The Thousandfold Thought Part 79

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Triamarius III (3588-3619)-The last of the Zerxei Emperors of Nansur, murdered by palace eunuchs. See (3588-3619)-The last of the Zerxei Emperors of Nansur, murdered by palace eunuchs. See Nansur Empire Nansur Empire.

Triamic Walls-Caraskand's outermost fortifications, raised by Triamis the Great in 2568.

Triamis Imperator-The famed drama by Throseanis, based on events in the life of Triamis the Great.

Triamis the Great (2456-2577)-The first Aspect-Emperor of the Ceniean Empire, famed for his conquests and for declaring Inrithism the official state religion in 2505. See (2456-2577)-The first Aspect-Emperor of the Ceniean Empire, famed for his conquests and for declaring Inrithism the official state religion in 2505. See Ceneian Empire Ceneian Empire.

Triaxeras, Hampei (4072- )-The Captain of Ikurei Conphas's bodyguard. (4072- )-The Captain of Ikurei Conphas's bodyguard.

Trimus, House-A Nansur House of the Congregate.

Trinkets-See Chorae Chorae.

Trondha, Safirig (4076- )-A Galeoth thane, client to Earl Anfirig of Gesindal. (4076- )-A Galeoth thane, client to Earl Anfirig of Gesindal.

Trucian Dramas, The-The magnum opus of Xius, a near antique poet and playwright.

Truth Room-An interrogation chamber located deep in the catacombs beneath the Andiamine Heights.

Tryse-The ancient administrative capital of Kuniuri, destroyed in the Apocalypse in 2147. Arguably the greatest city of the Ancient North and, with the exception of Sauglish, Umerau, and Etrith, also the oldest.

Tshuma (4073- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Kutnarmu mercenary. (4073- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Kutnarmu mercenary.

Tsuramah-"Hated One" (Kyranean) The ancient Kyranean name for the No-G.o.d. See No-G.o.d No-G.o.d.

Tusam-A village in the Inunara Highlands destroyed by Fanim raiders in 4111.

Tusk, the-The premier holy artifact of both the Inrithi and Kiunnat traditions, and the most unholy in the Fanim tradition (where it is referred to as Rouk Spara, or "Cursed Thorn"). Since the Tusk bears the oldest extant version of The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, which in turn is the oldest human text, its provenance remains an utter mystery, though most scholars agree that it predates the coming of the Tribes to Earwa. It has been installed in the holy city of Sumna throughout most of recorded history. which in turn is the oldest human text, its provenance remains an utter mystery, though most scholars agree that it predates the coming of the Tribes to Earwa. It has been installed in the holy city of Sumna throughout most of recorded history.

Twin Scimitars-The primary holy device of Fanimry, symbolizing the "Cutting Eyes" of the Solitary G.o.d.

Tydonni-The language of Ce Tydonn, a derivative of Meoric.

Tywanrae River-A major river system in north central Earwa, draining the Gal basin and emptying into the Cerish Sea.


Uan, Samarmau (4001- )-One of the Dunyain Pragma. (4001- )-One of the Dunyain Pragma.

Ukrummu, Madarezer (4045-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by Chorae at Anwurat. (4045-4111)-A sorcerer of rank in the Scarlet Spires, slain by Chorae at Anwurat.

Ulnarta, Shaugar (4071- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane. (4071- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane.

Umeri Empire-The first great nation of Men, encompa.s.sing the length of the River Aumris, founded after the overthrow of the Trysean G.o.d-Kings, c. c. 430. See 430. See Kuniuri Kuniuri.

Umeritic-The lost language of ancient Umerau, a derivative of Aumri-Saugla.

Umiaki-The name of the ancient eucalyptus tree located in the heart of the Kalaul in Caraskand, famed as the tree from which the Warrior-Prophet was hung on the Circ.u.mfix.

"umresthei om aumreton"-Kyranean for "possessing in dispossession." Ajencis's term for those moments where the soul comprehends itself in the act of comprehending other things, and so experiences the "wonder of existence."

Unaras Spur-The low mountain range that extends from the southern terminus of the Hethantas to the Meneanor coast, marking the geographical frontier between the Kyranae Plain and Gedea.

Unclean, the-A name, derived from The Chronicle of the Tusk, The Chronicle of the Tusk, commonly used by Inrithi as a pejorative for sorcerers. commonly used by Inrithi as a pejorative for sorcerers.

Unmasking Room-A chamber located in the labyrinth below Ishual where Dunyain children are taught the connections between facial musculature and pa.s.sions.

Unswolka, Goeransor (4079- )-The Tydonni thane of Hagmeir in Numaineiri. (4079- )-The Tydonni thane of Hagmeir in Numaineiri.

Uranyanka, Sirpal (4062- )-The Palatine-Governor of the Ainoni city of Moserothu. (4062- )-The Palatine-Governor of the Ainoni city of Moserothu.

Uroborian Circle-A so-called "artifactual Cant" used to prevent the utterance of sorcery and thought to turn on the same aporetic principles that make Chorae possible.

Uroris-A constellation in the northern sky.

Usgald-A fiefdom in the Galeoth interior.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 79 summary

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