The Thousandfold Thought Part 77

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Sorainas (3808-95)-A celebrated Nansur scriptural commentator, and author of (3808-95)-A celebrated Nansur scriptural commentator, and author of The Book of Circles and Spirals The Book of Circles and Spirals.

sorcerer of rank-Though practices differ extensively between Schools, generally the t.i.tle given to a sorcerer who is qualified to teach sorcery to another.

Sorcerers of the Sun-A common epithet for the Imperial Saik. See Saik Saik.

sorcery-The practice of making the world conform to language, as opposed to philosophy, the practice of making language conform to the world. Despite the tremendous amount of apparently unresolvable controversy surrounding sorcery, there are several salient features that seem universal to its practice. First, pract.i.tioners must be able to apprehend the "onta," which is to say, they must possess the innate ability to see, as Protathis puts it, "Creation as created as created." Second, sorcery also seems to involve a universal commitment to what Gotagga calls "semantic hygiene." Sorcery requires precise meanings. This is why incantations are always spoken in a non-native tongue: to prevent the semantic transformation of crucial terms due to the vagaries of daily usage. This also explains the extraordinary "double-think" structure of sorcery, the fact that all incantations require the sorcerer to say and think two separate things simultaneously simultaneously. The spoken segment of an incantation (what is often called the "utteral string") must have its meaning "fixed" or focused with a silent segment (what is often called the "inutteral string") that is simultaneously thought. Apparently the thought incantation sharpens the meaning of the spoken incantation the way the words of one man may be used to clarify the words of another. (This gives rise to the famous "semantic regress problem": how can the inutteral string, which admits different interpretations, serve to fix the proper interpretation of the utteral string?) Though there are as many metaphysical interpretations of this structure as there are sorcerous Schools, the result in each case is the same: the world, which is otherwise utterly indifferent to the words of Men, listens, listens, and sorcerous transformations of reality result. and sorcerous transformations of reality result.

Soroptic-The lost language of ancient s.h.i.+gek, a derivative of Kemkaric.

Soter, Nurbanu (4069- )-The Palatine of the Ainoni district of Kishyat. (4069- )-The Palatine of the Ainoni district of Kishyat.

"[The] soul that encounters Him no further."-A line from The Sagas The Sagas referring to the Battleplain and the belief that all those who perish there remain trapped. referring to the Battleplain and the belief that all those who perish there remain trapped.

Southern Columns-Those divisions of the Imperial Nansur Army stationed on the Kianene frontier.

Southron Gates-The series of through the Unaras Spur guarded by Asgilioch.

Sranc-The violent, inhuman creatures first created by the Inchoroi as instruments of war against the Nonmen. According to the Isuphiryas, Isuphiryas, the Sranc are one of the "Weapon Races" created by the Inchoroi to prosecute their war of extermination against the Nonmen and their Emwama slaves. the Sranc are one of the "Weapon Races" created by the Inchoroi to prosecute their war of extermination against the Nonmen and their Emwama slaves.

The motivations of the Sranc seem to be as base as imaginable, in that they seem to find s.e.xual gratification in acts of violence. There are innumerable accounts of the indiscriminate rape of men, women, children, and even corpses. They seem to know nothing of mercy or honour, and though they do take prisoners, very few are known to have survived captivity, which is said to be savage beyond imagining.

They reproduce rapidly. Though no outward physical differences are readily visible, female Sranc seem to have roles identical to those of male Sranc. Apparently, a great number of Sranc in various stages of pregnancy were observed in battle over the course of the Apocalypse. Though generally inferior to Men in individual combat, they are ideal logistically, as they are able to live for sustained periods on little more than grubs and insects. Survivors recount tales of vast tracts of ground overturned and rooted by pa.s.sing Sranc hordes. Under the command of the No-G.o.d they are utterly fearless, and seem to strike with unerring control and coordination.

Typically, Sranc stand no higher than the average caste-menial's shoulder. Their skin is devoid of pigment, and despite the refined-to the point of repulsiveness-beauty of their faces, their physiognomy is b.e.s.t.i.a.l (though hairless), with pinched shoulders and deep, almond-shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They are exceedingly fast across both open and broken terrain, and their sheer viciousness is said to compensate for their slight stature.

Mandate scholars are to make dire warnings about the present numbers of Sranc in Earwa. Apparently the ancient Norsirai had reduced the Sranc, pressing them to the margins of Earwa, and the No-G.o.d was still able to summon hosts that reportedly blackened the horizon. Now Sranc dominate half the continent.

Sranc Pits-The famed gladiatorial arena of Carythusal, where human slaves are typically pitted against Sranc.

Stajanas II (2338-95)-The famed "Philosopher-Emperor" of Cenei, whose (2338-95)-The famed "Philosopher-Emperor" of Cenei, whose Ruminations Ruminations has remained an important work in the Three Seas literary canon. has remained an important work in the Three Seas literary canon.

Stalker, the-A common epithet for Husyelt.

Steppe, the-See Jiunati Steppe Jiunati Steppe.

Subis-A once-fortified oasis in Khemema, frequented by caravans pa.s.sing between s.h.i.+gek and Eumarna.

Sudica-A province of the Nansur Empire, largely depopulated by 4111 but among the wealthiest districts of the Kyranae Plain during the ages of Kyraneas and the Ceneian Empire.

"suffer not a wh.o.r.e to live ..."-The pa.s.sage from Canticles 19:9, The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, condemning prost.i.tution. condemning prost.i.tution.

summoning horns-The great horns of bronze used to signal the "prayer watches" to the Inrithi faithful.

Sumna-The site of the Tusk and the holiest city of Inrithism, located in Nansur.

Surmante, House-A former Nansur House of the Congregate, and the Empire's ruling dynasty from 3619 to 3941.

Surmantic Gates-The great northern gate of Carythusal, whose construction was financed in 3639 by Surmante Xatantius I to commemorate the ill-fated Treaty of Kutapileth, a short-lived military pact between Nansur and High Ainon.

Sursa River-The river system that once formed the crucial frontier between Agongorea and Aorsi before the Apocalypse.

Suskara-A vast region of broken plains and highlands between Atrithau and the Jiunati Steppe, inhabited by numerous tribes of Sranc, some of which are tributary to the so-called Sranc King of Urskugog.

suthenti-The menial castes. See castes castes.

Sutis Sutadra-See Skauras ab Nalajan Skauras ab Nalajan.

Swa River-The river that forms the northern frontier of Ce Tydonn.

Swarjuka (4061- )-The Sapatishah-Governor of Jurisada. (4061- )-The Sapatishah-Governor of Jurisada.

swazond-The ceremonial scars used by Scylvendi warriors to denote foes slain in battle, believed by some to be markers of stolen strength.

Swazond Standard-The name given to Cnaiur's banner at the Battle of Anwurat.

Sweki River-"The Sacred" (Kianni) The so-called "miracle river," revered as holy by the Kianene, who claim that its waters arise from nothing by the will of the Solitary G.o.d. Before the first Jihads, Nansur cartographers made several attempts to locate its headwaters in the Great Salt, none of them successful.

Synthese-Artifacts of the Inchoroi Tekne, thought to be living "" specifically designed to house the souls of senior Consult figures.

syurtpiutha-A Scylvendi euphemism for life, meaning "the smoke-that-moves."

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 77 summary

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