Celta: Heart Secret Part 28

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The elder Mugworts and Tiana also took their chairs, and Garrett sank into hisa"a deep maroon leather furrabeast deal with bra.s.s studsa"not as faded as the others because it had been in a corner. Rusby trotted through the open door and jumped onto Garrettas knee and sat up.

I am Rusby Primross, he announced.

From the smiles on the othersa faces, theyad all heard him.

aArtemisia told us about you,a Quina Mugwort, Artemisiaas mother, said. aWelcome.a Thank you. The little catas head swiveled. Where is the racc.o.o.n?

aRanda is still primarily nocturnal,a Artemisia said. aSheas exploring the bushes around the House.a Garrett caught himself clearing his throat again. He didnat like the weakness. aI will have to speak with her about the case.a Artemisiaas lips pressed together, then she said, aVery well.a aNow,a Sinjin Mugwort, Artemisiaas father, said, awe should formally offer Garrett our alibis.a aThank you,a Garrett said again. He hadnat said that phrase so often in years.

aI was at a spiritual vigil at GreatCircle Temple,a Tiana offered, with a professionally serene expression on her face covering a turmoil of emotions Garrett sensed. Unlike her mother and her sister, the priestess didnat have a deep inner calm. She continued, aAs Artemisia was on a vigil with you while you suffered from the Iasc sickness at the Turquoise House. That can be proven for us both.a aIt has been,a Garrett agreed.

The elder Mugworts relaxed.

aAnd my HeartMate and I were here,a said Sinjin mildly.

Garrett knew instinctively that the man had told the truth. His whole manner was that of a person with great honor. Too bad the newssheets had smirched that.

aBalmHeal Residence,a Sinjin raised his voice.

aYes, Sinjin?a aYou can submit physical evidence that my HeartMate and I were here in your Residence at the time of the murder?a aOf course. I have sent data regarding youra"aha"activities, breathing rate and pulse and so on, for the time that the experts believe that the murder occurred to TaHawthorn Residence for Laev TaHawthorn, who is handling this matter for the FirstFamilies. He will share it with the guards if necessary.a aActivities?a Sinjin said blankly.

His wife chuckled but turned pink.

aWell, thatas awkward,a the former judge said.

Garrett kept his amus.e.m.e.nt from showing. aBut very lucky.a Quina laughed, winked at her husband. aHe often gets lucky.a aThe data has been transferred to GentleSir Primrossas office, too, since he is in charge of this investigation. I have confirmed with all the Residences of the FirstFamilies that they agree that the Turquoise Houseas information about Artemisiaas alibi is true,a the Residence said. aThey have informed their lords and ladies.a It was evident to Garrett that the Residence loved Artemisia most.

I told everyone, too! Rusby said.

aOf course you did.a Artemisia reached out and petted the kitten, who arched under her fingers. Garrett wished shead put her hand on his thigh instead.

aAnd the highest priest and priestess in the land vouch for Tiana,a Garrett said. He slanted a smile at Quina and Sinjin Mugwort, who were holding hands, then continued softly, aNeither of you have stepped foot on Druida streets for fifteen years.a Sinjin blinked as if in surprise, looked around the room and at his Family and out to the gardens, then inclined his head. aI hadnat quite realized, the estate is large with many pleasures.a He squeezed his ladyas hand. aBut you are correct, Garrett. We have remained behind the walls except for a time or two when we have teleported to GreatCircle Temple to take part in a ritual Tiana was officiating.a He swept a hand around him. aIt is not easy to teleport into or out of the Residence and beyond the estateas s.h.i.+elds, but with preparation it can be done.a An antique timer on the fireplace mantel bonged and they all looked at it.

aI didnat realize it was so late,a Tiana murmured. aI should retire; I have a dawn ritual tomorrow.a She rose.

Artemisiaas mother and father stood, too. Artemisia followed and Garrettas pulse began to pump a little faster as he placed Rusby on his shoulder and got to his feet. It was night and he was here with his HeartMate. Everyone else was going to bed.

Artemisiaas mother looked him up and down. aWe will put you back into the second-floor sickroom and talk tomorrow.a Garrett was pretty sure the room head been in was nowhere near Artemisiaas. Her Family was very protective.

