Celta: Heart Secret Part 29

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His hips moved as he found her entrance and steadily surged in. She gasped at the luscious friction, the feeling of fullness, of completion. Yes!

Her hands went to his back, her fingertips pressing into the deep ridge along his spine. So big. So muscled. Just wonderful. She wrapped her legs around his hips, moaned at the fabulous sensation. Heated s.e.xuality bound them tight, their hearts beating fast together, their lungs pumping hard.

She strove for the o.r.g.a.s.m, but it was just beyond her reach without one . . . more . . . movement. Her gaze went to his and locked.

The world fell away. There was only him and her, only the savoring of the keen edge of pa.s.sion. Loving that would slice deep but bind them together, not cleave them apart.

He reached out with shaking fingers and slipped them into her hair. aSoft. All of you. Silky.a He closed his eyes and his jaw clenched and his hips rocked and it was good enough for her to moan again, beg again, aPlease.a His chest expanded and she heard his breath. She needed. She would get. His back was damp as her hands ma.s.saged up it. His nostrils pinched. She touched his nape and was rewarded with another stroking, another stoking of her l.u.s.t. Almost, almost.

She moved her fingers to the front of his shoulders, and trailed her nails down the front of him, at his nipples.

He yelled and his hips pistoned and she grabbed on for the ride, the heat, the spiraling pleasure surging, surging, bursting until she exploded like a sun herself.

He moaned long and low, breath rattling, and they rolled and him inside her was fabulous. She saw the curled golden bond, the HeartBond, stopped herself from reaching for it, from trying to tie them together forever. Her deepest self needed for him to offer the bond. She would not.

And he stopped groaning and his arms fell away from her and she rested on his chest, on his body, such a manas body that shead never had before. Incredible, the strength of him.

She heard the rustle of sound as he reached for something, then felt the exquisite glide of silkeen on her skin as he draped her robe over her. He kissed her head. aSleep.a He sighed.

So she did.

Something tugged his hair, and he opened his eyes to see two masked racc.o.o.ns snuffling at him. A feeling of doom engulfed him. Only the fact that sharp wild animal teeth were near his face. Only that. Not another foreshadowing. He didnat want another forewarning.

He sat up and the larger racc.o.o.n squeaked and retreated under a bush. In the lightening sky of dawn, her bright eyes gleamed as she watched him.

The other, smaller one scampered around him to the far side of Artemisia. He and his lovera"his lover! his HeartMatea"had been sleeping side-by-side.

I AM RANDA MUGWORT AND I AM THE FAMRACc.o.o.n TO MY FAMWOMAN, ARTEMISIA! she shouted mentally as if he were mind deaf. She sat back, her long forepaws clasped together.

aI hear you fine.a His own voice rasped. He rubbed the back of his neck where the feeling of dread had lodged, ready to slither down his spine.

My FamWoman said my dam and I had to talk to you. Randaas glance darted to the larger one under the bush. About the big red anger who killed the man and hurt me. Randa trembled with fear.

Garrett wanted to stroke her but knew that wouldnat be allowed.

We are here. Also, my dam found a piece of the bad thing and hid it.

aThe knife sheath?a He formed the image in his mind and projected it to both racc.o.o.ns. The elder one yipped.

Artemisia snuffled beside him, rose to an elbow, and the movement attracted his gaze to her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His mouth watered and he suppressed the stirring of his body. Not right now. Dammit, he had to deal with skittish racc.o.o.ns and murder right now, not sweet loving.

aArtemisia!a called Quina Mugwort.

Expression confused, Artemisia sat up, pus.h.i.+ng her hair out of her face. aWhaa?a aArtemisia! Primary HealingHall has scried and needs you there to start a s.h.i.+ft ASAP!a ah.e.l.l,a she grumbled. She turned to Garrett, wrapped her arms around him, and gave him a satisfying kiss that included sweeps of her tongue and a good squeeze. aLater.a She stood, bent, and picked up her robe. aIam aporting to my room,a she called to her mother, then disappeared.

