The Thousandfold Thought Part 61

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Geshrunni (4069-4110)-A s.h.i.+eld-Captain of the Javreh, slain in Carythusal. (4069-4110)-A s.h.i.+eld-Captain of the Javreh, slain in Carythusal.

Gesindal-A fiefdom of Galeoth located to the immediate northwest of Oswenta. A disproportionate number of Gesindalmen belong to the so-called Tattoo Cult of Gilgaol-a subsect common among the Galeoth and Cepalorans-believing that skin tattooed with the sacred signs of War is immune to injury.

Ghoset-An ancient Wracu sp.a.w.ned during the Cuno-Inchoroi Wars.

Gielgath-An important Nansur city located on the Meneanor coast.

Gierra-The G.o.d of carnal pa.s.sion. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Gierra is very popular throughout the Three Seas, particularly among aging men drawn to the "aphrodisica," Cultic nostrums reputed to enhance virility. In the Higarata, Higarata, the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Gierra is rarely depicted with any consistency, and is often cast as a malign temptress, luring men to the luxury of her couch, often with fatal consequences. the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Gierra is rarely depicted with any consistency, and is often cast as a malign temptress, luring men to the luxury of her couch, often with fatal consequences.

Gilcunya-The tongue of the Nonmen Quya and the Gnostic Schools, thought to be a debased version of Auja-Gilcunni, the so-called "ground" (or first) tongue of the Cunuroi.

Gilgallic Gate-An immense gate located at the westernmost point of Momemn's walls.

Gilgaol-The G.o.d of war and conflict. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Gilgaol is perhaps the most popular of the Hundred G.o.ds. In the Higarata, Higarata, the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Gilgaol is depicted as harsh and sceptical of Men, continually demanding proof of worth from those who would follow him. Though subordinate to the Thousand Temples, the Gilgallic Cult boasts nearly as many priests, and perhaps receives more in the way of sacrificial donations. the collection of subsidiary writings that form the scriptural core of the Cults, Gilgaol is depicted as harsh and sceptical of Men, continually demanding proof of worth from those who would follow him. Though subordinate to the Thousand Temples, the Gilgallic Cult boasts nearly as many priests, and perhaps receives more in the way of sacrificial donations.

Ginsil (2115- (2115-c. 2147)-The wife of General En-Kaujalau in 2147)-The wife of General En-Kaujalau in The Sagas, The Sagas, who pretended to be her husband to fool the coming to kill him. who pretended to be her husband to fool the coming to kill him.

Girgalla (1798-1841)-An ancient Kuniuric poet famed for his (1798-1841)-An ancient Kuniuric poet famed for his Epic of Sauglish Epic of Sauglish.

Girgash-A nation of the Three Seas, located on the mountainous northern frontier of Nilnamesh, and the only Fanim nation aside from Kian.

Girgas.h.i.+-The language of Fanic-Girgash, a derivative of Sapmatari.

Girgilioth-A ruined city on the south bank of the River Sempis, which was once the capital of Kyranean-occupied s.h.i.+gek but was destroyed following Kyraneas's demise in the Apocalypse.

gishrut-A traditional Scylvendi drink made from fermented mare's milk.

Gnosis-The branch of sorcery once practised by the Gnostic Schools of the Ancient North but now known only to the Schools of Mandate and Mangaecca. Unlike Anagogic sorcery, Gnostic sorcery is leveraged through the use of the Abstractions, which is why Gnostic sorcerers are often referred to as Philosopher Magi. The Gnosis was first developed by the Nonmen Quya, who imparted it to the early Norsirai Anagogic sorcerers during the Nonman Tutelage, 555-825.

Several Gnostic Cants are: the Bar of Heaven, the Bisecting Planes of Mirseor, the Cirroi Loom, the Ellipses of Thosolankis, the Odaini Concussion Cant, the Seventh Quyan Theorem, and the Weara Comb.

See sorcery sorcery.

Gnostic Schools-Those Schools that practise the Gnosis. Only two such Schools, the Mangaecca and the Mandate, survive, though prior to the Apocalypse some dozen or so Gnostic Schools were in existence, the Sohonc foremost among them.

Goat's Heart, The-The famed book of fables by Protathis.

G.o.d, the-In Inrithi tradition, the unitary, omniscient, omnipotent, and immanent being responsible for existence, of which G.o.ds (and in some strains Men) are but "aspects." In the Kiunnat tradition, the G.o.d is more an abstract placeholder than anything else. In the Fanim tradition, the G.o.d is the unitary, omniscient, omnipotent, and transcendent transcendent being responsible for existence (thus the "Solitary G.o.d"), against which the G.o.ds war for the hearts of men. being responsible for existence (thus the "Solitary G.o.d"), against which the G.o.ds war for the hearts of men.

G.o.ds, the-Supernatural inhabitants of the Outside possessing human characteristics and figuring as objects of ritual and wors.h.i.+p. See Hundred G.o.ds Hundred G.o.ds.

Goken the Red (4058- )-The notorious pirate and Thunyeri Earl of Cern Auglai. (4058- )-The notorious pirate and Thunyeri Earl of Cern Auglai.

Golgotterath-The nigh impregnable stronghold of the Consult, located to the north of Neleost Sea in the shadow of the Yimaleti Mountains. Called Min-Uroikas by the Nonmen during the Cuno-Inchoroi Wars, Golgotterath did not become significant to human history until its occupation by the Mangaecca School in 777, who excavated the Incu-Holoinas and raised vast fortifications about it. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Gonrain, Hoga (4088- )-The second-eldest son of Earl Gothyelk. (4088- )-The second-eldest son of Earl Gothyelk.

gopa-A red-throated gull common to the southern Three Seas, and notoriously ill-mannered.

Gotagga ( (c. 687-735)-Great Umeri sorcerer credited with the birth of philosophy apart from what had been purely theological speculation. According to Ajencis, Men explained the world with characters and stories before Gotagga and with principles and observations after. 687-735)-Great Umeri sorcerer credited with the birth of philosophy apart from what had been purely theological speculation. According to Ajencis, Men explained the world with characters and stories before Gotagga and with principles and observations after.

Gotheras, Hoga (4081- )-The eldest son of Earl Gothyelk. (4081- )-The eldest son of Earl Gothyelk.

Gothyelk, Hoga (4052- )-The Earl of Agansanor, and leader of the Tydonni contingent of the Holy War. (4052- )-The Earl of Agansanor, and leader of the Tydonni contingent of the Holy War.

Gotian, Incheiri (4065- )-The Grandmaster of the Shrial Knights and Maithanet's representative in the Holy War. (4065- )-The Grandmaster of the Shrial Knights and Maithanet's representative in the Holy War.

Grandmaster-The t.i.tle bestowed upon the administrative rulers of the Schools.

Great Desert-See Carathay Desert Carathay Desert.

Great Factions-The general term used to refer to the most powerful military and political inst.i.tutions of the Three Seas.

Great Kayarsus-The vast system of mountain ranges that forms the eastern frontier of Earwa.

Great Library of Sauglish-The archive founded by Caru-Ongonean, the third Umeri G.o.d-King, c. c. 560, and transformed by Nincaeru-Telesser II (574-668) into the cultural heart of the Ancient North. At the time of its destruction in 2147, it was rumoured to be as large as some small cities. 560, and transformed by Nincaeru-Telesser II (574-668) into the cultural heart of the Ancient North. At the time of its destruction in 2147, it was rumoured to be as large as some small cities.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 61 summary

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