A Place To Dance Part 7

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Jolly stood at the front door she had thought about knocking on a hundred times and thought about what Ricky had said and how true it was. How had she missed it? He was right in his point that it was time to let Mimi go so she could find what she sought. Not because she didn't love her, but because she wasn't good enough for Mimi. It was time for Jolly to let go of quite a few things.

The knock was as gentle as the first time and Jolly almost turned away when there was not immediate response. Jolly smiled when the door opened and Christina stood there, shocked to see her.

"You know something?" asked Jolly watching the long blonde hair bounce when Christina shook her head. "I just stopped by to tell you that I'm a f.u.c.king blockhead."

"I can explain," said Christina. Jolly looked at the swollen lips of the mouth that had just uttered the ridiculous line.

"No need," said Jolly holding out her hand to the woman who had stepped up behind Christina. "Jolly Andolini."

"Jan Shaffer." The tall blonde looked wary since Jolly was being so nice. Usually when she was caught with someone else's woman it meant the loss of an item of clothing when she had to make a quick get a way, or a black eye.

"Jan, you take care of your girl and have fun tonight," Jolly told the stunned blonde. "That leaky roof's a distinct possibility now, though you might have lucked out since I got here before shaking hands was not an option. Don't think you messed up again because I came to tell you there was no chance at reconciliation. I just thought I'd come and tell you in person. Not that I think I owed it to you, but like I said - that's my style." She put her hand to Christina's cheek and stroked it before turning and walking out.

"Do you think we should go by her house? She could be sick or hurt. It's not like Jolly to disappear on me for a week, and she wouldn't miss tonight unless there was something wrong."

Ricky looked at his daughter in the gorgeous gown she had on and decided he couldn't hide the truth anymore. Jolly had decided to follow his advice and let Mimi go instead of taking a chance. He pulled on the bow tie he was wearing and tried to think of how to tell her Jolly wasn't sick and she wasn't coming.

"Mimi," started Ricky finding the rented tuxedo more constricting by the second. "Jolly," the doorbell stopped him from going further. He went to open the door and almost fainted from the relief. "Is right on time."

The tuxedo was one Mimi had taken Jolly shopping for a year earlier so they could attend the New Orleans Modern Art Gala held to help raise money for indigent children interested in art. Jolly had stood patiently for over an hour as they measured and pinned the jacket for a flawless fit, then as Mimi tried different s.h.i.+rt and ties with the suit she picked out. It looked as good on Jolly now as the first time Mimi had seen it. The main reason wasn't how well it fit but that Jolly had meticulously a.s.sembled each piece to look good for Mimi. She had gone with the black bow tie and it was knotted as well as the small black silk ribbon holding the ponytail in place. Jolly stepped in and closed the door looking almost shy as she looked at Mimi.

"Hey, shrimpy." It was like a knife twisting in Jolly's chest when Mimi's green eyes filled with tears. "I know a beautiful woman like you probably has a date." Mimi shook her head and brought her hands up to cover her mouth not wanting to put too much hope in why Jolly was there and what she had said. Everyday of the last week had been like a slow death for Mimi. For every hour that ticked by without hearing from Jolly, was one more hour Mimi's mind came up with different pictures of Jolly in bed with someone else. By the look on Jolly's face, Mimi knew something was different. In her absence Jolly had obviously made some decisions about the future.

Jolly looked at the white strapless dress Mimi had on and wanted to cry herself that this beautiful woman loved her. Mimi was so much more than her physical beauty, it had been her heart that had won Jolly so gradually it had taken Ricky to make her realize what she, in her stupidity, had missed. Now that she did know, having spent a sleepless night trying to think of a way to make it up to Mimi, Jolly knew she couldn't live without her. The only fear was that her weeklong absence had driven Mimi away.

"I'm sorry for waiting until now to ask you, but would you consider going with me?" asked Jolly.

"Did you ask anyone else?" Mimi didn't want to win because Jolly was settling.

"I told you before, Madeline, you're my best girl. The phrase has rolled off my tongue for years, but it took someone calling me a blockhead to realize how true it was. It always has been from the day we met." Jolly looked at Ricky and smiled as a way of thanking him for the kick in the pants.

"Do you think you could love me?" Mimi asked, needing to hear it before she could move.

