The Thousandfold Thought Part 71

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Noshainrau the White ( (c.1005-72)-The founding Grandmaster of the Sohonc and author of the Interrogations, Interrogations, the first elaboration of the Gnosis by Men. the first elaboration of the Gnosis by Men.

Nron-A minor island nation of the Three Seas, nominally independent but in fact dominated by the School of Mandate in Atyersus.

Nroni-The language of Nron, a derivative of Sheyo-Kheremic.

Numaineiri-A populous and fertile fiefdom of interior Ce Tydonn, located to the west of Meigeiri. Numaineiri warriors are known to paint their faces red whenever they believe themselves doomed in battle.

number-sticks-A means of generating random numerical results for the purposes of gambling. The first references to number-sticks reach as far back as ancient s.h.i.+gek. The most common variations consist of two sticks typically referred to as the Fat and the Skinny. A groove is carved all the way through the Fat so that the Skinny can drop up and down its interior length. The Skinny is then capped on either end to prevent it from falling out. Numerical values are marked along the length of the Fat, so that when the sticks are thrown, the Skinny can indicate a result.

Numemarius, Thallei (4069-4111)-The Patridomos of House Thallei, and General of the Kidruhil until his death in Nagogris. (4069-4111)-The Patridomos of House Thallei, and General of the Kidruhil until his death in Nagogris.

Nymbricani-A tribe of Norsirai pastoralists who range southern Cepalor.

Nyranisas Sea-The easternmost of the Three Seas.


Oknai One-Eye (4053-4110)-The inveterate chieftain of the Munuati, a powerful federation of Scylvendi tribes. (4053-4110)-The inveterate chieftain of the Munuati, a powerful federation of Scylvendi tribes.

Okyati urs Okkiur (4038-82)-The cousin of Cnaiur urs Skiotha, who first brought Anasurimbor Moenghus as a captive to the Utemot camp in 4080. (4038-82)-The cousin of Cnaiur urs Skiotha, who first brought Anasurimbor Moenghus as a captive to the Utemot camp in 4080.

Old Ainoni-The language of Ceneian Ainon, a derivative of Ham-Kheremic.

Old Father-An epithet used by skin-spies to describe their Consult makers.

Old Meoric-The lost language of the early Meori Empire, a derivative of Nirsodic.

Old Name-A term referring to the original members of the Consult.

Old Science-See Tekne Tekne.

Old Scylvendi-The language of ancient Scylvendi pastoralists, a derivative of Skaaric.

Old Zeumi-The language of Angka (ancient Zeum), a derivative of Ankmuri.

Olekaros (2881-2956)-A Ceneian slave-scholar of Cironji descent, famed for his (2881-2956)-A Ceneian slave-scholar of Cironji descent, famed for his Avowals Avowals.

omen-texts-The traditional indexes, usually specific to each of the Cults, detailing the various omens and their meaning.

Omiri urs Xunnurit (4089-4111)-The lame daughter of Xunnurit and wife of Yursalka. (4089-4111)-The lame daughter of Xunnurit and wife of Yursalka.

Oncis Sea-The westernmost of the Three Seas.

111 Aphorisms-A minor work of Ekyannus VIII, consisting of 111 aphorisms that primarily deal with matters of faith and integrity.

"one lamb for ten bulls"-A saying that refers to the relative difference in value between a witting and an unwitting sacrificial victim.

Onkis-The G.o.ddess of hope and aspiration. One of the so-called Compensatory G.o.ds, who reward devotion in life with paradise in the afterlife, Onkis draws followers from all walks of life, though rarely in great numbers. She is only mentioned twice in the Higarata, Higarata, and in the (likely apocryphal) and in the (likely apocryphal) Parnishtas Parnishtas she is portrayed as a prophetess, not of the future, but of the motivations of Men. The so-called "shakers" belong to an extreme branch of the Cult, where the devotees ritually strive to be "possessed" by the G.o.ddess. Her symbol is the Copper Tree (which also happens to be the device of the legendary Nonman Mansion of Siol, though no link has been established). she is portrayed as a prophetess, not of the future, but of the motivations of Men. The so-called "shakers" belong to an extreme branch of the Cult, where the devotees ritually strive to be "possessed" by the G.o.ddess. Her symbol is the Copper Tree (which also happens to be the device of the legendary Nonman Mansion of Siol, though no link has been established).

"Only the Few can see the Few"-The traditional expression used to refer to the unique ability of sorcerers to "see" both the pract.i.tioners and the products of sorcery.

Onoyas II, Nersei (3823-78)-The King of Conriya who first forged the alliance between the School of Mandate and House Nersei. (3823-78)-The King of Conriya who first forged the alliance between the School of Mandate and House Nersei.

onta-The name given by the Schools to the very fabric of what is.

On the Carnal-The most famous of Opparitha's exhortatory works, popular among lay readers though widely derided by Three Seas intellectuals.

On the Folly of Men-The magnum opus of the famed satirist Ontillas.

On the Temples and Their Iniquities-A quasi-heretical Sareot text.

Ontillas (2875-2933)-The near antique Ceneian satirist most famous for his (2875-2933)-The near antique Ceneian satirist most famous for his On the Folly of Men On the Folly of Men.

Opparitha (3211-99)-The near antique Cengemian moralist most famous for his (3211-99)-The near antique Cengemian moralist most famous for his On the Carnal On the Carnal.

Opsara (4074- )-A Kianene slave who serves as the infant Moenghus's wet nurse. (4074- )-A Kianene slave who serves as the infant Moenghus's wet nurse.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 71 summary

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