The Thousandfold Thought Part 53

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Athjeari, Coithus (4089- )-The Earl of the Galeoth region of Gaenri, and nephew to Coithus Saubon. (4089- )-The Earl of the Galeoth region of Gaenri, and nephew to Coithus Saubon.

Atkondo-Atyoi-The language group of the Satyothi pastoralists of the Atkondras Mountains and surrounding regions.

Atkondras Mountains-Perhaps the greatest range west of the Kayarsus, running from the Sea of Jorua to the Great Ocean, and effectively sealing Zeum from the rest of Earwa.

Atrithau-The ancient administrative and commercial capital of what was once Eamnor, and one of two Norsirai cities to have survived the Apocalypse. Atrithau is peculiar in that it is built upon what is called "anarcane ground," which is to say, ground that renders sorcery impotent, found at the foot of Mount Ankulakai. It was originally founded c. c. 570 as the fortress Ara-Etrith ("New Etrith") by the famed Umeri G.o.d-King Caru-Ongonean. 570 as the fortress Ara-Etrith ("New Etrith") by the famed Umeri G.o.d-King Caru-Ongonean.

Atrithi-The language of Atrithau, derived from Eamnoric.

Atsushan Highlands-The arid hill country of the Gedean interior.

Attong Plateau-"Missing Tower" (from Kyranean att anoch att anoch) Also known as the Attong Gap. The famous opening in the Hethanta Mountains, and the traditional invasion route of the Scylvendi.

Attrempus-"Tower of Respite" (Kyranean) The sister fortress of Atyersus, founded in 2158 by Seswatha and the nascent School of Mandate, and held in trust by House Nersei of Conriya since 3921.

Atyersus-"Tower of Warning" (Kyranean) The sister fortress of Attrempus, founded in 2157 by Seswatha and other Gnostic survivors of the Apocalypse. Atyersus is the primary stronghold of the Mandate.

Auja-Gilcunni-The lost "ground tongue" of the Nonmen. See Languages of Nonmen Languages of Nonmen.

Aujic-The lost tongue of the Nonmen Aujan Mansions.

Aumri-Saugla-The language group of the ancient Norsirai peoples of the Aumris Valley.

Aumris River-The primary river system of northwest Earwa, draining the greater Istyuli basin and emptying into the Neleost Sea. The River Aumris is also the cradle of Norsirai civilization. Over a relatively brief period of time, the High Norsirai tribes that settled the rich alluvial plains along the lower Aumris founded the first cities of Men, including Tryse, Sauglish, Etrith, and umerau. As the result of trade with the Nonmen of Injor-Niyas, the power and sophistication of the Aumris River civilization grew quickly, culminating in the Trysean Empire under the G.o.d-King Cunwerishau in the fourth century.

Aurang (?- )-A surviving Prince of the Inchoroi and Horde-General to the No-G.o.d during the Apocalypse. Very little is known of Aurang, save that he is a ranking member of the Consult and the twin brother of Aurax. (?- )-A surviving Prince of the Inchoroi and Horde-General to the No-G.o.d during the Apocalypse. Very little is known of Aurang, save that he is a ranking member of the Consult and the twin brother of Aurax.

Aurax-(?- )-A surviving Prince of the Inchoroi. Very little is known of Aurax, save that he is a ranking member of the Consult and the twin brother of Aurang. Mandate scholars speculate that it was he who first taught the Tekne to the Mangaecca.

Auvangshei-Famed Ceneian fortress on the extreme western frontier of Nilnamesh, often symbolically invoked as the limit of the known world, which is to say, the Three Seas.

Avowels-The cla.s.sic text by Olekaros, which poses as a "spiritual exploration" but is in actual fact little more than a collection of wise sayings from various thinkers in various nations. Its Sheyic translation enjoys widespread popularity among caste-n.o.ble lay readers in the Three Seas.


bagaratta-The "sweeping way" of Scylvendi sword fighting.