"I can't imagine a time when I didn't love you, Mimi. You give me the chance, and I won't let a day pa.s.s when you can't imagine it either."

The smile on Mimi's face gave Jolly the courage to move forward. She wanted to do it right since every couple got to have just one first kiss. She wanted them to both think back on it and love the memory no matter how many years had pa.s.sed. The thought of Mimi telling this story to the gaggle of kids she always talked about made her smile.

Mimi's lips were soft against her own, and Jolly could taste the salt from the tears the small blonde had shed. In that one moment every corny line from every movie Jolly had ever seen and every song she had ever heard about love made sense to her. When they parted she smiled wider at the pleased hum Mimi let out with her eyes still closed.

"How about it?"

"Can't we just stay home?" asked Mimi. She stuck her hands in Jolly's jacket and wanted nothing more than to put her pajamas on and stay home.

"I want to dance with you, and I have a painting to bid on so no, we can't stay home. Besides you never went to your prom so I thought I could make it up to you tonight." Jolly handed her a box tied closed with a white silk ribbon. She put the orchid on Mimi's wrist when she opened it then offered her an arm for her escort outside.

"I would've gone, but you were away at college and didn't ask me," said Mimi.

"Just another reason I'm a blockhead, but don't worry, I'm getting up to speed."

Ricky locked the front door and followed the couple to the waiting limousine, convinced Mimi's feet never touched the ground for the length of the driveway. Maybe another run at the gaming tables was in his future since this risk had hit such a huge jackpot.

The reserved table Jolly had purchased was next to the one her father's firm had gotten. When they saw where they were sitting and Ricky spotted Kelly, he looked like a slug had crawled in his mouth and died. It was going to be a very long night if he had to look at Anthony with his paws all over her in a show of owners.h.i.+p.

"My revenge for calling me a f.u.c.king blockhead," whispered Jolly in jest. In reality she was as shocked to see them as Ricky. "I'm kidding. I could've gotten you flowers, but I thought you would like something a little more substantial," Jolly told him.

Mimi came close to stabbing Jolly with the b.u.t.ter knife when a tall brunette walked up and hugged the architect. "Veronica, this is Mimi. Mimi, Veronica's your father's date for the evening. Ricky, you remember Veronica don't you?" Jolly put the woman's hand in Ricky's.

"How does daddy know her?" asked Mimi.

"She works for Pacho the painter. The girl can paint edges like Van Gogh and she's so cute I thought your father would like dancing the night away with her. And speaking of dancing, want to dance with me before Anthony has me arrested for seducing you?" The pointing and whispering Anthony and Kelly were engaged in wasn't exactly covert. It was also a safe bet to figure she and Mimi were the main topic of discussion.

Mimi pulled Jolly to the middle of the dance floor by her lapels. "I've been trying to seduce you for years, so you're not the one in trouble. I mean come on, Jolly, I did everything but paint that d.a.m.n mural naked. You're so clueless sometimes I swear."

"Had you worn that leather number, you wouldn't have made it to the elevator."

The tempo of the music didn't matter to them the entire time they were on the floor. They were oblivious to the stares, comments and attention some in the crowd had focused on them. Ricky was the one paying enough attention to enjoy the shade of red of Anthony's ears going up a notch in color for every kiss Jolly placed on Mimi's lips.

"Are you really ok with this?" asked Mimi. She was enjoying listening to the beat of Jolly's heart as well as the music they were swaying to together.

"Honey, I spent the last week trying to find a way to walk away from you so you'd have a chance to find someone better." Mimi moved her head away so she could look Jolly in the eye ready to protest. "Let me finish," Jolly requested when the red lips frowned. "I could no more let you go than I could stop breathing. I don't want to see you with anyone but me. I thank G.o.d your father set me on the right course before it was too late. The fact is, you own so much of who I am, I wouldn't know how to get it all back. I love you, Mimi, because you're perfect."

Mimi's hands moved from Jolly's shoulders to her neck. "That's a sweet sentiment, baby, but no one's perfect."

"Are you telling me I'm wrong and you aren't the perfect girl for me?"

"Since you put it like that, I can't argue with your logic. Do you think we could try kissing again, or are there too many people around?"

