The Thousandfold Thought Part 68

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Mallahet-A notorious member of the Cishaurim.

Mamaradda (4071-4111)-The Javreh s.h.i.+eld-Captain a.s.signed to execute Drusas Achamian. (4071-4111)-The Javreh s.h.i.+eld-Captain a.s.signed to execute Drusas Achamian.

Mamati-The language of scriptural Amoteu, a derivative of Caro-Shemic.

Mamayma (?-?)-One of the Chieftain-Kings named in (?-?)-One of the Chieftain-Kings named in The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk.

Mamot-A ruined Ceneian city located near the mouth of the River Sweki.

Mandate, School of-The Gnostic School founded by Seswatha in 2156 to continue the war against the Consult and to protect the Three Seas from the return of the No-G.o.d. Based in Atyersus, the Mandate maintains missions in several different cities about the Three Seas and emba.s.sies in the courts of all the Great Factions. Aside from its apocalyptic calling, the Mandate is distinct from the other sorcerous Schools in several respects, not the least of which is its possession of the Gnosis, a monopoly it has been able to protect for almost two thousand years. The Mandate also differs in the fanaticism of its members: apparently, all sorcerers of rank continuously dream Seswatha's experiences of the Apocalypse every night, the effect of a sorcerous rite called the Grasping, where initiates reputedly submit to incantations while holding Seswatha's mummified heart. Also, the members of the Mandate elect an executive council (called the Quorum) rather than an individual Grandmaster to further guard against deviations from their core mission.

Typically, the Mandate can boast between fifty and sixty sorcerers of rank, and perhaps twice that number of initiates. These numbers, which are typical of minor Anagogic Schools, are deceptive, however, since the power of the Gnosis makes the Mandate more than a match for Schools as large as, say, the Scarlet Spires. Because of this power, the School has long been courted by the Kings of Conriya.

Mandate Catechism-The ritual set of questions and answers on Mandate doctrine, recited by teacher and student at the beginning of each day of study. The first thing learned by all Mandate Schoolmen.

Mangaecca-The ancient rival to the School of Sohonc, and last of the four original Gnostic Schools. From its founding in 684 by Sos-Praniura (the greatest student of Gin'yursis), the School of Mangaecca had pursued a predatory ethos, regarding knowledge as the embodiment of power. Though this earned the School an ambiguous reputation, the Mangaecca managed to avoid running afoul of the High Gnostic Writ, the edict of Nincama-Telesser circ.u.mscribing sorcerous conduct. Then, in 777, at the behest of a Nonman Erratic named Cet'ingira, they discovered the Incu-Holoinas, the dread Ark of the Inchoroi. Over the following centuries they continued their excavations of the Ark and their investigations of the Tekne. In 1123 rumours began spreading that Shaeonanra, then Grandmaster of the Mangaecca, had discovered a catastrophic means to undo the scriptural d.a.m.nation of sorcerers. The School was promptly outlawed, and the remainder of the School fled to Golgotterath, abandoning Sauglish forever. By the time of the Apocalypse, they had transformed into what would be called the Consult. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Manghaput-A major port city in Nilnamesh.

Mansions-The mannish name for the great subterranean cities of the Nonmen.

Mantraitor-See Mekeritrig Mekeritrig.

Mark, the-The name for what is otherwise known as the "bruising of the onta." Aside from the Psukhe, which may or may not be a true sorcery, all sorcerous manifestations and pract.i.tioners exhibit what is called the Mark. Various descriptions of the Mark have come down through history, but there seems to be little consistency in the accounts, apart from the experience's ephemeral nature. According to religious accounts, the Mark is akin to the disfiguring of criminals, the way the G.o.d reveals the blasphemers in the presence of the righteous. But apologists such as Zarathinius point out that if this is indeed the case, then it is more than a little ironic that only the blasphemers blasphemers can see the Mark. In secular accounts, textual a.n.a.logies are typically resorted to: seeing the Mark is akin to seeing where text has been scratched away and overwritten in ancient doc.u.ments. In the case of sorcery, since the amendments to reality are as flawed as the Men who do the amending, it stands to reason that some essential difference would be visible. can see the Mark. In secular accounts, textual a.n.a.logies are typically resorted to: seeing the Mark is akin to seeing where text has been scratched away and overwritten in ancient doc.u.ments. In the case of sorcery, since the amendments to reality are as flawed as the Men who do the amending, it stands to reason that some essential difference would be visible.

