Blur: A Sports Romance Part 5

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Chapter Eight.

Adrian I dont know who you are, whether you work for Mike or not, and I dont really care. If you dont get the f.u.c.k off my hood right now, Im gonna pummel your a.s.s into the ground.

The man got up and held his hands up innocently. His smile didnt falter, and he didnt step away from my vehicle. He had better hope to all that was good he didnt scratch my paint job with his thrift store jeans.

Come on, Adrian, Im just doing my job here. This would go a h.e.l.l of a lot easier if youd listen to reason. It makes me go away, it makes anything else that might happen go away, and like I told you yesterday, it makes us all a little richer. No harm no foul.

My gear bag was where I dropped it as I took the few steps it took to get me up in his face. My words came out in a hiss through gritted teeth as I loomed over him. Get it through your little brain, a.s.shole, I want nothing to do with you, and I will never, never f.u.c.king throw a game. Not for you, not for anyone else.

I watched as he bit down on his lip, taking in my words but not really hearing me. He reached back behind him, and I poised to strike. If he had a gun, I might not get out of this unscathed, but d.a.m.n it, Id go down fighting.

He sensed me tense. Relax, man, I only want to show you something. Here, look. I found something the other day I think youd be interested in. The man had an object in his hand. It was too small to be a gun. I looked closer as my muscles released a little tension, but I kept my guard up just the same. He flicked his finger across the screen of a disposable cell phone. Here, you take it, have a little gander. I think youll be impressed.

I took the burner phone. The man crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back against my car once more. His eyes danced with expectant amus.e.m.e.nt.

I looked at the screen. There was a familiar picture from years ago of me in my first and only year of college at one of the many parties Id been to. I held the phone back to him. Whats your deal, man? Anyone can see those pictures on FaceBook.

Scroll through em, they get better. Go ahead, just swipe across the screen, its easy.

I took the phone in my hand again and scowled at him. I know how to use a d.a.m.n cell phone, even one as cheap as this piece of s.h.i.+t.

He shrugged. Gets the job done.

Im sure. My eyes dropped back to the screen, and I pushed aside the first picture to expose a second one of me down on one knee with a long tube to my mouth and a full funnel of beer over my head. I cringed.

Yeah, Id never picture you as a drinker, but back then He let the sentence trail off, then circled his finger in the air, indicating that I should keep going. They only get better after that one. Keep going, the antic.i.p.ation is killing me. He smirked and pretended to twitter with excitement.

I handed him the phone. No thanks I think we are done here.

I dont think so, buddy boy. He pulled out a set of keys and laid the tip of a solitary key point to the paint on the hood of my car. You can keep going and enjoy the show for free, or it can cost you a couple thousand in a new paint job. Either way, youre gonna look, your choice on the price.

f.u.c.k, fine. I threaded my fingers through my drying hair out of frustration, and then I scrolled to the next picture. It was a mug shot of me from that same year of college, numbered plaque and all.

That is one of my favorites, drunk and disorderly. he taunted.

The next one slid into view. It was a picture of my police record. It showed my arrest from when I was a teenager. How did he get a picture of that? Those records were supposed to be sealed. I was a minor. My father made sure I had a good lawyer and just happened to be friends with the local judge.

I should have served some time in juvenile detention for stealing that car, but I ended up with a summer of hard labor in community service, my dad kicking my a.s.s everyday in yard work when I got home. I knew I was fortunate and I should be thankful, so I never complained once about any of the work.

Its an interesting little picture isnt it? Sure would suck to have that information leaked to the press, he clicked his tongue and shook his head, and right before the game that could qualify you for the Super Bowl. By the looks of you out there today, man, you probably would have made MVP.

I was about to lose it. Shut your mouth. You have no idea why I did that. My family needed that f.u.c.king money to pay my brothers medical bills. I wasnt some jerk-a.s.s delinquent, it wasnt like that.

I thought I saw a flicker of understanding in his blue eyes.

You have to understand that. I did it to help, not to just steal a car. I dont know how you got those records, but it couldnt have been legal. No one will believe you, theyll think you doctored them"I was f.u.c.king sixteen years old, for G.o.ds sake.

