The Thousandfold Thought Part 72

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Ordeal, the-Sometimes referred to as the Great Ordeal. The tragic holy war Anasurimbor Celmomas called against Golgotterath in 2123. See Apocalypse Apocalypse.

Orthodox-The name taken by the Inrithi opponents of the Zaudunyani during the siege of Caraskand.

Osbeus-A basalt quarry used in Near and Far Antiquity, located near the ruins of Mehtsonc.

Osthwai Mountains-A major mountain range located in central Earwa.

Oswenta-The administrative and commercial capital of Galeoth, located on the north coast of Lake Huosi.

Other Voice-The name given to the "voice" used to communicate in all Cants of Calling.

Othrain, Eorcu (4060-4111)-The Tydonni Earl of Numaineiri, slain at Mengedda. (4060-4111)-The Tydonni Earl of Numaineiri, slain at Mengedda.

Ottma, Cwithar (4073- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane. (4073- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane.

Outside-That which lies beyond the World. Most commentators follow Ajencis's so-called Dyadic Theory when characterizing the World and its relation to the Outside. In Meta-a.n.a.lytics, Meta-a.n.a.lytics, Ajencis argues that it is the relation between subject and object, desire and reality, that underwrites the structure of existence. The World, he argues, is simply the point of maximal objectivity, the plane where the desires of individual souls are helpless before circ.u.mstance (because it is fixed by the desire of the G.o.d of G.o.ds). The many regions of the Outside then represent diminis.h.i.+ng levels of objectivity, where circ.u.mstances yield more and more to desire. This, he claims, is what defines the "spheres of dominance" of G.o.ds and demons. As he writes, "the greater will commands." The more powerful ent.i.ties of the Outside dwell in "sub-realities" that conform to their desires. This is what makes piety and devotion so important: the more favour an individual can secure in the Outside (primarily through the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.ds and the honouring of ancestors), the greater the chance of finding bliss rather than torment in the afterlife. Ajencis argues that it is the relation between subject and object, desire and reality, that underwrites the structure of existence. The World, he argues, is simply the point of maximal objectivity, the plane where the desires of individual souls are helpless before circ.u.mstance (because it is fixed by the desire of the G.o.d of G.o.ds). The many regions of the Outside then represent diminis.h.i.+ng levels of objectivity, where circ.u.mstances yield more and more to desire. This, he claims, is what defines the "spheres of dominance" of G.o.ds and demons. As he writes, "the greater will commands." The more powerful ent.i.ties of the Outside dwell in "sub-realities" that conform to their desires. This is what makes piety and devotion so important: the more favour an individual can secure in the Outside (primarily through the wors.h.i.+p of G.o.ds and the honouring of ancestors), the greater the chance of finding bliss rather than torment in the afterlife.

Over-Standard-The sacred military standard of the Nansur Exalt-General, decorated with the disc-shaped breastplate of Kuxophus II, the last of the ancient Kyranean High Kings. Imperial Columnaries often refer to it as "the Concubine."


Paata (4062-4111) A body-slave belonging to Krijates Xinemus, slain in Khemema. (4062-4111) A body-slave belonging to Krijates Xinemus, slain in Khemema.

Padirajah-The traditional t.i.tle of the ruler of Kian.

Palpothis-One of the famed Ziggurats of s.h.i.+gek, named after Palpothis III (622-78), the Old Dynasty G.o.d-King who raised her.

Panteruth urs Mutkius (4075-4111)-A Scylvendi of the Munuati tribe. (4075-4111)-A Scylvendi of the Munuati tribe.

Parrhae Plains-A region of fertile tablelands located in northwestern Galeoth.

Pasna-A town on the River Phayus, known for the quality of its olive oil.

pembeditari-A common pejorative used for camp prost.i.tutes, meaning "scratchers."

pemembis-A wild bush prized for its fragrant blue blooms.

peneditari-A common name given to camp prost.i.tutes, meaning "long-walkers."

perrapta-A traditional Conriyan liquor, often used to inaugurate meals.

Persommas, Hagum (4078- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Nansur blacksmith. (4078- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Nansur blacksmith.

Pharixas-A disputed island stronghold in the Meneanor Sea.

Phayus River-The primary river system of the Kyranae Plains, draining the south central Hethanta Mountains and emptying into the Meneanor Sea.

Pherokar I (3666-3821)-One of Kian's earliest and fiercest Padirajahs. (3666-3821)-One of Kian's earliest and fiercest Padirajahs.

pick-A derogatory term often used by Norsirai when referring to Ketyai. The word comes from the Tydonni pikka, pikka, or "slave," but has come to have broader, racial connotations. or "slave," but has come to have broader, racial connotations.

Pilaskanda (4060- )-The King of Girgash and a tributary ally of the Kianene Padirajah. (4060- )-The King of Girgash and a tributary ally of the Kianene Padirajah.

Pirasha-An old Sumni wh.o.r.e befriended by Esmenet.

Pisathulas-The personal eunuch attendant of Ikurei Istriya.

Plaideol-A fiefdom of Ce Tydonn, one of the "Deep Marches" above the eastern headwaters of the River Swa. Plaideolmen are famed for their ferocity in battle, and are easily distinguished by their great beards, which they never trim.

Pon Way-An old Ceneian road that runs northwest from Momemn parallel to the River Phayus and serves as one of the Nansurium's primary commercial arteries.

Poripharus-An ancient Ceneian philosopher and adviser to Triamis the Great, famed for drafting the Triamic Code, the body of laws that forms the basis of legal practice in most Three Seas nations (with the notable exception of Kian).

Possessors of the Third Sight-An alternate name for the Cishaurim, so called because of their reputed ability to see without their eyes.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 72 summary

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