Marsadda-The former capital of Cengemis, located on the coast of Ce Tydonn.

Martemus (4061-4111)-A Nansur General, and aide to Ikurei Conphas. (4061-4111)-A Nansur General, and aide to Ikurei Conphas.

Ma.s.sentia-A province of the central Nansurium, called "the Golden" because of the bounty of her wheat fields.

Mearji (4074- )-A Galeoth thane, client to Prince Coithus Saubon. (4074- )-A Galeoth thane, client to Prince Coithus Saubon.

Mehtsonc-The ancient administrative and commercial capital of Kyraneas, destroyed in the Apocalypse in 2154.

Meigeiri-The administrative and spiritual capital of Ce Tydonn, founded in 3739 about the Ceneian fortress of Meigara.

Meigon (4002- )-A member of the Dunyain Pragma. (4002- )-A member of the Dunyain Pragma.

Mekeritrig (?- )-"Traitor of Men" (Kuniuric) The mannish name for Cet'ingira, the Nonman Siqu who revealed the location of Min-Uroikas to the School of Mangaecca in 777, and who would become a ranking member of the Consult during the Apocalypse. See (?- )-"Traitor of Men" (Kuniuric) The mannish name for Cet'ingira, the Nonman Siqu who revealed the location of Min-Uroikas to the School of Mangaecca in 777, and who would become a ranking member of the Consult during the Apocalypse. See Mangaecca Mangaecca and and Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Memgowa (2466-2506)-The famed near antique Zeumi sage and philosopher, primarily known in the Three Seas for his (2466-2506)-The famed near antique Zeumi sage and philosopher, primarily known in the Three Seas for his Celestial Aphorisms Celestial Aphorisms and and The Book of Divine Acts The Book of Divine Acts.

memorialists-Those members of a Scylvendi tribe, typically the old and infirm, entrusted with the memorization and recitation of the Scylvendi oral tradition.

memponti-A Sheyic term meaning "fortuitous turn." In jnan, the most auspicious moment to make one's purposes clear.

Men-With the possible exception of the Sranc, the dominant race of Earwa.

Meneanor, Sea of-The northernmost of the Three Seas.

Mengedda-A ruined city in the heart of the Mengedda Plains, famed as the battleground where Anaxophus V struck down the No-G.o.d with the Heron Spear in 2155.

Mengedda Plains-The natural geographical frontier between s.h.i.+gek and Nansur, just south of the Unaras Spur and north of the Gedea Highlands. As the site of innumerable battles, the fields are widely reputed to be haunted.

Men of the Tusk-The warriors of the First Holy War.

Meori Empire-A lost nation of the Ancient North. Founded as a trading stronghold by Akksersian colonists c. c. 850, the city of Kelmeol grew rapidly, and its people, the Meori, progressively a.s.serted more and more authority over the neighbouring White Norsirai tribes. By the time Borswelka I was declared King in 1021, it had become an aggressive, militaristic city-state. By the time his grandson Borswelka II died in 1104, it had conquered most of the Vosa River Basin and had established trading contacts with s.h.i.+r to the south through a series of forts along the River Wernma. Strategically situated, and without any regional compet.i.tors, the Meori Empire, as it came to be called, flourished as a mercantile nation. It collapsed with the destruction of Kelmeol in 2150 during the Apocalypse. 850, the city of Kelmeol grew rapidly, and its people, the Meori, progressively a.s.serted more and more authority over the neighbouring White Norsirai tribes. By the time Borswelka I was declared King in 1021, it had become an aggressive, militaristic city-state. By the time his grandson Borswelka II died in 1104, it had conquered most of the Vosa River Basin and had established trading contacts with s.h.i.+r to the south through a series of forts along the River Wernma. Strategically situated, and without any regional compet.i.tors, the Meori Empire, as it came to be called, flourished as a mercantile nation. It collapsed with the destruction of Kelmeol in 2150 during the Apocalypse.

metaphysics-Generally, the study of the ultimate nature of existence. More specifically, the study of the operative principles behind the various branches of sorcery. See sorcery sorcery.

Meumaras (4058- )-The Captain of the (4058- )-The Captain of the Amortanea Amortanea.

Middle North-A term sometimes used to refer to the Norsirai nations of the Three Seas.

Mimara (4095- )-Esmenet's first-born daughter. (4095- )-Esmenet's first-born daughter.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 68 summary

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