The hands at Jolly's neck applied a little pressure and bent the willing head down. Jolly tried to pour so much into that one kiss they stopped moving to the music. A persistent tapping on Mimi's shoulder was what drove them apart.

With extreme irritation Mimi looked away from Jolly. "What?"

"Can you stop making a spectacle of yourself long enough for me to talk to you?"

Mimi was grateful when Jolly pressed herself to her back and rested her chin on Mimi's shoulder. "Mother, how lovely to see you again. I've been meaning to call you and ask why you didn't make it to my show, but I really could give a d.a.m.n."

"Madeline, keep your voice down and your distance from your sister. It's upsetting your father," said Kelly.

Both Mimi and Jolly looked toward Ricky and waved when he gave them a thumbs up sign after twirling Veronica. "He seems fine with my date, mother. Don't you think so, sweetie?"

"He was the one who set us up remember, love?"

The long exhale from Kelly was a reflex on her part when the topic of discussion turned to Ricky. "I'm talking about Anthony, dear. Could you show a little more respect and stop embarra.s.sing him?"

"Anthony is hardly anyone's father, Kelly, least of all Mimi's. Biology isn't what makes you a parent, and marriage shouldn't make you someone's lapdog. If he's got a problem tell Anthony to have the b.a.l.l.s to come over here and tell us himself." With each word out of Jolly's mouth Kelly's anger grew.

"Why I never..." started the pinched looking woman. Ever since her father had introduced her to his new wife Jolly had the impression someone was always walking beside her holding a piece of manure under her nose.

"No I'd think after you left Ricky you don't anymore. Anthony never has struck me as the s.e.xually fulfilling kind of guy. If that's all, I want to dance with my girl." It took an incredible amount of self-restraint on Kelly's part not to throw anything at Jolly's head. Especially when Mimi covered her mouth to hide the laughter. The new couple stayed in each other's arms until they started serving dinner. Any other stares from Kelly and Anthony were missed as Jolly's table laughed and enjoyed the evening.

It was Jolly's turn to become one big flaming blush when they unveiled Mimi's piece signaling the auction was going to begin as the desert was being served. The painting depicted an angel cradling a sick child, her wings slightly curved in as if to protect the fragile life she held. Mimi's description of the piece 'Wings of Love' in the program was love knew no boundaries when it was genuine. In its purest form, it had no barriers, was more powerful than any other force and would go to any length to protect those who believed in it with out question.

The brief lines of text didn't really explain why the angel was naked and looked just like Jolly despite the fact the viewer couldn't really make out the face since it was bowed as if in prayer. The veins bulging in Anthony's neck meant he had guessed who the model had been. Jolly never moved as the room exploded into applause when the piece was announced and unveiled.

The painting's subject looked at the woman sitting next to her not knowing what to say. Mimi looked back and shrugged her shoulders. "I wanted to tell you how I felt but I didn't have the words, so I used a picture. Are you mad?"

"Um, no," said Jolly looking at the large canvas again. "How did you," she waved her hands at the painting that was like looking in a mirror.

"I didn't peek at you in the shower, Jolly. I'm an artist, and when you become one, the powers that be give you something called license," teased Mimi. The bidding started at five thousand dollars and Mimi grabbed Jolly's hand before she could place a counter. "The real one's at home."

"The real one?"

"I was willing to share the idea in my head of what was under your 501's, but what I knew better than my own heart I'm keeping at home," explained Mimi.

"What's that, sweetheart?"

"Your eyes, my love. They looked at me years ago and blinded me to the world forever. They knew all along you loved me, all I had to do was be patient until the rest of you caught up. The painting at home shows me that truth every time I look at it in the studio. You're head is up and you're smiling just for me."

Jolly cradled Mimi's face as gently as the angel in the painting held the baby. The last thing Jolly remembered before she dipped her head and kissed Mimi with all the desire she had inside was a bid of thirty thousand dollars.

"You think daddy's coming home tonight?" asked Mimi. They were standing in her den swaying to just the sound of the fire behind them.

"If he can resist the legendary Veronica, he's a better man than any I've known. I'm thinking he's out until Tuesday at least."

"And you know this about this woman, how?"

"The difference between women and men is most women don't brag about what happens in the bedroom. Most guys can't seem to help themselves." Jolly kissed Mimi again not wanting to talk about anyone else for the rest of the night.