The man placed his hand over his chest, that flicker of understanding replaced with mockery. Youre breaking my little heart. He pretended to pout. You want it to go away? You know what you have to do. Its not hard, Adrian. Its easier than getting daddy to pay your bail. He continued to leer at me. Really is a touching story, though, a real tear jerker. I bet the girls get wet just hearing about what a charitable, family-oriented man you have become, soldiering on through hards.h.i.+ps unknown. They ought to make it a movie. I can see it now, his hand went across the sky, Local boy does good, shows at ten and midnight.

f.u.c.k you. I said bluntly.

No man, f.u.c.k you if you dont get with the program, and it wont be by your girlfriend. h.e.l.l, maybe shed like to see what kind of man shes s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g. I can send her the pictures, you know.

The thought of this a.s.shole going anywhere near Mallory was my trigger. I pulled my fist back and grabbed his collar, slamming him down to the hood of my car, forgetting about the pristine paint job. I was going to mutilate his face.

Hey now, boys, whats all this? Maxwell, is that you? Holy h.e.l.l, get off each other, you d.a.m.n idiots! Whos that with you, Dawson? Coachs voice brought me back to my senses.

The man stood up, pus.h.i.+ng me to the side. He straightened the collar of his leather jacket and took a step toward the coach. Hey there, Coach. Great season so far. Boys look good out there.

Coach squinted to see the man in the dimming light of the sky. Do I know you, son? Maxwell, everything all right here?

The man continued to speak as I seethed. Oh yeah, Adrian and I go way back, college days. I got pictures, if you wanna see em. He held out the burner phone, and I jumped into action.

Ahh no need for that, there, ah, pal. Coach has seen plenty of old pictures of me from back in the day.

Coach looked suspiciously between the two of us. You know him, Adrian?

Yep, sure do. We were catching up, thats all. Got a little heated. I clapped my hand on the mans shoulder, squeezing as hard as my fingers could dig through the protection of his leather coat. We go way back.

Yeah we were trying to decide who got laid more in college. See Adrian here has experience in cars and well, Im an anytime, anywhere kinda lover.

My eyes must have been burning fire.

Coach nodded. Okay well if your friend here will excuse us, I need to talk to you Maxwell.

Sure thing, Coach, no problem. The game is important, we all wanna win. Dont we, old friend? The man pointed a thumb at my chest. Ill catch up with you soon, Maxwell, my boy.

Coach and I stood together in the parking lot next to my deposited gear and watched as the man in the leather jacket strolled with no real direction or need to hurry away from us.

Once he had rounded the corner, Coach turned on me. You want to tell me who the h.e.l.l that really was and why you were about to sacrifice your G.o.dd.a.m.n career to beat the s.h.i.+t out of him, right here in our stadium parking lot? Christ on a cracker, son, do you know what that would do to our image?

I bowed my head in apology, feeling like a teenager again. It was nothing. I shouldnt have taken it that far. Im sorry.

Bet your d.a.m.n a.s.s you are.

I am, I felt like a fool.

Listen, Maxwell, I know its hard to contain your rage, but d.a.m.n it, you got to think of the team, not just your own a.s.s. What you do here or anywhere else affects us all. Its all our out there on the line. I dont know who that hood was, but I know for s.h.i.+t sure he wasnt your long-lost fraternity brother. He looked like a thug, and we cant have that type of character hanging around here. You get me?

Yeah, I mumbled.

No, Maxwell, do you f.u.c.king get me?

Yes, Coach! I yelled.

Good! Now get your a.s.s home and stay the h.e.l.l off the streets tonight.

I grabbed my bag and flung it into my trunk, cursing under my breath the whole time. I should have told Coach that the goon was part of Mikes plan to use the team, but the Coach was right, I needed to think of the welfare of the team. Each one of those guys worked their off to get where we were, they deserved to go to the champions.h.i.+p, and I would be d.a.m.ned if I was going to throw that away for leather-face and Mike Richardson. I was going to fight back. I was going to stand my ground, no matter what it took.

Chapter Nine.

Mallory I felt the cold stone on my fingertip as I traced the letters and numbers that had been carved out of the gray granite rocks surface. Their edges had begun to smooth with the variants of weather. Rain, snow, and wind all took toll on the dual headstone after five years.

Ma, Pops, I smiled as I talked out loud, gazing at the photos that were inset on either side of the stone. I wish you were still here so you could tell me what to do.