They must have seen her distress over the past couple of days and now understood head caused it. So they didnat want him near her tonight.

aI have requested all information regarding GentleSir Garrett Primross from all Residences and the Turquoise House,a BalmHeal said.

Garrett winced. Despite his rea.s.surances, the Residence wasnat on his side. Or, rather, the side of HeartMates. d.a.m.n.

But the bond between himself and Artemisia was wide open and fizzed with attraction and desire. He kept his expression serious. aFine with me.a He let everyone precede him and stayed close to Artemisia. Her desire was mounting like his own.

aIall feed Rusby another small meal.a Anything to keep his kitten happy and maybe sleeping when he found Artemisia or she found him.

At the door Tiana stopped and looked at Artemisia and Garrett behind her. aSpeaking of Leger Cinchona, heas proceeded quickly with regard to Apollopa Park. Heall be having a cleansing and reconsecration ceremony at twinmoonsrise a little after EveningBell tomorrow. He invited you.a Tianaas smile was quick and sincere. aBoth of you. He seemed to believe that you were together.a aWe are,a Garrett said.

aAnd Leger thought I would speak to you,a Tiana said.

aYou did,a he added blandly.

aUm-hmm. Good night.a A longer pause and a sly smile from her that matched her dancing eyes. aAnd sweet dreams.a The priestessas glance lit on her hand in hand parents and her gaze softened. aYouare invited, too, of course. It would be good for you to go into the city, do something other than teleport to GreatCircle Temple and back.a aWeall think about it,a Quina said.

Tiana glanced aside, then back. aYou always say that.a aWeall think about it,a Sinjin said.

Tianaas expression lit with joy. aAnd you donat.a She hugged them both solidly, kissed her father, then her mother on their cheeks. Garrett thought this was the usual nightly custom and felt another twinge of envy.

aGood night,a called Tiana and went up the stairs, turning right at the top of the landing at the second floor.

Artemisiaas parents lingered at the bottom of the stairs and stared at hima"well, the guy watched him with resignation after head hugged and kissed Artemisia. Artemisiaas mother did the same, then glared at Garrett until her older daughter went upstairs. Garrett listened and heard her footsteps continue to the third floor, then lost track of them.

Food! Rusby prompted.

aSure.a Garrett nodded to the older Mugworts and turned to take care of his Fam. aGood meeting you. Iall see you in the morning,a he said.

Rusby was sleeping, splayed with kitten abandon in the middle of Garrettas bedsponge. He stood at the window, staring out past the deep dark of the estate at the lights of the city and the distant hulk of the stars.h.i.+p Nuadaas Sword, body tight and yearning for his HeartMate.

She wasnat asleep, that he knew.

But it didnat appear as if she was coming to his bed, either. He wasnat sure what would happen if he prowled to her room. Would the Residence wake the elder Mugworts? Would the House give a running commentary of his actions? How private was Artemisiaas room? Garrett didnat care for the idea of the House watching.

Recording pulse rates was bad enough. And how often did it do that, and why?

And he couldnat wait any longer.

No choice, he had to get out of the sentient House and lure Artemisia into his arms. He was real sure the Residence wouldnat keep him from leaving . . . or leaving the entire estate, either, though it shouldnat have control over the walls.

He s.h.i.+fted his shoulders. He didnat know what most Residences were capable of, let alone this one that had been the first HealingHall built by the Earthan colonists.

He found his boots and slipped them on. His trous were still being cleansed since they werenat around anywhere. He hesitated as he looked at his sword propped in the corner, but didnat take it. He did buckle his belt and slip his blazer into the holster.

Soft footed, he opened his door, closed it behind him. Again he paused, but head already decided not to bespell Rusby into a heavy sleep. That was wrong. Head sense if Rusby came after him or was in danger from any animals that might roam the estate.

It wasnat right to spells.h.i.+eld the door, either, in this House that had welcomed him and wasnat his, on a room that was primarily for the sick.

And though the Residence didnat say anything, low-glowing spell-lights lit as he walked down the hall and the stairs, through the greatroom and to the wide front door.

He eased that door open and slipped into the night. When he was far enough away from the Residence that he didnat think it could feel him, he tugged on the ropelike link between himself and Artemisia, called to her, mind to mind. HeartMate?