"I've waited so long for you to kiss me like you wanted me. Do you want me, Jolly?"

"More than anything." The skin along Mimi's neck and shoulders tasted so good as Jolly moved her lips along getting caught up in trying to make Mimi feel good.

The jacket of the tux Mimi knew wasn't rented dropped to the floor without a word from its owner. The bowtie that wasn't a clip on came next with one slow torturous pull from surprisingly steady fingers. Jolly tried to relax and let Mimi move at her own pace. If she wanted to stop, they would stop even if it meant her jogging laps in the park in dress shoes thought Jolly.

"I know you said if a girl wants it to be special she should wait, but I've been waiting for six years, Jolly. Do you think you could cut me some slack if I told you I wanted to make love with you?" Mimi got swept into Jolly's arms and carried into the bedroom as an answer.

Jolly set her on her feet near the bed and brought the zipper at the back of Mimi's dress down like she was unwrapping a gift she had wanted all year as a kid. She held the top part up to look at Mimi's face and make sure it was all right to continue. The coral tinted lips curved into a smile giving Jolly permission to let go. Jolly would have started sweating a lot sooner than now had she known the only thing between she and Mimi on the dance floor had been a white silk gown.

"You're so beautiful." Jolly was almost afraid to touch her, thinking Mimi would disappear or turn away. The look of rapture made Mimi smile.

"Jolly, would you sit for me for a minute?" Mimi asked as she guided the tall woman to the bed. When the awe struck Jolly sat, Mimi bent down to take off her shoes and socks. The s.h.i.+rt came next after she undid every stud holding it closed. "Ok, you can stand up now." When Mimi unbuckled the belt and lowered the zipper, Jolly's pants pooled at her ankles for a long time as Mimi admired what she had uncovered. The resemblance to the painting was uncanny.

"I love you, Mimi."

"Jolly, you've made me a happy woman. Care to keep going?"

"I'll go wherever you lead."

"I love you too, Jolly, and I'd rather we get there together." Mimi couldn't help the moan that escaped when Jolly pulled her close and their skin came into contact. If they didn't do anything else that night, that one moment would be enough for Mimi.

"Are you ok?" asked Jolly.

"Can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything, honey. It won't change the way I feel about you."

"Promise you won't get dressed and leave?"

Jolly put two fingers under Mimi's chin and tilted her head up so she could see her eyes. The blue green shade was so pale they had always reminded Jolly of aquamarine stones when they turned this shade. "You're going to have to ask me to go for that to happen."

"I've never done this with anyone." Mimi said it softly and prayed she wouldn't have to say it again. The thumping in Jolly's chest reminded her of the steady hammering she had heard coming from Jolly's workshop for years, and Mimi hoped it didn't speed up anymore. It sounded dangerously fast already.

"No one?" To Jolly's annoyance the question came out in a squeaky, high pitched voice.

"I wanted to wait until I thought it was right. Tonight is the first time it feels like perfect," confessed Mimi. The tears streaming down Jolly's face were hard to decipher in a good or bad context.

"I don't deserve you, Mimi. I won't ever be able to do enough to make up for what an a.s.s I've been to you for not seeing how you felt. You waited for me?" she asked in wonder.

"I saw you at that lunch your father had to introduce the two sets of children to each other and I said to myself before you took my hand, she's the one. You were older but you listened to me and believed in what I wanted to do, even when no one else cared. How could I not wait for you? I have you now and I'm keeping you, so you don't have anything to make up to me. Tonight I want you to make me yours, Jolly. There was no one else who ever came close to taking what belonged to you. I just thank G.o.d you didn't take anymore time. Twenty three years is a long time to be curious about what the fuss is about, so let's get to it," teased Mimi.

Jolly picked Mimi up again and laid her on the bed before getting up next to her. It was a strange thing to think, but Jolly was happy she had made the bed more than comfortable for two people. Mimi looked at her with a mixture of nerves and desire and Jolly wanted to a.s.sure her before they went any further.

"We can stop if you want, ok?" Mimi nodded her head and reached back to let Jolly's hair down.

"I want you to touch me," whispered Mimi swallowing hard when the hand on her hip slid slowly up her body until it closed on one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

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A Place To Dance Part 7 summary

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