The Thousandfold Thought Part 67

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Kuoti-A Scylvendi tribe of the northwestern Steppe.

Kurigald-A fiefdom of Galeoth, located on the eastern of Lake Huosi.

Kurrut-A small fortress in the Gedean interior, built by the Nansur after the fall of s.h.i.+gek to the Fanim in 3933.

Kus.h.i.+gas (4070-4111)-The Palatine of the Conriyan province of Annand, slain at Anwurat. (4070-4111)-The Palatine of the Conriyan province of Annand, slain at Anwurat.

Kusjeter (4077-4111)-The Count-Palatine of the Ainoni province of Gekas, slain at Anwurat. (4077-4111)-The Count-Palatine of the Ainoni province of Gekas, slain at Anwurat.

Kussalt (4054-4111)-The groom to Prince Coithus Saubon, slain at Mengedda. (4054-4111)-The groom to Prince Coithus Saubon, slain at Mengedda.

Kutapileth-An administrative district of eastern High Ainon, noted for its iron and silver mines.

Kutigha (4063-4111)-A Thousand Temples informant for the Scarlet Spires. (4063-4111)-A Thousand Temples informant for the Scarlet Spires.

kut'ma-In benjuka, the "hidden move" that seems insignificant but actually determines the outcome of the game.

Kutnarmu-The generic name for the unexplored continent south of Earwa.

Kyranae Plains-A fertile region drained by the River Phayus and extending from the southern Hethanta Mountains to the Meneanor Sea. Its peoples have given birth to three great empires: ancient Kyraneas, the Ceneian Empire, and most recently the Nansur Empire.

Kyranean-The lost language of ancient Kyraneas, derived from ancient Kemkaric.

Kyraneas-A lost nation of the ancient Three Seas, located on the River Phayus, with a capital first at Parninas then at Mehtsonc. Culturally linked and long tributary to s.h.i.+gek, Kyraneas expanded to include much of her erstwhile ruler's empire, and was at the height of her power at the time of the Apocalypse. With the loss at Mehsarunath in 2154 and the destruction of Mehtsonc shortly after, the fate of the ancient kingdom was sealed, even though the Kyranean High King, Anaxophus V, managed to defeat the No-G.o.d the following year. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.


Labyrinth-See Thousand Thousand Halls Thousand Thousand Halls.

Lance, the-A Scylvendi constellation in the northern sky.

Languages of Men-Until the Breaking of the Gates and the migration of the Four Nations from Eanna, the Men of Earwa-called the Emwama in The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk-were enslaved by the Nonmen and spoke debased versions of their masters' tongues. No trace of these languages remains, nor does any trace of their original, pre-bondage language. The great Nonman history, the Isuphiryas, Isuphiryas, or the "Great Pit of Years," suggests the Emwama originally spoke the same tongue as their kin across the Great Kayarsus. This has led many to believe that Thoti-Eannorean is indeed the primeval language of all men. or the "Great Pit of Years," suggests the Emwama originally spoke the same tongue as their kin across the Great Kayarsus. This has led many to believe that Thoti-Eannorean is indeed the primeval language of all men.

Languages of Nonmen-Without doubt, the Nonmen, or Cunuroi, tongues are among the oldest in Earwa. Some Aujic inscriptions predate the first extant example of Thoti-Eannorean, The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, by more than five thousand years. Auja-Gilcunni, which has yet to be deciphered, is far older still. by more than five thousand years. Auja-Gilcunni, which has yet to be deciphered, is far older still.

Latter Prophet-See Inri Sejenus Inri Sejenus.

"[to] laugh with Sarothesser"-An Ainoni phrase expressing their belief that laughter at the moment of death signifies triumph. This tradition stems from the legend that Sarothesser I, the founder of High Ainon, laughed at death the moment before it claimed him.

Law of the Tusk-The traditional law as laid out in the Book of Canticles in The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk. Though largely superseded by The Tractate, The Tractate, it is still referred to in cases on which Inri Sejenus was silent. it is still referred to in cases on which Inri Sejenus was silent.

Legion-A Dunyain term referring to the preconscious sources of the conscious thought.

Leweth (4061-4109)-A trapper in the abandoned Atrithan province of Sobel. (4061-4109)-A trapper in the abandoned Atrithan province of Sobel.

Library of Sauglish-The famed temple complex and text repository found in ancient Sauglish. According to legend, the Library had grown to the size of a city within the city by the time of Sauglish's destruction in 2147.

Library of the Sareots-See Sareotic Library Sareotic Library.

Ligesseras, House-One of the Houses of the Congregate.

Logos-The name used by Dunyain to refer to instrumental reason. The Logos describes the course of action that allows for the most efficient exploitation of one's circ.u.mstances in order "to come before," that is, to precede and master the pa.s.sage of events.

"[The] Logos is without beginning or end."-A Dunyain phrase referring to the so-called Rational Priority Principle. See Dunyain Dunyain.

Lokung-The "Dead-G.o.d" of the Scylvendi. See No-G.o.d No-G.o.d.

Low Sheyic-The language of the Nansur Empire and lingua franca of the Three Seas.


Maengi-The true name of the first skin-spy to pose as Cutias Sarcellus.

Magga, Hringa (4080-4111)-A cousin of Prince Hringa Skaiyelt of Thunyerus. (4080-4111)-A cousin of Prince Hringa Skaiyelt of Thunyerus.

Maithanet-The Shriah of the Thousand Temples, and primary instigator of the First Holy War.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 67 summary

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