Giving In Part 2

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She let out the breath she'd been subconsciously holding and attended to her own body, letting the water cleanse her completely. She felt abnormally cold though, chilled even though warm water was running against her skin. Now with Natsuki gone from the room, it felt as though the sun had dipped under the horizon, taking her heat source with it. Every inch of her craved the other woman, calling out for just a moment's touch. And it wasn't just her body, she was all too aware of her lover's absence like a gaping hole in her mind, even with her just being at the other side of the wall.

She quickly finished up, her skin had had enough of the repet.i.tive spray now and she wanted to get dried off and into some comfortable clothes. She reached out and turned the dial on the shower to the off position, the stream of water trickling off to nothing. The only sound that remained was the dripping of water from her own body. A chill pa.s.sed over her skin as the heat of the shower began to dissipate.

She moved over to the bench and picked up the towel, wrapping it around her body and s.h.i.+vering at the draught the motion caused. Deciding it was probably best to get her clothes out of the steamy room, she picked up the pile and walked to the archway. She peeked through and smiled as she saw Natsuki standing at the table in her bra and panties, brus.h.i.+ng off her leathers. She patted mercilessly at the protective garment, apparently not allowing one single scuff or fleck of dust to live. s.h.i.+zuru padded over to her locker and lay her clothes in it, that seeming the most logical place to put them at the moment.

She patted herself dry as best as she could with a damp towel and took a discreet glance at Natsuki. It appeared that she was satisfied with the state of her leathers and had begun to pull them on. She did it with ease as she had so many times before. Her gaze lingered as she watched long, slender legs being pushed into the clinging confines of those clothes. The leather was then pulled up over toned thighs and around a pet.i.te waist. s.h.i.+zuru bit her lip absent mindedly and looked back towards her locker.

She dropped the towel and heard a slight scuffle come from the table but she kept her focus on her clothes. She put on her underwear, leaving the sports bra in the locker. She didn't need it if she wasn't doing anything strenuous. She ensured she pulled on the maroon lacy material with slow sensuality, sliding the underwear over the skin and into place with practiced hands. She was sure she heard Natsuki choke. Ara, so she is watching.

s.h.i.+zuru then set about pulling on the casual trousers, blouse and cardigan she'd worn here. As she slid into the trousers, she took another peek at her companion. Natsuki had pulled the leathers fully over her body now and one of her hands hovered over the zipper for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. I wonder what could be distracting her, she thought with a smirk. She glanced away as emerald peered in her direction and slipped her blouse on, b.u.t.toning it slowly. She heard Natsuki's zipper move and she watched as all traces of the smooth flesh of her chest disappeared behind black and red leather. She then bent over and picked up the jacket that had found its way to the floor. s.h.i.+zuru couldn't help but admire how that one-piece suit hugged her behind ever so tightly.

Grabbing the brush that was in her locker, she ran it through her hair hastily before donning her cardigan. Just as she'd slipped on her shoes, a light tapping at the door came and she glanced at Natsuki, ensuring she was completely covered and there was no danger of her being annoyed that she'd answer the door. A flicker of worry marred her bright eyes so s.h.i.+zuru gave her a rea.s.suring smile. She closed her locker and walked towards the door.

Turning the lock, she pulled the door open a short way to find one of her students standing there, the one who'd so happily taken her naginata from her earlier. A bright flush filled the young woman's cheeks and her eyes flitted from place to place, not quite settling anywhere for any length of time. s.h.i.+zuru arched an eyebrow at her, not voicing the question.

"S-sorry for b-bothering you, Sensei, b-but I just w-wanted to see if you needed... any help." The studen't head was lowered, her blonde hair falling her into her face. s.h.i.+zuru was sure she could hear a growl coming from behind her.

She smiled at the nervous girl. "Not at all, I have all the help I need, ookini."

The student's head shot up and blue eyes glinted apologetically at her. "S-sorry Sensei. It's just you were taking s-so long. I didn't mean to a.s.sume."

"Ara, my friend and I must have gotten lost in conversation. I didn't realise so much time had pa.s.sed." She threw a glance over her shoulder, pleased to see Natsuki quickly looking away to hide her reddening features. "Is Natsuki ready to leave?"

