Coach.

Coach nodded and probably thought I was being a team player, good sport, nice guy, but really, I wanted to give that a.s.shole a piece of my mind. The anger I put aside the other day came flooding back, and I clenched my fist hard around my face mask as I took the stairs two at a time to the gla.s.s-enclosed box seats.

I reached for the handle of the door, and it swung open before I could put any leverage on it.

Maxwell! Man of the hour! Get your a.s.s in here. Mike took my hand, shaking it with his limp, baby-bottom fingers while pulling me into the room. You looked f.u.c.king great out there. I guess my gym did exactly what I intended it to do.

Right, your gym. The gym that you set up for me, to get me into shape, right? I was biting back hard not to lay into him about his lowlife scheme. Id let him get on his knees and beg me himself to throw the game, and then I would kick him square in his lying, cheating teeth. He could afford false ones to replace them.

And it worked. Were going to clean up on the next game.

I nodded. We certainly will.

Maxwell, with a man like you on this team, well all be rich and have that fancy Super Bowl ring to flash around. All the honeys will be wanting to play with us. Ya know what I mean? He elbowed me in the ribs. I can count on you to keep with the program, right?

I scrubbed at my face and pinched my mouth between my hands, urging my rage to settle. I had to play it cool. I wasnt going to throw my career out the window for this joker or anyone else. I had worked too hard. Ill keep up the good work, Mike. Are we finished here?

Yeah, sure, just one more thing"Im thinking of getting a new car, get some of the little chicker-roos hot in my pa.s.senger seat, what do you drive?

I narrowed my eyes. Why would Mike want to know what I drove? I was sure he had his pick of the litter when it came to vehicles, and maybe ladies, if he flashed enough dough. A Lexus.

Black, red?


Nice choice.

I shook my head. Good to know, Mike. I gotta hit the shower.

Big date?

My rage was on the edge. Nah, just going home. I walked out without another word.

The air on my moist skin and wet hair helped cool my mental state. I had to let Mike Richardson go and focus on my game, on that feeling I had prior to talking with him. It wouldnt do a bit of good for me to obsess about his wants. Id win the game, and he could sulk in his lost finances. It would serve him right to be out however much he had invested, and then maybe he would move on to a team he could actually manipulate.

I could see the early evening sun glinting off the paint job of my car in the back parking lot. A lot of the guys had already cut out while I had my little discussion with Richardson. There was a silhouetted figure leaning against the pa.s.senger side of my car. Squinting, I thought it might be Emmett. I started to jog towards my car.

Hey Emmett, need a ride? I yelled.

Cant speak for Emmett, but maybe you and I could pick up our talk from the other day, Adrian.

I stopped dead in my tracks, dropped my gear and curled my hands into fists as I looked at the face of the man in the leather jacket: Mike Richardsons goon.

Chapter Seven.

Mallory My cell phone rang minutes after I stepped through the front door to the flower shop. I was a good fifteen minutes early. I didnt recognize the number and thought it was Adrians, even though I couldnt remember giving him my cell phone number. h.e.l.l, at one point last night, I would have given him my bank account number. I let my voice drop to a sultry tone, trying to sound like I was lying in a bed of silk rose petals, naked, with a gla.s.s of wine in my hand. h.e.l.lo?

Well good morning there, sweetheart, is this Mallory asked a rough, deep voice on the other end.

I coughed and straightened up, feeling like a complete idiot, the imaginary wine spilled and me scrambling for my bathrobe. Yes it is.

This is Tom at Main Street Auto. Your car is ready.

Oh great! I exclaimed with a bit too much enthusiasm, trying to hide the embarra.s.sment that Tom couldnt see all over my features. Id forgotten about my car. It would be nice not to have to ride the train anymore. Then again, I also wouldnt need Adrian to drive me to work either, and I had to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed being chauffeured by him this morning. When can I pick it up?

No need for that, your brother made arrangements with us to have it delivered to your place of work today. Free of charge, he added at the end.