The rustling march of footsteps kept coming in his direction. ah.e.l.l,a he muttered himself, hopped to his feet. The older racc.o.o.n shrieked and shot through the gate. Didnat want to be trapped. Garrett ran to the pool and dove in to clean off s.e.x. It was cold. Colder than any Healing pool had a right to be. More like a d.a.m.n cold plunge pool. Head never liked those. But he didnat have a problem with arousal anymore.

Artemisiaas mother strode through the rusted gate and looked at him in the pool, the heap of his clothes. She was carrying folded cloth. aArtemisia isnat here,a she said.

Pretty obvious, and, c.r.a.p, he wasnat staying in the d.a.m.n pool, shriveling his b.a.l.l.s. The gra.s.s and herbal groundcover might show loving, but he wouldnat smell of it anymore.

aNo, she teleported to her room when you yelled about the s.h.i.+ft at Primary HealingHall.a He swam to the rounded steps in the corner and slogged up and out.

A triumphant smile lurked at the corners of the Healeras eyes. She held out her arms with the bundle, saying, aHere are your trous and a good, st.u.r.dy s.h.i.+rt.a She hadnat bothered to bring a towel. Good thing it was high summer. He took the clothes from her and pulled them on. aThanks.a He grabbed his liners and boots and put them on, too.

aYouare welcome.a She didnat really mean that.

Randa loped up and pawed at his boots, leaving scratches; he was glad he didnat mind that sort of thing, either.

aOh.a Quina stepped back. aI didnat see you, Randa.a Garrett picked the racc.o.o.n up; her fur was thicker, seemed more layered than a catas, and not as soft. He cradled her in the elbow of his arm.

FamMan needs to talk to me about the big red anger, Randa said, then hid her pointed nose and muzzle between his arm and side.

aShe seems to trust you,a Quina said thoughtfully.

aIam a trustworthy guy.a aHmm.a Now she looked him up and down again. aMaybe.a But her mouth pinched under lines.

My mother is running, running, running. We need to catch up! Randa said.

aIall leave you to your business.a He gave a half bow.

aYou really are my Artemisiaas HeartMate?a aI really am.a Quina Mugwort swallowed. aShe does not have a HeartGift to give you. Due to the extremities of our scandal, that was taken from her, her Pa.s.sages were rushed.a The woman looked at him, eyes tearful. aShe should have been a FirstLevel Healer, but rushed Pa.s.sages constrain that.a aWhat!a Tears slid down Quinaas face. She didnat wipe them away but gestured as if wiping the past away. aItas done and canat be undone, best not to brood on it.a As he had brooded on the past, and Artemisia hadnat. Ire lit within him. What had her parents been doing that they couldnat give Artemisia a good environment to experience her Pa.s.sages? Head find out.

He petted Randa. aI need to go now.a Courtesy was pulled from him to this woman much like his HeartMate. aMerry meet.a aAnd merry part.a aAnd merry meet again.a He walked from the hidden garden. Is your dam still on the estate? he asked Randa.

Yes, she doesnat want to go back out into the world.

The world was a fascinating place. Head go mad if he stayed within these walls as the elder Mugworts had done.

Tell your dam to find a place she feels safe to talk. That was how he always proceeded when recruiting Fam ferals.

As he strode the path to the main Healing pool, the sun rose and a multilayered chorus of birdcall sounded. Night-blooming flowers closed as he walked, and others opened.

Sometimes paths twisted and turned into overgrowth or animal trails, sometimes they were well-worn. Occasionally head find himself on a rise with a panorama before hima"the city walls, a glimpse of the large curvy pool set in rich moss and gra.s.s framed by trellises and arbors.

His body moved well, each strand of muscle, each tendon, felt healthy. A weight had lifted from his emotions. Head accepted that he had a HeartMate, had joined with her, and was on the way to truly loving her for just who she was. Serene, strong, generous, courageous.