The leather clad biker grunted and ran a hand through her wet, tangled locks. When s.h.i.+zuru turned back to her student, the young woman was eyeing Natsuki suspiciously. Perhaps the damp hair is rather suspect. She couldn't help but inwardly chuckle. What did this look like? It was quite normal for s.h.i.+zuru to have a shower after teaching her cla.s.s but Natsuki hadn't been part of it so she shouldn't have a reason for her to be in there with the naginatajutsu sensei. No wholesome reason anyway.

The sound of Natsuki's boots against the floor alerted her to the approaching woman who then pushed past her and walked through the door, shooting a glare at the newcomer. The student visibly recoiled at that and took a few steps back. "C'mon, s.h.i.+zuru." Natsuki made sure to p.r.o.nounce every syllable of her name carefully to let the blonde know who was more important to the sensei here and who was allowed to use her name so casually.

s.h.i.+zuru merely smiled and grabbed her keys. Was Natsuki jealous? Was she being over protective? Whatever the reason, she decided she liked it. She also slipped through the door and locked it behind her, dropping the keys into her pocket. The student was still hovering, seemingly unsure of what to say now. s.h.i.+zuru pondered letting her rile up Natsuki more to see if there would be more protective behaviour. She finally decided that would be like feeding an unsuspecting lamb to a hungry wolf.

"I shall see you next week." She smiled again at her student, who nodded and bowed nervously before she shepherded Natsuki from the building.

Once they were outside, the cooler night air hit her skin and a slight breeze picked up wet strands of hair, brus.h.i.+ng them against her face. She tucked a few behind her ear, her gaze moving to the rapidly setting sun. They really had lost track of time. Natsuki had walked on ahead and was now standing at her Ducati, hand on hip, waiting for her. Her brow showed irritation but s.h.i.+zuru could see the intense thought behind that sea of green. She followed the short path that led to the car park and stopped in front of Natsuki.

Her companion reached into the storage compartment of her bike and pulled out a helmet, pa.s.sing it to s.h.i.+zuru, her own already dangling from her now gloved fingers. The polished surface of the helmet was a deep purple with a swirling mixture of lighter shades of the same colour. Natsuki had had it made for her when their rides together became a more regular occurance and she hadn't been able to tell the younger woman how touched she was. However oblivious the biker seemed sometimes, she had an insight that could still surprise s.h.i.+zuru.

Before Natsuki could pull her own helmet on, s.h.i.+zuru placed a hand on her arm. "Natsuki seems annoyed, is something wrong?" She smiled gently, which only cause a frown to further crease the other woman's features.

"No." She said curtly, huffing slightly. s.h.i.+zuru found that expression adorable.

"So Natsuki's behaviour towards my student was normal?" Her smile turned into a smirk now and she couldn't help the teasing tone from slipping out.

Natsuki rolled her eyes, drawing her lips into a thin line. "Idiotic fangirls." Was all she said.

s.h.i.+zuru leaned in further, her smirk widening. "Ara, was it my imagination but did Natsuki's eyes become a little greener?"

Those eyes widened at that question but quickly narrowed. "N-no!" She roughly slid her helmet on and slammed the visor down, effectively hiding her face from s.h.i.+zuru, who just chuckled at that point. "But don't you get fed up with b.u.mbling girls falling over themselves for the chance to talk to you?" Her m.u.f.fled voice sounded odd through the helmet.

"Does Natsuki?" She countered, knowing all too well that she had the same problem, albeit it with more of the male side of the species.

Natsuki merely shrugged and slid a leg over the seat of her motorcycle, twisting her torso so she could still look at s.h.i.+zuru once she was comfortably seated. "Let's go." She said, almost dismissively and s.h.i.+zuru complied, pulling her own helmet on now and joining Natsuki on the bike. She slid her arms around the biker's waist and pulled herself in tightly to fit the other woman's form. The leather creaked at the pressure and she felt Natsuki take a quick breath in at the contact. Before she could say anything, Natsuki had turned the ignition and the metallic beast roared into life.