I smiled, even though Tom still couldnt see me. Of course he did, I thought to myself. Thanks Tom. Take your time, Ill be here until four. Do you know where I am?

Yes maam, your brother is very efficient.

That he is, I responded, then thought to myself, except when it comes to letting me know where he was or if hes okay. At least I knew he was close to home now. I clicked off the line and shook my head. I wondered if my brother would ever stop tampering in my life. Thank G.o.d he didnt show his face around the house last night, or this morning, for that matter. I thought about it and laughed. He would have flipped his lid, but then again, he had no right to"it was my house after all. I was free to do what and who ever I wanted in it, and if luck was on my side, and boy did I hope it was, Id be doing Adrian in it again tonight.

The memory of his hands on my hips last night and this morning made me s.h.i.+ver. He controlled the whole situation, and I let him. Maybe tonight Id make him purr like a kitten. I sighed, thinking of him calling me that, the best sounding nickname in the world. I perched my chin in my hands on my elbows, closing my eyes as I leaned against the counter and picturing his mouth forming the name over and over again, kitten.

Earth to Mallory, you there? Leslie was waving her hand in front of my face. When did you get in? I didnt see you on the train this morning.

I stood up and turned away from her, tying on my ap.r.o.n. I wondered if shed b able to tell that Id had s.e.x, twice. It hasnt been my intention to have s.e.x with Adrian. Yeah, sure, Id be lying if I said I didnt let the thought run through my mind, but I really didnt expect him to spend the night with me and then have me on my kitchen sink this morning. I bit my lip and smiled, remembering how he felt inside me, the way our bodies moved together and the extreme pleasure he pulled out of me with no effort at all. I wondered if he knew that it was my first and second time.

So when did you get here?

I shrugged and kept my back to her. I dont know, like twenty minutes ago?

She furrowed her brow. How? The trains only run every forty minuteswait, oh my G.o.d! she exclaimed. Adrian brought you.

I turned to her and narrowed my eyes. I didnt say that.

You didnt have to. Leslie started scanning my neck and chest with a broad grin, leaning in close.

I stepped back. What are you doing?

Im looking for hickeys, dork.

Oh my G.o.d Leslie, we arent teenagers!

So you arent denying you did do something? Her dark eyes went wide. Mallory, did you give your virginity to Adrian Maxwell?

I didnt say anything. I turned back to the work table and started to absently pull various flowers out of the bottom cooler and create makes.h.i.+ft arrangements as a distraction.

II cant believe it! Adrian Maxwell and my little innocent Mallory. I cant believe it, she repeated, barely able to hold back her excitement.

Cant believe what? Robbie had come in to the shop through the back door and was now standing behind the counter with us, eating a banana.

None of your business, snarked Leslie.

I gave her a quizzical sideways glance.

Whats up with the att.i.tude, Les? Robbie asked, jumping up to his usual seat on the counter.

Att.i.tude, you think this is att.i.tude? Why dont you go back home and play World of Geekdom with your virtual friends for another twelve hours, then youll see att.i.tude.

Oh, so youre mad about that?

I stood up between them. Hey kids, this is work. Lets be professional. I glared at Leslie with an I told you so stare.

Fine, she stated, blowing by Robbie and standing close to me. So are you two going to see each other again? I need the details, Mallory. Someone around this place ought to be getting some satisfaction she glared again at Robbie.

I shrugged. I hope so.

Oh wow man, thats right, you had your date with Adrian Maxwell. How did that go? Did you let him into your Silver Lining Playbook?

Leslie and I both glared at Robbie.

When he dropped me off, he said he would call, I said, turning my attention back to Leslie.

Well thats a good sign. Does he have your number?

I grimaced. I honestly dont remember if I gave it to him, it was all such a whirlwind.

What, did he tackle you in your end zone? He bounced his eyebrows playfully.

Both Leslie and I pointed to the backroom and yelled Get out, in unison.