Then the simple fact about the murder that head missed slid into his mind on an arc of brilliance and he knew who the killer was . . . could even guess why.

Head need proof: whatever he could glean from the racc.o.o.ns, and the knife sheath.

Soon he sat on a bench under a tree, addressing the racc.o.o.n above him.

aI must know more about the person who killed the human in Apollopa Park where you denned, if you saw the murderer, or were there at the time.a Yess, came a mental hiss. I was there. Watched prey killed, watched human dance, saw cat watch. We all did.

aAll your family?a Yes. He I mated with has forgot. I remember.

aIam sorry, but I do need you to tell me every detail.a He stretched, loosening muscles that had tightened into near battle readiness.

Randa sat next to him on a wooden bench, warm in the sun. He stroked her, picked her up, and held her so she was level with his eyes. She had no fear of him.

aYou saw, too?a She bobbed her head, gave a little shudder in his hands. Yes.

Glancing up at the racc.o.o.n, he said, aPart of my Flair is being able to merge my mind with a Famas.a Not that he did it often. He much preferred speaking telepathically; often that was challenge enough.

aI am asking Randa to let me see and experience what she did when the murder took place.a Randa shuddered and he rumbled a soothing noise. aI will help her remember. Then I would like to try the same with you.a The mother racc.o.o.n stared at Garrett. Will you hold me, too?

He didnat know if she wanted or feared that. aItas best if I have a physical connection. I could hold you, or one of your paws, or you could put your paw on the back of my hand. You can run if you need to, I promise, and my word is good.a Talk to Randa, first.

aVery well.a He put Randa on his lap, and his hand on her back. She met his eyes.

aReady?a Yes, FamMan.

Her trust made him smile. aAll right.a Gently, gently, he linked minds with her. Think of the big red anger. She cried out. He petted her. aI am here with you, I will keep you safe.a I feel you!

Yes. I will keep you safe. Remember the time. He thought of night sky after midnight, imposed the image of Apollopa Park. With his Flair, he helped retrieve what was being lost.

His vision skewed and colors left . . . except a big red anger. He barely saw the killing, though Randa had watched. He caught glimpses of the murderer, the shape, the anger, the glee in the triumphant dancing in the fountain. Randaas mind zoomed to a different, later memory, one of thundering footsteps and yelling human and kicking at burrow-home. Dirt spurted, soil flew, Randa dropped the odd thing she held and ran. Huge pain stabbed her side. She teleported a few blocks away to an old den.

Randaas heart pounded too hard with fear. He drew away mentally. His s.h.i.+rt was damp. aLet the memory go.a The small racc.o.o.n slumped on his lap.

aGreat Fam. Great job.a Randa snuffled and wiped her damp and pointy nose on his trous. He ignored the smear, though Rusby wouldnat like it.

Garrett petted her until she stepped from his lap to the bench. She looked at her dam.

Easy! Not bad.

The elder female chittered but dropped from the tree onto Garrettas shoulder, balanced, then hopped down next to him. She put both her paws on his leg, dug in a little with her claws, enough that he knew she could rip his trous and the skin under them to b.l.o.o.d.y shreds.


You may pet, said Randaas dam. He brushed her pelt with his palm. That is nice!

aFor me, also.a He kept his body casual, his stroking soft, appreciated the sun and flowering bushes. This, too, was a hidden garden, a little hollow with only the bench and a birdbath. He sensed Sinjin Mugwort spent time here.

I am ready, the racc.o.o.n said mentally, in a calmer voice.

He linked with her, saw the events of the killing from a different angle. One person snuck up on another, raised an arm, and the first fell. Then they were both on the ground and the preyas neck was tilted back. A vial gleamed, liquid was poured into his mouth. His arms were slashed. The killer rose and held the knife high, then dropped it close to the body and went to dance in the fountain.

