The Thousandfold Thought Part 73

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Pragma-The t.i.tle given to the most senior of the Dunyain.

Prima Arcanata, The-The magnum opus of Gotagga, representing the first sustained examination of sorcerous metaphysics by Men.

Prince of G.o.d-One of several names given to the Warrior-Prophet by the Men of the Tusk.

Principle of Before and After-Also known as the Empirical Priority Principle. See Dunyain Dunyain.

Proadjunct-The highest non-commissioned rank in the Imperial Nansur Army.

Probability Trance-A meditation technique used by the Dunyain to a.s.sess consequences of hypothetical acts in order to determine the course of action that will most effectively allow them to master their circ.u.mstances.

Prophet of the Tusk-The name given to the prophets depicted in The Chronicle of the Tusk The Chronicle of the Tusk.

Prophilas, Harus (4064- )-The commander of Asgilioch. (4064- )-The commander of Asgilioch.

Protathis (2870-2922)-A famed near antique poet of Ceneian descent, celebrated for many works, including (2870-2922)-A famed near antique poet of Ceneian descent, celebrated for many works, including The Goat's Heart, One Hundred Heavens, The Goat's Heart, One Hundred Heavens, and the magisterial and the magisterial Aspirations Aspirations. Protathis is regarded by many as the greatest Ketyai poet.

Proto-Caro-Shemic-The language group of the ancient pastoralists of the Eastern Carathay Desert, a derivative of Shemic.

Psailas II (4009-86)-The Shriah of the Thousand Temples from 4072 to 4086. (4009-86)-The Shriah of the Thousand Temples from 4072 to 4086.

Psammatus, Nentepi (4059- )-A Sumni Shrial priest of s.h.i.+geki descent, and regular customer of Esmenet's. (4059- )-A Sumni Shrial priest of s.h.i.+geki descent, and regular customer of Esmenet's.

Psukalogues, The-The magnum opus of Imparrhas, sorcerer of the Imperial Saik and esoteric metaphysician primarily interested in the Psukhe of the Cishaurim.

psukari-Pract.i.tioners of the Psukhe.

Psukhe-The arcane practice of the Cishaurim, much like sorcery, though cruder in its exercise, and distinguished by its invisibility to the Few. See sorcery sorcery.

Pulit-A tribe of Scylvendi from the southern desert fringes of the Jiunati Steppe.


Quandary of Man-The cla.s.sic Dunyain problem referring to the fact that Men, though beasts like other beasts, can apprehend the Logos.

Quorum-The ruling council of the Mandate.

Quya-The generic name for Nonmen Magi.


Rash (4073-4112)-The nickname of Houlta, a caste-menial Zaudunyani agitator, slain in the Battle of Caraskand. (4073-4112)-The nickname of Houlta, a caste-menial Zaudunyani agitator, slain in the Battle of Caraskand.

Rauschang, Hringa (4054- )-The King of Thunyerus and father of Skaiyelt and Hulwarga. (4054- )-The King of Thunyerus and father of Skaiyelt and Hulwarga.

Restored Empire-For some in Nansur, the cherished goal of restoring all the "lost provinces" (the territories seized by the Kianene) to the Nansur Empire.

Ring Mountains-The range that encircles Golgotterath.

Rite-of-the-Spring-Wolves-A rite of pa.s.sage marking the transition of Scylvendi adolescent boys to manhood.

Rohil River-The easternmost of the three major river systems draining into Lake Huosi.

Ruminations-The magnum opus of Staja.n.u.s II, the so-called Philosopher-Emperor who ruled Cenei from 2412 to 2431.

Ruom-The innermost citadel of Asgilioch, often called the High Bull of Asgilioch, destroyed by an earthquake in 4111.


Sacred Lands-A name for Xerash and Amoteu, the two lands that figure directly in The Tractate The Tractate.

Sagas, The-A collection of epic lays that recount the Apocalypse. It primarily consists of "The Kelmariad," the story of Anasurimbor Celmomas and his tragic Ordeal; "The Kayutiad," the account of Celmomas's son, Nau-Cayuti, and his heroic exploits; "The Book of Generals," the story of the deceptive events following Nau-Cayuti's murder; "The Trisiad," which recounts the great city's destruction; "The Eamnoriad," the story of ancient Atrithau's expulsion of Seswatha and subsequent survival; "The Annal Akksersa," which recounts the Fall of Akksersia; and lastly, "The Annal Sakarpa," or "The Refugee's Song" as it is sometimes called, the strange account of the city of Sakarpus during the Apocalypse.

Despite the scorn of Mandate scholars (or perhaps because of it), The Sagas The Sagas possess an almost scriptural reputation in the Three Seas. possess an almost scriptural reputation in the Three Seas.

Saik-The Anagogic School based in Momemn and indentured to the Nansur Emperor. The Saik, or the Imperial Saik as they are often called, are the inst.i.tutional descendants of the Saka, the notorious state-sanctioned School of Imperial Cenei, who for a thousand years dominated the Three Seas under the aegis of the Aspect-Emperors. Though still considered a Major School, the Saik have dwindled in strength, their resources limited by Nansur's losses and their numbers diminished by continual skirmis.h.i.+ng with the Cishaurim. Also known as "Sorcerers of the Sun."

saka'ilrait-"Trail of Skulls" (Khirgwi) The Khirgwi name for the route taken by the Holy War across Khemema.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 73 summary

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