A Place To Dance Part 8

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Jolly watched as the pink nipple got hard under just the brus.h.i.+ng of her fingers. It was the only time in her life she wished she had spent her life in the office like Tim instead of building the designs she drew. Mimi deserved soft hands touching her. Almost as if she had heard her thoughts, Mimi picked up the big hand and kissed the callused fingers. She pulled Jolly on top of her when the tall woman smiled at her and the solid weight made Mimi wet.

The shorter set of legs opened so Jolly could fit closer against her and both of them stopped just to enjoy the contact. Mimi clawed at her back when Jolly started kissing her neck again before slipping down to tug on Mimi's breast with her lips. Jolly sucked on one then the other until Mimi dragged her face up next to hers for a kiss. Mimi didn't really know what she wanted but Jolly touching her was paramount. She wanted something more but didn't know how to ask.

"Baby, please," she said breathlessly, hoping Jolly would get the message.

"Mimi, I want you to relax for me," instructed Jolly as she tried to move down Mimi's body only to be stopped by two insistent hands. "You want me to stop?"

"No, I want you up here with me, just for right now." Mimi wanted to look into Jolly's eyes when she gave her the gift she had saved for her.

What started out as a moan, ended in a hiss when Jolly kissed her as her fingers dipped into the wetness between her legs. Mimi wanted to start crying it felt so good but she didn't want to distract Jolly into stopping. The soft stroking that went from one end of her s.e.x to the other was coating Jolly's fingers making each trip back and forth that much easier. When they were wet enough, Jolly moved her fingers to the hard point of Mimi's need and circled around it slowly without touching it.

"Jolly, don't stop doing that, it feels so good."

"I want you to feel good, love. Feel me touching you and feel how wet it's making you." The low voice in Mimi's ear was making her nipples harder, or was it the fingers stroking away her reason? Jolly sucked on one of her earlobes, as her fingers never stopped their circling making Mimi harder and wetter. "Relax, sweetheart, and just let go."

Mimi nodded her head as the fingers widened their arch and dipped lower circling the entrance to her s.e.x, dipping in just slightly before going back to the stroking they had been doing. She whimpered when Jolly took them away momentarily so she could run her thumb along the same path, but when it to was wet, the fingers returned to their teasing movements.

"Look at me, love," requested Jolly. Mimi opened her eyes and looked at her with so much pa.s.sion Jolly was lost. "Just keeping looking at me and relax." Mimi could feel the length of Jolly's body pressed up against hers, the heat making her feel safe. She moaned when the thumb started to rub where she most wanted contact as the fingers started entering her gently to break through the thin barrier. Mimi's tears did start when Jolly was all the way in, but not from any pain or discomfort.

"I'm so glad I waited for you." After she said it, Mimi felt comfortable enough to close her eyes and part her lips asking for a kiss. She came up to meet Jolly's hand as her body wrapped around her fingers and started the trip over the edge Mimi had taken alone up to now. Their lips came apart when she couldn't breathe because the feeling was so intense.

The fingers buried inside Mimi and the thumb stroking her ignited the o.r.g.a.s.m and she wished the feeling would never end as the spasms started. She fell in love with Jolly all over again when it was over and she felt the fingers leave their warm haven.

"I'm glad you waited for me too. Thank you, Mimi, that was an honor."

"You'll be happy to know I'll honor you anytime you want from now on," said Mimi before pus.h.i.+ng Jolly onto her back.

Mimi didn't want to wait for this experience anymore either. With no detour she moved down Jolly's body and parted the wet swollen lips with her fingers. Before Jolly knew what was happening, Mimi had latched on to her with her lips knocking all the fight right out of her. She dug her heels into the mattress and wrapped her fingers in the short blonde hair as a way to anchor her body to the bed.

After the time Jolly had taken with Mimi, it didn't take too much to get her to the same ending destination. It was so fast, it bordered on embarra.s.sment. Mimi crawled back up her body and relaxed on top of Jolly. She picked up the limp hands and put them on her back as a hint she wanted Jolly to hold her.

"What in the h.e.l.l just happened?" asked Jolly.

"When I'm not painting, I read, a lot. I couldn't wait anymore to take my book knowledge for a spin. Did you like it?" Mimi's head lifted to look at Jolly when she asked the question.

"If I could find two functional brain cells to rub together I'd come up with a better answer than, uh huh."