There was a slight jerk of surprise on her part.


Who else? He put all the emotions he had for her in his wordsa"desire, tenderness, respect, affectiona"and sent his need down their bond. Come to me.

She was silent.

Come to me. Come show me some of your home, he coaxed. He didnat hide his pa.s.sion, didnat pretend he didnat want to make love with her. But he didnat overwhelm her with desire, didnat make it primary. The night is wonderful, the stars and the sky.

Somehow that tipped her decision. Iall be there.

Head been correct in remembering her staring out the window at night. He allowed himself a satisfied smile, faded back into the s.p.a.ce that should have been a hard-packed gliderway, and looked up, trying to see a glow of light from her window. There wasnat one, which meant that her room probably was in the back of the House, with a view beyond the city.

Oh, yes, he knew where he was now. BalmHeal estate was tucked into the very northeast corner of the city, with its north and east walls the great city walls. He wasnat sure of the dimensions of the sanctuary, but he could learn that later. Maybe.

He didnat want to think about any more future than the next few minutes.

And then she opened the door and his heart beat faster. She wore the expensive s.h.i.+mmery silver robe that Lark Holly had given her. As she walked, it flowed against her body, showing the lush curve of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s or hips. She didnat appear to be wearing anything under the garment.

His mouth dried.

She moved to him and smiled and everything in the whole world got brightera"the galaxies of stars, the twinmoons silver bright, the very atmosphere around him.

aGarrett,a she whispered.

aYouare gorgeous,a he said. He took her hand and his s.e.x hardened, l.u.s.t seared through him, and his movement was jerky as he drew her arm through his own. The fragrance of her own s.e.xual readiness rose to him and he had to freeze so he wouldnat pounce. He must go slow so he wouldnat frighten her or disappoint her or make her wish that shead never had a HeartMate. Most important, he had to ensure she wouldnat regret making love with him. Not tonight, not tomorrow morning, not ever.

aBalmHeal estate,a he said in as much of a conversational tone as he could manage. aFirstGrove, the original Healing Grove and HealingHall.a He stopped to draw a huge breath of air into his lungs. aThe secret sanctuary of Druida that calls to the desperate. The hidden garden.a He glanced around at the huge treesa"Celtan and even Earthan and hybrids. Managed to get his feet going, one step after another, looked down to see her face tilted up to his, lovely, smiling, happy.

That was good. Good start. Keep going.

His side tingled where her arm was. They were linked together in the most innocent of ways, but connected physically enough to make him light-headed. aDid I tell you that Iave been having dreams about a secret garden?a Her smile widened into a beam. aNo.a aItas a rusty iron gate, with curlicues, and a turquoise pool beyond. Lots of plants.a Her eyebrows peaked in question. aHmm.a aLike this,a he said, and sent her an imagea"then regretted it when he saw in his mindas eye that he wore his weapon harness with his sword and his holster with his blazer.

aOh.a It was a soft exclamation. aI know where that is, one of the enclosed gardens with a minor Healing pool. Itas rectangular. We like the curved ones better, and the major pool is a series of curves.a aThis garden and pool is on the estate?a If it wasnat often visited by the Mugwort Family, that was all to the good.

aYes.a She laughed quietly. aBut it wonat be the amber color of the sun. Not tonight.a aNo.a A thought occurred. aWhat of the sacred grove that was included in the mural on TQas wall that I liked so much?a She dipped her head. aYes. We have several groves here, the main Healing Grove, of course, close to the primary Healing pools, and, um, three groves we use for rituals. The most sacred grove is the farthest from the House, near the southwest corner of the estate and the southern door.a He gave up the idea of making love with her there. Too d.a.m.n far. He could barely think and talk and walk at the same time and was holding on to the threads of his control.

aWhat about the garden in my dreams? How, uh, close is it?a Again he thought of the vision, yeah, there was groomed gra.s.s there, good enough for nice loving. If the d.a.m.n vision was true. He had no doubt he and Artemisia would make this place their own. He hurried the pace a little, hoping they were going in the right direction. Theyad been walking diagonally from the House, southeast.