Bajeda, Straits of-The straits separating the southwestern tip of Nron from the southeastern extremities of Cironj.

Balait urs Kututha (4072-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe, and Cnaiur urs Skiotha's brother-in-law. (4072-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe, and Cnaiur urs Skiotha's brother-in-law.

Bannut urs Hannut (4059-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe, and Cnaiur urs Skiotha's uncle. (4059-4110)-A Scylvendi warrior of the Utemot tribe, and Cnaiur urs Skiotha's uncle.

Bardic Priest-In the traditional folk religions of the Ancient North, a type of wandering priest who earned his living reciting scriptural lays and performing priestly functions for various G.o.ds.

Barisullas, Nrezza (4053- ) The King of Cironj, at once admired and maligned throughout the Three Seas for his mercantile ingenuity. He is notorious for surviving and managing to reverse Shrial Censure not once but three times. (4053- ) The King of Cironj, at once admired and maligned throughout the Three Seas for his mercantile ingenuity. He is notorious for surviving and managing to reverse Shrial Censure not once but three times.

Batathent-A ruined fortress-temple dating back to pre-cla.s.sical Kyraneas, and destroyed by the Scylvendi shortly after the fall of Cenei in 3351.

Battle-Celebrant-An honour bestowed by the Gilgallic Priesthood on those most responsible for victory in battle.

Battlemaster-Among the Inrithi, the traditional rank a.s.signed to those commanding coalitions.

Battle of Anwurat-A pivotal battle of the First Holy War, fought in the summer of 4111 about the fortress of Anwurat south of the Sempis Delta. Despite early setbacks, the Inrithi under Cnaiur urs Skiotha managed to rout the Kianene host of Skauras ab Nalajan, allowing the subsequent conquest of southern s.h.i.+gek and opening the road to Caraskand.

Battle of Caraskand-Sometimes called the Battle of Tertae Fields. The desperate and pivotal battle in 4112 between the host of Kascamandri ab Tepherokar, the Padirajah of Kian, and the First Holy War under Anasurimbor Kellhus, where the Fanim, despite outnumbering the diseased and starved Inrithi, found themselves incapable of slowing or stopping the First Holy War's general advance. Many attribute the Inrithi victory to the intercession of the G.o.d, though a more likely explanation is to be found in the revelatory events immediately preceding the battle. Nersei Proyas is particularly effective in his descriptions of the maniacal morale enjoyed by the Inrithi as a result of the Warrior-Prophet's Circ.u.mfixion and subsequent vindication. That the Kianene were overconfident is amply demonstrated by the Padirajah's decision to allow the First Holy War to a.s.semble its ranks unmolested.

Battle of Eleneot Fields-The great battle between the Horde of the No-G.o.d and the Second Ordeal on Kuniuri's northeastern frontier in 2146. Despite having a.s.sembled the greatest host of their age, Anasurimbor Celmomas and his allies were unprepared for the vast numbers of Sranc, Bashrag, and Wracu gathered by the No-G.o.d and his Consult slaves. The battle was an unmitigated catastrophe, and signalled the eventual destruction of Norsirai civilization.

Battle of Kiyuth-An important battle between the Imperial Army of Nansur and the Scylvendi, fought in 4110 on the banks of the River Kiyuth, a tributary of the Sempis river system. The overconfident Scylvendi King-of-Tribes led his people into a trap laid by Ikurei Conphas, the Nansur Exalt-General. The resulting defeat was unprecedented, given that it occurred on the Jiunati Steppe.

Battle of Maan-A minor battle fought between Conriya and Ce Tydonn in 4092.

Battle of Mehsarunath-The first great battle fought between the gathered might of Kyraneas and the host of the No-G.o.d on the Attong Plateau in 2154. Though Aurang, the No-G.o.d's Horde-General, won the battle, the Kyranean High King, Anaxophus V, was able to escape with much of his host intact, setting the stage for the far more decisive Battle of Mengedda the following year.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 53 summary

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