The Thousandfold Thought Part 69

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Mimaripal (4067- )-A client baron of Chinjosa. (4067- )-A client baron of Chinjosa.

Ministrate-The Zaudunyani organization dedicated to the conversion of the Orthodox.

Min-Uroikas-"Pit of Obscenities" (Ihrimsu) The Nonman name for Golgotterath. See Cuno-Inchoroi Wars Cuno-Inchoroi Wars.

Miracle of the Circ.u.mfixion-The second of the Warrior-Prophet's three so-called "Miracles," referring to his survival of the Circ.u.mfix in Caraskand.

Miracle of Water-The first of the Warrior-Prophet's three so-called "Miracles," referring to his discovery of water in the wastes of Khemema.

Misarat-An immense Kianene fortress located on the northwestern frontier of Eumarna.

Mog-Pharau-The ancient Kuniuric name for "No-G.o.d." See No-G.o.d No-G.o.d.

Mohaiva-A district of Nilnamesh.

Momas-The G.o.d of storms, seas, and chance. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Momas is the primary deity wors.h.i.+pped by seamen and merchants, and is the patron divinity of Cironj (and to a lesser extent Nron). In the Higarata, Higarata, he is depicted as cruel, even malicious, and obsessed with minute matters of propriety-leading some commentators to suggest he is in fact a Bellicose, as opposed to a Compensatory, G.o.d. His primary device is the White Triangle on Black (representing the Shark's Tooth worn by all devotees of Momas). he is depicted as cruel, even malicious, and obsessed with minute matters of propriety-leading some commentators to suggest he is in fact a Bellicose, as opposed to a Compensatory, G.o.d. His primary device is the White Triangle on Black (representing the Shark's Tooth worn by all devotees of Momas).

Momemn-"Praise Momas" (Kyranean) The administrative and commercial capital of the Nansurium. Heavily fortified, Momemn houses the residence of the Nansur Emperor, as well as one of the busiest harbours on the Three Seas. Historians have oft noted how each of the three capitals (Mehtsonc, Cenei, and Momemn) of the three great empires to arise from the Kyranae Plain have stood along the River Phayus, each closer than the last to the Meneanor. Some claim that Momemn, which stands at the river's mouth, will be the last, thus leading to the common phrase "running out of river" to indicate changing fortunes.

Mongilea-A governorate of Kian and former province of the Nansur Empire, located along the coasts adjacent to the River Sweki. Long a tributary land, Mongilea has exchanged masters many times. As the original conquest of Fan'oukarji I (3759), it has become the "Green Homeland" of the Kianene, and a famed producer of horses.

Moraor-"Hall of Kings" (Old Meoric) The famed palace complex of Galeoth's rulers, located in Oswenta.

Morghund, House-The ruling dynasty of Atrithau since 3817.

Moserothu-An Ainoni city located in the heart of the populous Secharib Plains.

Mother-of-Cities-See Tryse Tryse.

Mount Eshki-The legendary "Mountain of Revelation" where, according to The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, the Prophet Angeshrael received the call to lead the Tribes of Men into Earwa. the Prophet Angeshrael received the call to lead the Tribes of Men into Earwa.

Mount Kinsureah-The legendary "Mountain of Summoning" where, according to The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, the Prophet Angeshrael sacrificed Oresh, the youngest of his sons by Esmenet, to demonstrate his conviction to the Tribes of Men. the Prophet Angeshrael sacrificed Oresh, the youngest of his sons by Esmenet, to demonstrate his conviction to the Tribes of Men.

Mouth-of-the-Worm-A Yatwerian temple in Carythusal, so named because of its proximity to the slums commonly called the Worm.

Munuati-A powerful Scylvendi tribe from the interior of the Jiunati Steppe.

Muretetis (2789-2864)-An ancient Ceneian scholar-slave famed for his (2789-2864)-An ancient Ceneian scholar-slave famed for his Axioms and Theorems, Axioms and Theorems, the founding text of Three Seas geometry. the founding text of Three Seas geometry.

Mursiris-"Wicked North" (Ham-Kheremic) The ancient s.h.i.+radi name for the No-G.o.d, so named because his presence was for so long sensed only as an intimation of doom on the northern horizon.

Myclai-The ancient administrative and commercial capital of Akksersia, destroyed in 2149 during the Apocalypse.

Mygella, Anasurimbor (2065-2111)-The famed Hero-King of Aorsi, whose deeds are recounted in (2065-2111)-The famed Hero-King of Aorsi, whose deeds are recounted in The Sagas The Sagas.

Mysunsai-"The Bond of Three" (Vaparsi) The self-proclaimed "mercenary School," which sells its sorcerous services across the Three Seas. Perhaps the largest of the Anagogic Schools, though far from the most powerful, the Mysunsai are a commercial result of the 3804 defensive amalgamation of three minor Schools during the Scholastic Wars: the Mikka Council from Cironji, the Oaranat from Nilnamesh, and the (Cengemic) Nilitar Compact from Ce Tydonn. Under the terms of the infamous Psailian Concession during the Scholastic Wars, the Mysunsai a.s.sisted the Inrithi in their Ainoni campaigns, an act for which the School was never forgiven, though it did much to confirm the School's exclusive commercial interests to its customers.


Nabathra-A mid-sized town in the province of Anserca, whose markets control the regional distribution of wool, the province's primary commodity.

Nagogris-A large New Dynasty city on the upper River Sempis, famed for her red sandstone fortifications.

nahat-See castes castes.

Nail of Heaven-The northern star that, aside from being the brightest in the night sky (it is sometimes visible in daylight), provides the axis from which all other stars revolve.

Nain (4071-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by Chorae at Anwurat. (4071-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by Chorae at Anwurat.

Nangael-A fiefdom of Ce Tydonn, located along the Swa Marches. Nangael warriors can be readily identified by their tattooed cheeks.

Nanor-Ukkerja I (1378-1556)-"Hammer of Heaven" (Kuniuric from Umeritic (1378-1556)-"Hammer of Heaven" (Kuniuric from Umeritic nanar hukisha nanar hukisha) The first Anasurimbor High King, whose defeat of the Scintya in 1408 would lead to the founding of Kuniuri and begin what most scholars regard as the longest-reigning dynasty in recorded history.

Nansur-See Nansur Empire Nansur Empire.

Nansur Empire-A nation of the Three Seas and self-proclaimed inheritor to the Ceneian Empire. At the height of its power the Nansur Empire extended from Galeoth to Nilnamesh, but it has been much reduced by centuries of warfare against the Fanim Kianene.

Though the Nansur Empire has witnessed its fair share of usurpers, palace revolts, and short-lived military dictators.h.i.+ps, it has enjoyed a remarkable degree of dynastic stability. It was under the Trimus Emperors (3411-3508) that the "Nansur" (the traditional name for the district surrounding Momemn) emerged from the chaos following Cenei's destruction to unify the Kyranae plains. But true Imperial expansion did not occur until the Zerxei Dynasty (3511-3619), which, under the rule of successive and short-lived Emperors, managed to conquer s.h.i.+gek (3539), Enathpaneah (3569), and the Sacred Lands (3574).

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 69 summary

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