The Thousandfold Thought Part 80

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Uskelt Wolfheart (?-?)-One of the Chieftain-Kings named in the Tusk. (?-?)-One of the Chieftain-Kings named in the Tusk.

Utemot-A tribe of Scylvendi located in the northwest extremes of the Jiunati Steppe. Among the Scylvendi, the Utemot are noted as the tribe of both Uthgai and Horiotha, the two greatest conquerors in their history.

Utgarangi ab Hoularji (4059- )-The Sapatishah-Governor of Xerash. (4059- )-The Sapatishah-Governor of Xerash.

Uthgai ( (c. 2100- 2100-c. 2170)-The folklore hero and Scylvendi King-of-Tribes during the Apocalypse, whose deeds are oft recited in the Scylvendi oral tradition. 2170)-The folklore hero and Scylvendi King-of-Tribes during the Apocalypse, whose deeds are oft recited in the Scylvendi oral tradition.


Valrissa (4086-4112)-A daughter of the Werigda and wife of Aengelas. (4086-4112)-A daughter of the Werigda and wife of Aengelas.

Vaparsi-The lost language of ancient Nilnamesh, a derivative of Shem-Varsi.

Vasnosri-The language group of the Norsirai peoples.

Vault-of-the-Tusk-See Junriuma Junriuma.

Venicata-An Inrithi holy day celebrated in late spring, commemorating the so-called First Revelation of Inri Sejenus.

Vindauga River-The westernmost of the three major river systems draining into Lake Huosi, and the primary geographical boundary between Galeoth and Cepalor.

Vulgar Holy War-The name given to the first contingent of the Holy War to march against the Fanim.


Wainhail, Swahon (4055-4111)-The Galeoth Earl of Kurigald, slain at Mengedda. (4055-4111)-The Galeoth Earl of Kurigald, slain at Mengedda.

war, Scylvendi mode of-Despite their illiteracy, the Scylvendi possess an extensive war nomenclature that provides them with a thorough understanding of battle and its psychological dynamics. They call battle otgai wutmaga, otgai wutmaga, a "great quarrel," wherein the point is to convince the foe of their defeat. The concepts central to the Scylvendi understanding of war are as follows: a "great quarrel," wherein the point is to convince the foe of their defeat. The concepts central to the Scylvendi understanding of war are as follows:

unswaza-envelopment malk unswaza-defensive envelopment yetrut-penetration gaiwut-shock utmurzu-cohesion fira-speed angotma-heart utgirkoy-attrition cnamturu-vigilance gobozkoy-moment of decision mayutafiuri-ligaments of conflict trutu garothut-flexible unit cohesion (literally, "men of the long chain") trutu hirthut-inflexible unit cohesion (literally, "men of the short chain")

War-Cants-The Gnostic sorceries developed in Sauglish (primarily by Noshainrau the White) for the express purpose of waging war and overcoming opposing sorcerers.

Wards-The name given to defensive sorceries in contradistinction to offensive sorceries, or Cants. See sorcery sorcery. The most common types of Wards (found in both Anagogic and Gnostic sorceries) are: Wards of Exposure, which provide advance warning of intruders or imminent attacks; s.h.i.+eld-Wards, which provide direct protection against offensive sorceries; and Skin-Wards, which provide "protection of last resort" against all types of threat.

Warnute-A fiefdom of Ce Tydonn, one of the so-called Deep Marches of the Upper Swa.

"war of word and sentiment"-The explanation of jnan found in Byantas's Translations Translations.

Wathi Doll-A sorcerous artifact common to Sansori witches, also known as a "murder doll," either because a human sacrifice is required for its manufacture (a soul is imprisoned as the artifact's animus) or because the Dolls are often used as remote

Werigda-A Norsirai tribe from the Plains of Gal.

Werijen Greatheart, Rilding (4063- )-The Tydonni Earl of Plaideol. (4063- )-The Tydonni Earl of Plaideol.

Werjau, Sainhail (4070- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Galeoth thane. (4070- )-One of the Nascenti, formerly a Galeoth thane.

Wernma River-An extensive river system in east central Earwa, draining vast tracts of the Dameori Wilderness and emptying into the Meneanor Sea.

Whelming-A hypnotic trance instrumental to Dunyain Conditioning, and a purificatory rite of induction for the Zaudunyani.

"When sorcerers sing, men die."-The traditional expression used to refer to the fact that sorcery is destructive rather than constructive.

White Jihad-The holy war waged against the Nansur Empire by Fan'oukarji I and the Kianene from 3743 to 3771. See Kian Kian.

White Lord of Tryse-An honorific of the Kuniuric High King.

White-Sun Palace-See Korasha Korasha.

White Yaksh-The traditional tent of Scylvendi tribal chieftains.

Wh.o.r.e, the-A popular name for the G.o.ddess Anagke. See Anagke Anagke.

witches-The name given to women who practise sorcery, despite their persecution by both the Thousand Temples and the Schools.

wizards-The name given to men who practise sorcery independent of any School, despite their persecution by both the Thousand Temples and the Schools.

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The Thousandfold Thought Part 80 summary

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