The Iroquois Book Of Rites Part 22

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Onghteh [onhteh], perhaps, probably.

Onghwa, now, at present. _Onwa_, C., now. (Same as _Nonwa_.)

Onghwajok, presently.

Onghwenjakonh [onwenjakon], into the earth. See _Onwentsia._

Onidatkon, deadly.

Onikonhra, mind, character, disposition, thought, opinion, sentiment.

_Gandigonra_, B., _esprit, pensee_.

Onkwaghsotshera [onkwasotsera], our forefathers. The root is _sot_, meaning grandparent. _Rak'sotha_, C., my grandfather; _ak'sotha_, my grandmother; _onkwa_, our; _sera_, the "crement," generalizing the word.

Onkwaghsotsherashonhkenha, our deceased forefathers. See _Onkwaghsotshera, Shon (son)_ is the plural suffix; _kenha_, deceased, "the late" (the French _feu_).

Onok, and, and then. See _Ony, Ok_ and _Neok_.

Onokna, and then.

Onwa, now. See _Onghwa_.

Onwentsia, earth, land, field, ground.

Ony [oni], also. See _Neony_.

Orighokonha, few words. From _karihwa_ (q. v.), and _okonha_, an affix indicating a restricted plural.

Orighwakayongh [oriwakayon], in ancient times. See _Karihwa_ and _Akayongh_.

Orighwakwekonh [oriwakwekon], all business, all matters, all the rules.

See _Karihwa_ and _Akwekon_.

Owenna. See _Kawenna_.

Oya [oyah], another, another thing.

Oyata (or oyada), body, person, some one, self. _Oiata_, C., body, person; _gaiata_, B., living thing.

Oyenkondonh, men, warriors (obsolete).


Radiyats. See _Ratiyats_.

Rakowanenh, he is chief (lit. he is a great one). From _kowanen_, to be great; root, _kowa_, great.

Ranyaghdenghshon [ranyadenhshon], he is of the Tortoise clan.

_Keniahten, C., to be of the Tortoise band.

Ratikowanenghskwe, they were great. 3d person, plural, imperfect of _kowanen,_ to be great. See _Rakowanenh._

Ratiyanarenyon [radiyanaronnyon], their many footmarks, or traces.

_Gaianna,_ B., _oiana,_ C, track, trace (frequentative form).

_Gaiannaronyon,_ B., there are many tracks.

Ratiyats, they call it. 3d person, plural, of _Gaiason,_ B., to name, to call.

Raweghniseronnyh [rawenniseronni], he appoints (lit. makes) the day.

From _weghnisera,_ day, and _konnis,_ C., to make.

Rawenniyo [rawenniyoh], G.o.d (lit. he is a master). _Keweniio,_ C., to be master. See Appendix, note B.

Raxhottahyh, my forefathers. _Rak sotha,_ C., my grandfather.

Roghskenrakeghdekowah, he is a war-chief. _Oskera,_ C., war; _roskenrakehte,_ warrior; _kowa,_ great.

Rodighskenrakeghdethaghkwe [rodiskenrakedetahkwe], they were warriors.

3d pers. pl. imperfect of _roskenrakehte,_ he is a warrior.

Rokhawah, his son. _Gahaak,_ B., to have for child; _nihaak,_ my child.

Rokwahhokowah, he is the great wolf. _Okwaho,_ wolf; _kowa,_ great.

Ronarasehsen, they are cousins. See _Yeshonarase._

Ronatennossendonghkwe [rondennoshentonhkwe], they used to meet (lit., to fraternize). 3d pers. pl. imperfect of _atennossen,_ to be brother and sister.

Ronenh, they said. _En,_ B. to say (used only in the preterite).

Roneronh, they thought. _Eron,_ B., to think.

Ronkeghsotah, my forefathers. See _Onkwaghsotshera_ and _Raxhottahyh._

Roskerewake, he is of the Bear clan. _Akskerewake_, C., to be of the band of the Bear.

Rotirighwison, they made the rule, they decided. See _Karihwa_.

_Gariheison_; B., to finish a matter, to conclude.


Saderesera, thy grandchildren. _Atere_, grandchild; _sera_, the crement, generalizing the word. See _Onkwaghsotshera_.

Sahondakon, in thy ears. _Ahonta_, B., ear.

Sanekenh, although, yet, nevertheless.

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