"Maybe it's a good thing you took this long, blockhead." Jolly laughed under Mimi at the use of her father's insult.

"Why's that, G.o.ddess?"

"You would've never won any of those awards hanging in your office because I wouldn't have let you out of bed. We're doing this often, right?"

"Every chance I can talk you into getting naked."

"Promise?" asked Mimi before sucking on Jolly's neck.

"On a stack of Bibles." The only other references to religion that night were half incoherent utterances of thanks to any deities who popped into their heads when the time seemed appropriate.

A dark pair of blue eyes squinted against the glare in the room as soon as they opened. They had fallen asleep and forgotten to close the blinds Jolly had put up two months before at Mimi's request when she decided the drapes that were up were out of style. Jolly blinked her eyes trying to focus on the surroundings as a to do list started to form in her head.

"What are you thinking about?" asked the m.u.f.fled voice from Jolly's chest.

"This house only has two bedrooms." Jolly's answer was confusing enough to get Mimi to lift her head. The move brought her b.r.e.a.s.t.s into Jolly's line of sight getting her to lick her lips.

"You plan on sleeping somewhere else?" asked Mimi. She sat up and put her hand over her eyes. When that didn't work, she got up and pulled the cord to close the blinds with an appreciative audience watching her naked form.

"No wonder the old guy next door likes you so much," commented Jolly. Lying on her side, she rested her head in her palm knowing the hands on hips move was coming next.

"Mr. Verret? He's a sweet guy, Jolly, of course he likes me. He likes all the neighbors." Jolly had to admit the pose looked s.e.xier sans clothes as Mimi faced her with her hands on her hips.

"Come here," Jolly held a hand up toward Mimi. The room was nicer now that the dark wooden blinds had cut out the sun, but still light enough for Jolly to continue to enjoy the view. Mimi crawled under the covers and blushed, the thought she was naked just occurring to her. "I would like it too if you're in the habit of walking around here dressed like this."

"I'm not dressed, Jolly."

"Precisely." Jolly forwent any other verbal teasing and kissed Mimi good morning instead. When they came up for air Mimi wrapped her arms around Jolly's body and squeezed.

"Honey, he's like ninety years old. I'm thinking he doesn't really care what I wear to walk around the house."

Jolly looked up at her wounded by the comment. "You don't think you'll still be turning me into a puddle when I'm ninety?"

"That's different, I want to be turning you into a puddle. Mr. Verret, I only love him for his tomatoes," teased Mimi.

"You don't cook, woman, so what's so interesting about his tomatoes."

"Please, Jolly, I can make a salad. Ben comes over and brings me some stuff from his garden every couple of days." Mimi sat up and straddled Jolly's body wanting to give the big hands plenty of room to maneuver.

"Every couple of days, huh? You know why that is don't you?"

Mimi had to think before answering when Jolly's hands covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and squeezed. "What's your theory?"

"Not theory, fact. Old guy looks in here and sees all this on display. Makes him want to run out and pick tomatoes to bring over before you get a chance to get your robe on. I bet the old lady on the other side of him doesn't get any vegetables out of that garden." Jolly ran her hands down Mimi's body to let her know what she was talking about. She sat up to collect on another kiss and liked that Mimi wrapped her legs around her to keep Jolly close. "Probably comes every two days because it takes him that long to do something about the build up of excitement."

Mimi laughed and looked into the eyes she loved so much, studying the way they darkened the more Jolly got aroused. "There's only one old person I'm interested in working up into a frenzy, and here you are," said Mimi putting her hands on Jolly's b.u.t.t.

"I'll show you frenzied."

Jolly's touch was light since Mimi was sore from the night before, but it was still fulfilling. "I want you to wake me up like this until you're ninety," said Mimi when they were done.

"Don't think I'm forgetting about that old comment, young lady." Jolly heard the soft laugh coming from the dead weight draped across her body. "Does that bother you?" asked the thirty-four-year-old. Eleven and a half years didn't seem like a big span, but sometimes it was a gulf to people. The pinch was hard and unexpected getting Jolly to make a quick grab for Mimi's hand.

"I have not waited a quarter of my life for you to wake up and smell the coffee I've been brewing, to have you start finding excuses why you shouldn't have taken a sip. You get me?"

"That hurt, Mimi," said Jolly rubbing the red spot on her thigh.