I let my eyes dart to my car, then back to the stone. I felt foolish, sitting there in the gra.s.s of the cemetery talking to pictures, but I needed to talk, and there wasnt really anyone around that I could be completely honest with. I touched my mothers face. Ma, hes so good looking. I think you would have liked him"and he can cook. I laughed. And Pops, he plays sports, you could have placed some nice bets on him with your buddies, for sure. I mean, I havent exactly seen him play yet, but I think he might be good, real good.

I sighed and pulled at some blades of gra.s.s. The sun was setting, and I rubbed at my arms. It isnt easy to find a good man in Elizabeth anymore. Giovanni is never around anymore, and Im in that house all by myself most nights. It would be nice to have some company, ya know?

I touched my fathers picture. I dont know if I should trust him, Pops. I mean, you make every man pale in comparison, the way you loved Ma. How do I know if hes the right one? How do I know he isnt going to throw me aside for the next girl that catches his eye?

I looked at my parents as they stared back at me with their eternal expressions. Les says I should go with it, see where it leads, but we all know Leslies track record. I wish you could give me an answer. I mean, I feel him with me, like hes always around, and I havent known him but a few days, but I havent felt someones presence in my life like this, well since you left.

I felt a hot tear sting the corner of my eyes, and I quickly brushed the back of my hand over my face and looked to the sky to hold back the tears.

When Ma and Pops died five years ago in a car accident, I cried every day for a month, and then I cried at every holiday for the first year, and their birthdays, and my birthday for the next two. Now, I only cried when I came here, but I was managing to hold that back better. It almost felt like an obligatory ritual. I wish you could meet him. If you met him, then you could tell me. If he was hered.a.m.n it. I swiped at my eyes again and tried to concentrate on the other stones.

My breath caught in my throat when I realized I wasnt alone. I mean, I knew my parents and the family members of others were around me, but I wasnt the only living person in the cemetery that evening. I tried to focus on the person. Were they hearing me gus.h.i.+ng to my deceased parents? Ugh, I felt silly and embarra.s.sed. I laid a kiss from my fingertips to each of my parents pictures and started towards my car. Unfortunately, in order to get to my car, I had to walk right by the newcomer. I kept my head down and took quick-paced steps to reach my car without being noticed and being respectful to the person who was also obviously grieving. But then I heard footsteps stop.

Mallory? Is that you, Mallory?

My head snapped around at the sound of Adrians voice. Did I slip and fall, hitting my head on a gravestone? How was he standing here? Why was he standing here? I stood still, caught partway between my car and Adrian. Do I keep going and let him be or do I have a conversation with him, here in the cemetery? What do I say, who are you visiting?

Adrian rescued me. I wasnt expecting to see you. Doyou have family buried here?

I nodded.

Yeah, me too.

There was a pause, but it was peaceful between us. He was making me more comfortable. How could he do that so easily? I pointed toward where I had traveled from My parents are over there.

His eyes went wide. I didnt know. Im sorry.

I shook my head and pinched my lips in between my teeth. Thank you. It was a while ago. I took a step toward him. He was standing beside a small headstone with the name Maxwell engraved on it. Under that were the words Beloved Son and a date. I wasnt sure what to say. It could be any of his male relatives, or, and I hesitated to even think it, this grave could be for his own son. It wasnt out of the realm of possibility. He was twenty-five, and hed been in a lot of relations.h.i.+ps. At least, thats what the world seemed to see.

Again, when I couldnt find the words to ask, Adrian spoke for me. This is my brother Alex. He snaked his arm around my waist. Alex, this is Mallory.

I smiled. You talk to him?

All the time. Whenever I need to hash out a problem, Ill stop by and have a brother-to-brother moment. It helps me to think things through with some level-headedness, instead of making jump decisions or acting irrationally.

Thats nice. I sometimes come up here to talk with my parents, too, when no one else is around, or I think no one would get me.

Adrian gave my waist a small squeeze. When he was alive, we fought like Irish banshees. Hed p.i.s.s me off, Id kick the c.r.a.p out of him, and then our parents would make us sit at the table and hash it all out until we found an even playing ground we both could live with. I think he really resented being pushed around like that. He was a stubborn a.s.s, sometimes.

