The Thousandfold Thought Part 60

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First and Final Word-A common epithet for the words of Inri Sejenus.

Five Tribes of Men-The five rough cultural and racial groups that migrated into the Earwic subcontinent at the beginning of the Second Age; respectively, the Norsirai, the Ketyai, the Satyothi, the Scylvendi, and the Xiuhianni.

Flail, the-A constellation in the northern sky.

flat-place, the-According to Scylvendi custom, the ideal spiritual state wherein the Scylvendi warrior, freed of all pa.s.sion and desire, becomes the very expression of the land.

Forbidden Road-A secret military road connecting the Scylvendi and Kianene frontiers of the Nansur Empire.

44 Epistles-The magnum opus of Ekyannus I, consisting of forty-four "letters" written to the G.o.d, including commentary and confession as well as philosophical inquiry and critique.

Fourth a.n.a.lytic of Men, The-Also known as The Book of Maxims The Book of Maxims. One of the more famous works of Ajencis, containing several hundred not so very flattering "Observations of Men" and the corresponding maxim outlining the practical way to deal with each of the Men so observed.

Fourth Dialogue of the Movements of the Planets as They Pertain to Astrology, The-One of the famed "lost works" of Ajencis.

Fustaras (4061-4111)-An Orthodox agitator and proadjunct from the Selial Column. (4061-4111)-An Orthodox agitator and proadjunct from the Selial Column.


Gaenkelti (4068-4111)-The Exalt-Captain of the Palatial Eothic Guard. (4068-4111)-The Exalt-Captain of the Palatial Eothic Guard.

Gaenri-A fiefdom of Galeoth, located to the northwest near the Hethantas.

Gaeterius (2981-3045)-The Ceneian slave-scholar celebrated for his commentaries on (2981-3045)-The Ceneian slave-scholar celebrated for his commentaries on The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk collected under the t.i.tle collected under the t.i.tle Contemplations on the Indentured Soul Contemplations on the Indentured Soul.

Gaethuni-A fiefdom of Ce Tydonn, located on the southwestern coasts.

Gaidekki, Shressa (4062- )-The Palatine of the Conriyan district of Anplei. (4062- )-The Palatine of the Conriyan district of Anplei.

Gal, Plains of-A great expanse of gra.s.slands to the north of the Cerish Sea.

Galeoth-A Norsirai nation of the Three Seas. Following the Apocalypse, countless thousands of Meori refugees settled the environs north of Lake Huosi. Though nominally tributary to the Ceneian Empire, surviving records indicate that the "Galoti," as the Ceneians called them, were a fractious and warlike people. At some point in the thirty-fifth century, sedentary kingdoms began to displace the pastoral tribes along the Vindauga and Sculpa rivers. Galeoth proper did not arise until c. c. 3683, when King Norwain I reputedly concluded twenty years of campaigning and conquest by having his captive foes butchered en in the reception hall of Moraor, the great palace complex of the Galeoth Kings. 3683, when King Norwain I reputedly concluded twenty years of campaigning and conquest by having his captive foes butchered en in the reception hall of Moraor, the great palace complex of the Galeoth Kings.

Galeoth Wars-The wars fought between Galeoth and the Nansur Empire, first in 4103-4, then again in 4106. In each case the Galeoth, under the generals.h.i.+p of Coithus Saubon, enjoyed early successes, only to be subsequently defeated in more decisive engagements, the last of which was the Battle of Procorus, where Ikurei Conphas commanded the Imperial Army.

Galgota, Nisht (4062- )-The Palatine of the Ainoni palatinate of Eshganax. (4062- )-The Palatine of the Ainoni palatinate of Eshganax.

Gallish-The language of Galeoth, derived from Old Meoric.

Ganbrota, Murworg (4064- )-The Earl of the Thunyeri fiefdom of Ingraul. (4064- )-The Earl of the Thunyeri fiefdom of Ingraul.

gandoki-"shadows" (Gallish) A traditional Galeoth sport where two men, their wrists bound to either end of two poles, attempt to knock each other off their footing.

Ganrelka II, Anasurimbor (2104-47)-The successor of Celmomas II and the last reigning High King of Kuniuri. (2104-47)-The successor of Celmomas II and the last reigning High King of Kuniuri.

Ganrikka, Warthut (4070- )-A client thane of Gothyelk. (4070- )-A client thane of Gothyelk.

Ganyatti, Amurrei (4064- )-The Conriyan Palatine of the district of Ankirioth. (4064- )-The Conriyan Palatine of the district of Ankirioth.

Gaortha-The true name of the second skin-spy to pose as Cutias Sarcellus.

Garsahadutha, Ram-Sa.s.sor (4076-4111)-A Tributary Prince of Sansor, leader of the Sansori in the Ainoni contingent of the Holy War, slain at the Battle of Anwurat. (4076-4111)-A Tributary Prince of Sansor, leader of the Sansori in the Ainoni contingent of the Holy War, slain at the Battle of Anwurat.

Gate of Horns-One of Caraskand's main gates.

Gate of Pelts-One of Sumna's famed Nine Great Gates, opening onto the Karian Way.

Gaumum, House-A Nansur House of the Congregate, with holdings scattered across the western Kyranae Plain.

Gayamakri, Sattushal (4070- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly an Ainoni baron. (4070- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly an Ainoni baron.

Gedea-A governorate of Kian and former province of the Nansur Empire. Located between s.h.i.+gek and the Anaras Spur, Gedea is a semi-arid land with interior plateaus and semi-mountainous coasts. Historically, Gedea is primarily known as the battleground between ancient s.h.i.+gek and Kyraneas.

Gekas-A palatinate of High Ainon, located on the upper River Sayut.

Gerotha-The administrative and commercial capital of Xerash.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 60 summary

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