The Thousandfold Thought Part 76

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The influence of ancient s.h.i.+r is evident in many respects in the eastern Ketyai nations of the Three Seas, from the revering of beards (first cultivated by caste-n.o.bles to distinguish themselves from the Xiuhianni, who were reputed to be unable to grow beards) to the continued use of a s.h.i.+radi-derived pictographic script in High Ainon.

Shortest Way-See Logos Logos.

Shriah-The t.i.tle of the Apostle of the Latter Prophet, the administrative ruler of the Thousand Temples, and the spiritual leader of the Inrithi.

Shrial Apparati-The generic term for career and hereditary functionaries in the Thousand Temples.

Shrial Censure-The excommunication of Inrithi from the Thousand Temples. Since it rescinds all rights to property and va.s.salage as well as to wors.h.i.+p, the worldly consequences of Shrial Censure are often as extreme as the spiritual. When King Sareat II of Galeoth was censured by Psailas II in 4072, for instance, fairly half of his client n.o.bles rebelled, and Sareat was forced to walk barefoot from Oswenta to Sumna in contrition.

Shrial Knights-Also known as Knights of the Tusk. The monastic military order founded by Shriah Ekyannus the Golden in 2511, charged with prosecuting the will of the Shriah.

Shrial Law-The ecclesiastical law of the Thousand Temples, which in a labyrinthine variety of forms serves as the common law for much of the Three Seas, particularly for those areas lacking any strong secular authority.

Shrial Priests-Inrithi clerics who, as opposed to Cultic Priests, are part of the hierarchies of the Thousand Temples, and perform the liturgies of the Latter Prophet and the G.o.d rather than those of the G.o.ds.

Shrial Remission-A writ issued by the Thousand Temples absolving an individual of sin. Remissions are commonly awarded to those who accomplish some act of penance, such as joining a pilgrimage or a sanctioned war against unbelievers. Historically, however, they are primarily sold.

Shrial Warrant-A writ issued by the Thousand Temples authorizing the arrest of an individual for the purpose of trial in the ecclesiastical courts.

Sign of Gierra-The twin serpents that Sumni harlots must have tattooed on the back of their left hand, apparently in imitation of the Priestesses of Gierra.

Simas, Polchias (4052- )-Achamian's old teacher and a member of the Quorum, the ruling council of the School of Mandate. (4052- )-Achamian's old teacher and a member of the Quorum, the ruling council of the School of Mandate.

Sinerses (4076- )-A s.h.i.+eld-Captain of the Javreh and favourite of Hanamanu Eleazaras. (4076- )-A s.h.i.+eld-Captain of the Javreh and favourite of Hanamanu Eleazaras.

Singer-in-the-Dark-See Onkis Onkis.

Siqu-Generally, the term referring to Nonmen who find themselves in the service of Men, usually as mercenaries or in some advisory capacity. Specifically, those Nonmen who partic.i.p.ated in the so-called Nonmen Tutelage from 555 to 825. See Nonmen Tutelage Nonmen Tutelage.

Sirol ab Kascamandri (4004- )-The youngest daughter of Kascamandri ab Tepherokar. (4004- )-The youngest daughter of Kascamandri ab Tepherokar.

Skafadi-A Kianene name for the Scylvendi.

Skafra-One of the Wracu, or Dragons, of the Apocalypse, finally slain by Seswatha at Mengedda in 2155.

Skagwa-A fiefdom on the Thunyeri Sranc Marches.

Skaiyelt, Hringa (4073-4111)-The eldest son of King Rauschang of Thunyerus and leader of the Thunyeri contingent of the Holy War. Claimed by disease at Caraskand. (4073-4111)-The eldest son of King Rauschang of Thunyerus and leader of the Thunyeri contingent of the Holy War. Claimed by disease at Caraskand.

Skalateas (4069-4111)-A member of the Mysunsai School, murdered in the Ansercan countryside by the Scarlet Spires. (4069-4111)-A member of the Mysunsai School, murdered in the Ansercan countryside by the Scarlet Spires.

Skauras ab Nalajan (4052-4111)-The Sapatishah-Governor of s.h.i.+gek and the first antagonist of the First Holy War, slain at Anwurat. A veteran of many wars, he was deeply respected by both his allies and his enemies. The Nansur called him Sutis Sutadra, the "Southern Jackal," because of his Black Jackal standard. (4052-4111)-The Sapatishah-Governor of s.h.i.+gek and the first antagonist of the First Holy War, slain at Anwurat. A veteran of many wars, he was deeply respected by both his allies and his enemies. The Nansur called him Sutis Sutadra, the "Southern Jackal," because of his Black Jackal standard.

Skavric-The language group of the Scylvendi peoples.

Skettic-The language group of ancient pastoralists of the Far Istyuli Plains, a derivative of Nirsodic.

Skilura II (3619-68)-Also called "the Mad." The most cruel of the Surmante Emperors of Nansur, whose deranged antics led to the Granary Revolts of 3668 and the accession of Surmante Xatantius I to the Mantle. (3619-68)-Also called "the Mad." The most cruel of the Surmante Emperors of Nansur, whose deranged antics led to the Granary Revolts of 3668 and the accession of Surmante Xatantius I to the Mantle.

Skiotha urs Hannut (4038-79)-The father of Cnaiur urs Skiotha, and former Chieftain of the Utemot. (4038-79)-The father of Cnaiur urs Skiotha, and former Chieftain of the Utemot.

Skogma-An ancient Wracu thought destroyed during the Cuno-Inchoroi Wars.

Skuthula the Black-An ancient Wracu sp.a.w.ned during the Cuno-Inchoroi Wars, one of the few Dragons known to have survived the Apocalypse, though his present whereabouts are unknown.

Snakeheads-An Inrithi epithet for the Cishaurim.

Sobel-An abandoned province north of Atrithau.

Sodhoras, Nersei (4072-4111)-A Conriyan Baron and cousin of Prince Nersei Proyas. (4072-4111)-A Conriyan Baron and cousin of Prince Nersei Proyas.

Sogian Way-A Nansur coastal road first constructed in the age of Kyraneas.

Solitary G.o.d-"Allonara Yulah" (Kianni) The name used by Fanim to denote the transcendent singularity of their supreme deity. According to Fanim tradition, the G.o.d is not, as the Inrithi claim, immanent in existence, nor is He manifold in the way described by the Latter Prophet.

Sompas, Biaxi (4068- )-The General of the Kidruhil following the death of General Numemarius in Nagogris. Sompas is the eldest son of Biaxi Coronsas, Patridomos of House Biaxi. (4068- )-The General of the Kidruhil following the death of General Numemarius in Nagogris. Sompas is the eldest son of Biaxi Coronsas, Patridomos of House Biaxi.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 76 summary

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