Mimi held up the index finger and thumb that had delivered the attention getter before she went on. "And there's plenty more, Babe, so don't mess with me. You ready to listen to my demands."

"Are you always this perky in the morning?" asked Jolly earning her another pinch from the woman sitting on her. "Please continue."

"You can leave today to go home and pack a bag and come back, or I can pack a bag and go with you. I'm flexible so it's your choice. You made love to me knowing full well it came with commitment, so don't play the dummy now. That means we're living together, the first of my demands," Mimi stuck one finger up and looked for any disagreement coming from Jolly.

"Did you have a nose ring made up for me too?"

"It's in the new dresser, smarty pants."

"What are the rest of your demands, Miss Mulle?" Jolly asked as she rolled Mimi over and pinned her to the bed.

"That you just love me and not think of reasons to leave," Mimi told her not teasing.

"Baby, I do love you and I'm not leaving. You'll have to throw me out to get rid of me since I just moved in," said Jolly.

"What about your," Mimi's question died away on Jolly lips.

An hour later it was time for Mimi's third demand and she had to shake Jolly awake to make her request. Jolly's telling her, "I know you're making up for lost time, baby, but give me a break," almost made Mimi roll off the bed she was laughing so hard.

"I want French toast."

"Do you have bread of any kind?" asked Jolly, her eyes still closed.





"Again, no."

"Then I can't make you French toast. Go back to sleep."

"Jolly," Mimi dragged out the name and continued her shaking. The whining got Jolly up and into the shower. Before she could deliver on the breakfast demand they had to stop at the warehouse penthouse to pick up some of Jolly's clothes and truck.

The cohabitation had begun.

The sun was setting by the time Ricky came back still wearing his tuxedo and a huge smile. He kissed Mimi before walking over to Jolly to give her a long bear hug before disappearing into his room.

"That's so sweet, he's happy for us," said Mimi looking up from the vegetables she was cutting. They had gone to the market to get stuff for Jolly to cook. It was the only draw back to moving in with Mimi thought Jolly when they kept b.u.mping into each other in the small kitchen.

"I'm thinking it's more like kissing you h.e.l.lo, and wors.h.i.+pping me for introducing him to Veronica. He'll be happy for us later when his brain percolates back into his head," said Jolly. She had her head stuck in a cabinet near the stove looking for a frying pan.

Mimi s.h.i.+vered just having understood Jolly's innuendo. "Honey, I don't want to think about daddy doing that with some painter lady I'm sure I'll see around where you work."

The search was fruitless so Jolly straightened up and kissed her helper. "I'll try and remember that if you tell me where your frying pan can be found."

"I don't have room for a frying pan, and it's never mattered since I've never fried anything."

There would be an argument Jolly was sure but they had to make a slight adjustment to their living arrangements. "We have to move to the loft to keep from killing each other, and so we can eat."

"I love this house, Jolly. Come on, I'll buy you a frying pan. I know what I said about not caring but I want to stay here." If Mimi got to keep Jolly there was no question, she would move, but it would be a hards.h.i.+p to leave the studio Jolly had built for her.

"You already own all the cookware you'll ever need, it's at our other place, and I know you love this house," Jolly looked through the kitchen drawers searching for a pen and a sheet of paper.

"You fixed it up for me, it's where we first made love, my studio's here," Mimi started ticking off reasons to stay.

"Baby, we've made love here a total of three times since last night, which is the exact number of times you've made love in your life. I'm not talking about a permanent move. Just enough time for me to blow out some walls and add some rooms. Once I'm done we can sell my place and live happily ever after."

Mimi watched as the layout of the house came alive on the back of a pizza flyer someone had left taped to the door. When the pencil stopped the house looked twice as big, and Jolly looked pleased.

"How long?"

"You want it done right, or you want it done fast?" asked Jolly.

"You swear you'll be happy living here?"

"I'll be happy anywhere as long as you're around," professed Jolly.

"Are you always this sappy?" asked Mimi pulling Jolly closer.

"Just with you."

"Good. Can I persuade you to forget about the missing frying pan?"

"Not missing, nonexistent. What do you have in mind?"

"Does the number four hold any meaning to you?" Mimi let Jolly go just long enough to check to see if all the burners on the stove were off. Jolly just smiled when Mimi hooked her fingers in a couple of belt loops and pulled her towards the bedroom.

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A Place To Dance Part 8 summary

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