The Thousandfold Thought Part 54

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Battle of Mengedda, the Second-The desperate battle where Anaxophus V and his southern tributaries and allies made their victorious stand against the Horde of the No-G.o.d in 2155. Thought by many to be the most important battle in history.

Battle of Mengedda, the Fourth-The battle where the so-called Vulgar Holy War under Nersei Calmemunis suffered utter destruction at the hands of the Kianene under Skauras ab Nalajan in 4110.

Battle of Mengedda, the Fifth-The first decisive battle fought between the First Holy War and the Kianene, in 4111. Plagued with organizational problems and dissension among its commanders, the First Holy War, under the nominal command of Prince Coithus Saubon, was caught by Skauras ab Nalajan and his Kianene host on the Plains of Mengedda with only half of its available strength. From morning to late afternoon, the Inrithi managed to beat back innumerable Kianene charges. When the remainder of the First Holy War arrived on the Fanim flank, the will of the Kianene broke and they were routed.

Battle of Paremti-A minor battle fought between Conriya and Ce Tydonn in 4109, and the first military victory of Prince Nersei Proyas. Historically significant because Proyas had his cousin, Calmemunis, whipped for impiety, an act that many historians claim precipitated Calmemunis's decision to prematurely march with the so-called Vulgar Holy War.

Battle of the Slops-Name given to the prolonged contest between the Kianene and the Ainoni at the Battle of Anwurat.

Battle of Trantis Bay-The decisive sea battle where the Kianene fleet, using Cishaurim, was able to annihilate the Imperial Nansur fleet under General Sa.s.sotian in 4111, thereby denying the First Holy War its primary source of water for its march across Khemema.

Battle of Tywanrae Fords-One of three disastrous defeats suffered by Akksersia and its allies at the hands of the Horde of the No-G.o.d. Tywanrae is often evoked by Mandate scholars as an example of the limitations of using Chorae alone to cope with enemy sorcerers in battle.

Battle of Zirkirta-A major battle fought between the Kianene host of Hasjinnet ab Skauras and the Scylvendi under Yursut urs Muknai on the Jiunati Steppe in 4103. Though their cavalry proved no match for the Scylvendi, and Hasjinnet himself was slain, the Kianene were quick in recovering, and most of the ill-fated expedition survived.

Battleplain-See Mengedda Plains Mengedda Plains.

Battles of Agongorea-See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Bengulla (4103-12)-Son of Aengelas and Valrissa. (4103-12)-Son of Aengelas and Valrissa.

benjuka-A subtle and ancient game of strategy played by caste-n.o.bility throughout the Three Seas. A derivative of the more esoteric mirqu mirqu played by Nonmen, the first extant references to benjuka date back to the so-called Nonmen Tutelage (555-825). played by Nonmen, the first extant references to benjuka date back to the so-called Nonmen Tutelage (555-825).

Betmulla Mountains-A minor mountain range forming the southwestern frontier of both Xerash and Amoteu.

Biaxi, House-One of the Houses of the Congregate, and traditional rival to House Ikurei.

blood-of-the-onta-A common term for what Zarathinius called the "ink" of the Mark.

Bogras, Praxum (4059-4111)-The general of the Selial Column, slain at Anwurat. (4059-4111)-The general of the Selial Column, slain at Anwurat.

Bokae-An old Ceneian fort on the western frontier of Enathpaneah.

Boksarias, Pirras (2395-2437)-The Ceneian Emperor who standardized trading protocols within the empire and established a thriving system of markets in its major cities. (2395-2437)-The Ceneian Emperor who standardized trading protocols within the empire and established a thriving system of markets in its major cities.

Book of Circles and Spirals, The-The magnum opus of Sorainas, providing an entertaining blend of philosophical commentary and religious aphorism.

Book of Devices, The-An oft-revised Nansur military manual depicting the banner devices of their ancestral foes.

Book of Divine Acts, The-The magnum opus of Memgowa, the famed Zeumi sage and philosopher. Though not as commonly read or copied as his Celestial Aphorisms, Celestial Aphorisms, most scholars consider it a vastly superior work. most scholars consider it a vastly superior work.

Bowl, the-The name given to Caraskand's central quarter, which is surrounded by five of the city's nine heights.

Breaking of the Gates-The name given to the a.s.sault on the Gates of Earwa, a series of fortified through the Great Kayarsus, by the Men of Eanna. Since The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk ends with the determination to invade Earwa, or the Land of the "Uplifted Sun," and since the Nonmen Mansions most involved in resisting the Tribes of Men were all destroyed, very little is known either of the Breaking of the Gates or of the subsequent migratory invasions. ends with the determination to invade Earwa, or the Land of the "Uplifted Sun," and since the Nonmen Mansions most involved in resisting the Tribes of Men were all destroyed, very little is known either of the Breaking of the Gates or of the subsequent migratory invasions.

Bukris-The G.o.d of famine. As one of the so-called Punitive G.o.ds, who command sacrifices through threat and the imposition of suffering, Bukris has no real Cult or priesthood. According to Kiunnat tradition, Bukris is the older brother of Anagke, which is why Anagkean Cultic Priests typically administer the rites of propitiation during times of hunger.

Burning of the White s.h.i.+ps-One of the more famous acts of treachery during the Apocalypse. Falling back before the Consult legions, Anasurimbor Nimeric dispatched the Aorsic fleet in 2134 to shelter in the Kuniuri port of Aesorea, where it was burned by agents unknown mere days after its arrival, deepening the feud between the two peoples, with tragic consequences. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Burulan (4084- )-One of Esmenet's Kianene body-slaves. (4084- )-One of Esmenet's Kianene body-slaves.

Byantas-A near antique writer of the Ceneian Empire.


Calasthenes (4055-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by a Chorae at Anwurat. (4055-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by a Chorae at Anwurat.

Calmemunis, Nersei (4069-4110)-The Palatine of the Conriyan province of Kanampurea, and nominal leader of the Vulgar Holy War. (4069-4110)-The Palatine of the Conriyan province of Kanampurea, and nominal leader of the Vulgar Holy War.

Cants-The name given to offensive sorcerous incantations. See sorcery sorcery.

Cants of Calling-The family of incantations that enable communications over distance. Though the metaphysics of these Cants is only loosely understood, all long-distance Cants of Calling seem to turn on the so-called Here Hypothesis. One can call only to slumbering souls (because they remain open to the Outside) and only to those residing someplace where the Caller has physically been. The idea is that the "Here" of the Caller can only reach a "There," or other location, that has been a "Here" sometime in the past. The degree of similarity between Anagogic and Gnostic Cants of Calling has led many to suspect that they hold the key to unravelling the Gnosis.

Cants of Compulsion-The family of incantations that control the movements of an individual's soul. Typically these include the so-called Cants of Torment, though not always. An insidious aspect of these Cants is that their subject often has no way of distinguis.h.i.+ng sorcerously compelled thoughts from his own thoughts. This has sp.a.w.ned a whole literature on the very notion of "will." If the compelled soul feels every bit as uncompelled as the free soul, then how can anyone truly know himself to be free?

Canute-A Province of Ce Tydonn, one of the so-called Deep Marches of the Upper Swa.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 54 summary

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