Robbie jumped off the counter with his hands up, the limp banana peel hanging in his fingers. Broads! Cant live with em, cant play World of Warcraft with em.

Robbie Dittmar, I swear to G.o.d, if you dont get the h.e.l.l out of here right now I am going to tell your entire little internet buddy friend-circle what you really wear when you sit on your couch all night playing video games. Leslie pointed to the back room again.

Fine, you dont have to tell me twice. Just because Adrian scored a touchdown, youre both all up against me.

Apparently we do have to tell you twice, dumba.s.s. Get out. yelled Leslie.

Robbie relented with a pout and vanished into the storage room.

I lowered my voice and looked at Leslie. What does he wear when he plays video games?

An Ironman helmet.


And nothing else. She smirked sardonically.

My hands covered my mouth.

Enough about Robbie"if it werent for his amazing, magic d.i.c.k, Id kick myself for ever entertaining the thought of sleeping with him.

I raised my eyebrows. Les, that was way too much information way too fast. I have to look at him every day and now all I am going to see if an image of him in a superhero helmet and a magic wand for a p.e.n.i.s.

She shrugged and rolled her eyes, I cant help it Mal. Im an instantaneous, spontaneous nymphomaniac.

At least you can admit. Thats the first step, I teased.

How was it? she asked.

How was what? I desperately wanted to avoid this conversation.

Oh my G.o.d, s.e.x with Adrian, duh!

I bit down on my lips. Should I tell her? She was my best friend. I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it. It was nice.

Nice? Mallory, nice is masturbating with a new vibrator, this is Adrian Maxwell. He makes women come with a wink and a smile.

I gave her an unbelieving look. Hes just a guy, he isnt a G.o.d. In my mind, I knew that wasnt true. Adrian was a s.e.x G.o.d, a gorgeous, make my body shutter, unbelievable, I would do anything to feel his hands on me again, s.e.x G.o.d.

Really, just a guy? You do know that hesdated supermodels, right? I think he was seen in New York City during fas.h.i.+on week with that girl that won the last season of Americas Next Top Model.

Really? My eyes went wide.

Yeah, and last year, he dated that girl in the, oh d.a.m.n what is that the movie? You know the one, the girl with the long blonde hair and she did that amazing striptease with the balloons and then traveled with Jude Law to L.A. to be a real dancer?

I wasnt listening anymore. How was it possible for Adrian to be with me, the short, frumpy Mamma Celeste of Jersey, when he had been with models and movie stars? Did he call them kitten too? Maybe that was what he called all his girls when he had s.e.x with them.

My stomach turned. I needed air. How do I compete with that? Even if I was experienced in s.e.x, if I was the Wh.o.r.e of Babylon, Debbie Does Dallas, and the queen of the deep throat all in one, my little average girl look and flower shop career couldnt match what Adrian had access to.

Hey, Leslie put her hands on my shoulders, noticing my sudden funk, Hey, dont get upset. Hes totally into you. Look what he did to get you to go out with him and he only just met you. I am sure he is going to call you again.

I tried to smile and agree with her. Yeah, I know. Its fine, I mean, it didnt mean anything. He can call if he wants. I shrugged, but inside, I was falling apart. What if he was just using me? I had given myself, no, thrown myself at the man, practically screaming take my virginity with reckless abandon, but he had stayed the night and made me eggs. Maybe that was his M.O.? Maybe he always tried to leave the girls he screwed over with a lasting good impression, just to keep them in his back pocket. He probably had a woman in each city he went to, waiting with a frying pan and open legs for him. Was I going to be that girl here? Did Adrian Maxwell think Id be waiting for him whenever he needed a jag on a coffee table or a kitchen sink?

Hey, uh, Mallory, youre crus.h.i.+ng those roses.

I looked down at my hands and saw that I had squeezed the delicate rose blooms into piles of bruised petals. I swiftly brushed them into the waste basket. Sorry. Boy, was I ever sorry.

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Blur: A Sports Romance Part 4 summary

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