I shuffled my feet wanting to ask Adrian what had happened, but wasnt sure if I should. People knew about my parents"it had been headline news when the accident happened, and being that my father was a big figure in the doings of certain activities, it was big news on the streets in New Jersey. My parents pa.s.sed away in a car accident. They were run off the road by a man with some real mental issues. He thought they were following him, even though they were in front of him. Drove them off the side of an embankment, they were both killed instantly.

I watched as Adrian ran his fingers through his hair. Maybe I had explained too much. Oh G.o.d, what if his brother also died in a car accident or was mentally unstable? My stupid stream of conscious mouth never shuts up. Im sorry. I didnt mean to upset you. I said in a meek tone.

He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. That must have been so difficult for you. Im the one whos sorry, Mallory.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of his freshly showered skin. Alex died from alcohol poisoning. He started drinking when he was a teenager, and no matter what we did, he couldnt stop. Even when his liver was compromised and he was hospitalized, he just couldnt stop. My parents tried to save him, got him treatment, made promises, gave him ultimatums. The disease was stronger than all of us.

I looked up in his face and those glorious, green eyes were shadowed and wet. I stretched up on my tip-toes to get as close to his face as I could and I kissed his cheeks. Im sorry. You didnt have to tell me that. It must have been difficult for you to deal with, seeing your brother destroy himself when you cant save him. I knew that feeling. I held him close and could feel his heart beating in his chest.

I forgave him a long time ago. I know he tried, he just wasnt strong enough. The flowers you arranged for me that first day, those were for Alex. I hope he knows I forgive him, and that he actually contributed to my success. His death is what drove me to clean up my act and get serious about my career. I wanted to be able to support my parents after all they did"not just for Alex, but for me as well.

I thought I was going to cry. Adrian was a compa.s.sionate, caring man. How could I have ever thought he would use me? People only saw the media image of him. I had to believe this was the real Adrian. And thats when I knew he was what I wanted. I should head back. I havent been home since, I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I thought about the last time I was home, perched up on my kitchen sink. Well, since you were there this morning. I felt the timid smile playing on my lips.

Okay. Im going to stay here a bit longer, but can I call you later? he asked in a thoughtful tone that was oddly weird for his usual alpha demeanor.

Are you okay?

Adrian nodded and cupped my face placing a feather light kiss to my lips. With you, I am perfect. I just need to think through a few things before I leave. Okay?

I nodded my head in his hands, not wanting to leave him or feel his fingers lift from my skin. Here, before I forget, let me put my number in your phone.

I waved to him as I walked down the slight slope to my car. Through my window, I could see him, with his back to me, his head hanging low as he talked to Alex. My heart ached for us both as I pulled away from the curb and started around the curve towards the exit of the cemetery.

What the h.e.l.l? I yelled in the confines of my car, once I had rounded the corner. Standing in front of me, directly in my path was my brother, Giovanni.

I slammed on my brakes, inches from running my b.u.mper into his kneecaps. My knuckles were white with the death grip I had on my steering wheel. I sucked in a lungful of air and let a moment pa.s.s as I traveled out of the shock of what nearly happened.

Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, Giovanni! What the h.e.l.l are you doing? I could have killed you! I screamed, getting out of my car and leaving the drivers side door open in the middle of the cemetery road. You a.s.shole. My small fist struck his chest beneath his leather jacket.

Giovannis hands gripped my forearms, and he shook me. Nice family reunion. What the f.u.c.k are you doing here?

I looked at him, astonished, taking a step back. Im visiting our parents. Did you forget theyre buried here? If you took one f.u.c.king moment out of your selfish life and paid them a visit, you might remember that. I yanked my arms out of his grip and rubbed at the bruising skin. You think theyd be proud of you running around with Luca and Nick every d.a.m.n day, and me not knowing if you are dead or alive or dumped in the f.u.c.king river? Pops would kick your a.s.s.

He ran his hand over his face and took an aggressive step forward. I meant, what the f.u.c.k are you doing with Adrian Maxwell?

I opened my mouth to lay into him again, and then I registered the words that were coming out of his mouth. What? What are you talking about? Oh my G.o.d, you f.u.c.king jerk, did you tap the house?

Giovannis eyes were on fire. Hes been in our house?

I drew back and opened my mouth indignantly. My house, Giovanni, its my house.

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Blur: A Sports Romance Part 5 summary

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