Time pa.s.sed. Big red anger left. Left s.h.i.+ny strange thing. Felt bad but was a tool. Racc.o.o.ns didnat often get tools, things left by humans, in a place where humans didnat come much. Tools humans wouldnat miss.

Randaas mother took the knife, but it felt terrible to her sensitive pads, and she hid it. The sheath didnat feel as bad, but she hid that, too, in a different place.

Later the big red anger came and kicked open the burrow and found the knife and threw it and hurt her kit and all the racc.o.o.ns scattered. Run! Run! Run!

A moaning squeal knocked the link apart and the racc.o.o.n headed back up the tree.

Garrett flinched and his eyes refocused on the birdbath where sparrows splashed.

He stood and crossed to the birdbath, now moving like an old man, his Flair depleted. Bracing his arms on the round rim of the bath, he plunged his head in the bowl and welcomed the cool slap of the water.

His eyes hurt. Leaning over, he propped his arms on his thighs and did some energized breathing. A man was not supposed to stay in another creatureas mind for long.

Then he turned back to the mother racc.o.o.n, saw her in the tree. aI need to find that sheath. Can you take me to it?a It had felt different to the racc.o.o.n, might have left traces of the perpetrator that the knife hadnat . . . since the knife had been stuck in Randa, then thrown into one of the best Healing pools in the land. Physical evidence had been disturbed, and the layers of psychic evidence were being difficult to excavate.

I will do this. And you will take me to meet the Fam Healer, Danith DaAsh.

aDone,a Garrett said.

FAMMAN! Rusby yelled, then pranced into the glen a moment later, looking incredibly tiny. I am here! I had breakfast. He belched. And I found you all by myself! He grinned.

The mother racc.o.o.n said, I will meet you in Apollopa Park when the big bell in the city rings again.

Almost a full septhour, seventy minutes.

There was the rustle of leaves and she vanished. Teleported away? Or had she landed on the wall to the city and was running along it? Garrett still didnat know the exact dimensions of the estate, and wasnat quite sure where he was inside the sanctuary or in relation to the city, a situation that dissatisfied him. Being good with directions, knowing where he was, was part of his Flair. And where was the nearest teleportation pad outside the estate? Yet the racc.o.o.n seemed to think he had time to head home and reach the park.

I will go with you, Randa said.

aWhat?a My FamWoman is at the Primary HealingHall, and I do not want to be here alone, even though I am getting sleepy. I will go with you.

aYou have the Mugworts to look after you,a Garrett pointed out.

Yes, they are my FamWomanas. But you are hers more.

That gave Garrett a funny feeling in his chest. Head seen the HeartBond when theyad made love. But Artemisia had not offered the golden bond to him, as head expected.

It felt odd.

Being a HeartMate felt odd, too. Hea"theya"were just getting used to it. The bond would happen in time when they were ready. Meanwhile, he didnat think Artemisia would be meeting or sleeping with any other men.

He wasnat sure how long this grace period would last, but head savor every moment of it. Maybe he could change faster now that the future beckoned with joy.

Garrett scooped up Rusby and forced himself into a fast walk, hoping he could grab a quick breakfast before he gathered his sword and the items for his trous pockets. He didnat look at the temptation of the Healing pool as he went by, much as head like to soak a long time and recharge.

He, Rusby, and Randa stopped off at MidCla.s.s Lodge for a waterfall and changea"naturally the Fams didnat stand under the water, but ate. Randa had sniffed around his apartment before curling up on a chair and had looked a lot more like a wild animal than any cats or dogs head entertained.

He knew the public carrier schedules and stepped outside the main door of MidCla.s.s Lodge just in time to enter the glider that would pa.s.s Apollopa Park. Both Randa and Rusby sat on his lap. The other riders stared at the Fams, particularly the racc.o.o.n, and he had a casual conversation.

When the bus stopped at the plinth near Apollopa Park, Rusby scrambled up to his shoulder and Randa perched on the small shelf of his forearm across his chest as they descended.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 29 summary

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