She tugged on his arm and he followed her turn to the north. aThat hidden garden is between the House and the herbal stillroom building.a aClose?a He slowed his steps so he could bend his head to hers, brush his lips against her temple, breathe in the fragrance of her.

aYes,a she whispered.

Artemisia knew what would happen, that she and her HeartMate were heading toward s.e.x. Quivers slipped along her nerves, her nipples tightened, her palms dampened, and so did her core.

He wanted her, probably as much as she wanted him. His need was a fire along their bond, a red orange ravaging hot pa.s.sion.

She liked it and enjoyed knowing that the desire was for her and matched her own. She could see the faint sheen of perspiration on his cheek, on his neck, and his chest revealed by the V of his loose tunic-robe. He smelled good, the best male smell that shead ever experienced.

She withdrew her arm from where he had it clamped against his side and took his hand. As she did she thought she heard a catch of his breath and maybe a small groan, which had her wetting her lips in antic.i.p.ation.

Yes, she wanted this and wanted him.

Head hurt his body to find her and come to her.

Head bared his emotions earlier in the day to show his most inner self to her, reveal all his doubts and fears and faults.

She had plenty of those herself, but it was time to set the emotional aside and let the physical rule.

They paused at the gates of the garden, rusted open as head seen in his dream, and she squeezed his hand as she led him through, wondering why it was this place that head seen instead of anywhere else on the estate.

The pool gleamed in the twinmoonslight. Shead no sooner stepped on the thick turf than he dropped her hand and turned to her.

His face was taut with desire, his gaze intense, with dilated eyes. They stood looking at each other, then he touched the tabs at the top of her shoulders and her robe fell in silver waves at her feet. He stared at her, and his eyes fired, his chest rose and fell with ragged breathing. All combined to spin l.u.s.t thick enough in the air to envelope them.

aIam finally here,a he said. aWith you. And you are so beautiful.a


He reached out and touched her above her heart, and the brush of his fingers on her breast had her nipples aching. She couldnat bear it, needed more of his hands on her, and her hands on him.

She stepped toward him, swayed closer as his wide and callused palm pressed against her breast, slid her fingers down the front overlap of his tunic, and opened it. More of his scent came to her, musky, tempting. She swallowed and tasted sweet desire.

Her hands flattened on the hard musculature of his chest, his hair teasing her sensitive palms. aIam not the only beautiful one here,a she said and heard her voice low and panting. She touched the waistband of his trous and they fell away, too, revealing his thick s.e.x hard and ready. Her core clenched, and this time she whimpered. aYes,a she managed to whisper.

And he stepped from his trous, lifted her easily, and she was spun and placed supine on the dense gra.s.s, and the fragrance of crushed herbs imbued the night.

He knelt beside her and she focused on the strong, angular lines of his face. Lifting a hand he stroked her cheek and his wide mouth smiled. aArtemisia.a Her name sounded soft and lyrical, shead never forget that, and no one else would say it as well as he. Her heart pounded.

Then his face came close and his mouth pressed against hers, his tongue feathered along her lips, and she opened her mouth to him. Opened all of herself to him, the bond between them wide, wide and nothing but need.

Her fingers went to his face, traced the angle of his jaw. Such a dear face, she hadnat known how much shead wanted to touch it and kept her hands there.

His hands curved over her shoulders, then stroked down her, caressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, rubbing lightly over her muscles until all of her ached and strained. And his tongue plunged into her mouth, probed, tangled with hers until the taste of him dizzied her with yearning.

He spread his fingers around her hips, swept his thumbs up and down on her stomach, and again a whimper broke from her. She arched into his touch, pulled her mouth away to beg, aPlease. Please.a Nodding seriously, he brushed her swollen lips with his thumb. aI will please you. You and myself.a His breath trembled out of him and she was glad to see that. Her body clenched as he moved his fingers to cup her b.u.t.t and squeezed.

Thinking sieved away, replaced by sensation. She let her hands slide down his strong neck, along the utterly male broadness of his shoulders.

And he was moving over her and between her legs and was a dark shadow against the bright sky as if he were a black nebula himself, full of awesome power.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 28 summary

You're reading Celta: Heart Secret. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Robin D. Owens. Already has 504 views.

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