Ensuring s.h.i.+zuru was comfortable and ready, Natsuki turned her head to look at the other woman, the engine's constant hum the only sound between them. s.h.i.+zuru nodded at her and she seemed satisfied with that. The biker turned and twisted the accelerator, lurching the vehicle forwards and they soon sped up, tearing out of the car park and onto the main road.

s.h.i.+zuru could feel her hair whipping about where it flowed from the helmet and the air forced against her skin made her s.h.i.+ver. She wished she'd brought a jacket. She pulled herself further into Natsuki's back, enjoying what little warmth she could feel through the leathers. She could feel her heartbeat though and she wasn't sure if she was just imagining it or it really was that strong. She leaned the front of her helmet against a strong back, sighing as she concentrated on the feel of that pulse. She felt muscles tense beneath her hands for a moment and she thought Natsuki might turn around but she didn't.

She tried to imprint the feeling of this woman in her arms into her memory. Her mind lingered over the events of the day, her senses still attempting to recover from the onslaught. If truth be told, she was completely overwhelmed by what had happened and it was hard to process this new information, let alone look to the future. The feel of Natsuki's skin beneath her fingers was more than she had imagined. It was divine. She could lose herself in that sensation, in the soft murmurs and sighs, in the gasps and shudders, in the searing heat and hitched breaths.

She let her crimson gaze drift to the pa.s.sing scenery, the buildings pa.s.sing in a blur of colours, the people merely shadows of who they were. Not that she cared much about anyone else at this point. All that mattered was the person in her arms. She was all that had ever mattered. The sky had darkened to an almost completely orange hue, clouds bathed in the dying light of the sun. Soon, they turned onto a street lined by sakura and s.h.i.+zuru recognised the buildings. They were close to her home. After graduation, she had moved out of the dorms and had to find herself a real home. Her family paid for a house in this area so she could go to University in Fuuka. She had insisted.

As the motorcycle pulled to a halt, s.h.i.+zuru cast a glance at her home. It was a decent size, with a small garden that she tended quite often, especially when she was in need of relaxation and time to think. A few rows of pink and yellow flowers peeked out from behind the fence and the path that led to the front door was recently swept. She had done it herself before heading to the club hall. The house itself consisted of only four rooms; bathroom and bedroom on the top floor and kitchen and living room on the ground floor. Her family had thought it rather small but she didn't like to drown in too much s.p.a.ce and it was easier to take care of on her own. Not that her family had once taken an interest in coming to see her new home.

Natsuki turned to look at her and she shook her thoughts away. She pulled the helmet from her head and ran a hand through her chestnut locks, pulling the new tugs from them. What now? She wasn't sure what to say or what should happen now. Should she invite Natsuki inside for tea? Surely the other woman needed some form of sustenance by now. But hadn't she taken up enough of her time for today? She'd need time to think things over wouldn't she? To judge if she really wanted what had happened between them or not, right?

She could feel herself frowning and realised too late as Natsuki c.o.c.ked her head in a questioning gesture. s.h.i.+zuru quickly replaced the frown with a small smile. "Nothing." She pulled herself off the bike and stood there for a moment, merely looking at Natsuki. The biker removed her helmet, dark strands falling about her face and shoulders. She placed it aside and took s.h.i.+zuru's aswell, packing it away in the storage compartment.

"So..." Natsuki started, seemingly at a loss for words. She looked down at the ground. "I guess this is goodnight?" It was a question, not a statement.

s.h.i.+zuru was torn. One one hand she wanted so much for Natsuki to come with her and to be able to spend more time with her but on the other, she didn't want to be selfish and she knew she had to give her some s.p.a.ce. "I guess so." She muttered, her voice unintentionally solemn. That drew an emerald gaze once more and she quickly smiled at the other woman. "I enjoyed today, Natsuki." That elicited a lovely blush that seeped across the skin of the biker's cheeks.

With that, s.h.i.+zuru turned and waved, focusing on her house, knowing that if she looked back Natsuki would see the disappointment in her eyes. All she could hear was her own lonely footfalls as she neared her garden. She let out a sigh as she reached for the gate. She pushed it open and strode up to the front door, idly wondering why she hadn't heard the roar of an engine yet.

Just as she was reaching for her pocket to dig out her keys, she felt a soft weight press into her back and she tumbled into the wood of her front door. Just managing to stay upright, she looked down in shock at the girl who had wrapped herself around her waist. "Natsuki..?" She questioned as she turned, allowing her to bury her head into her chest. The other woman was clinging to her fiercely now, her fingernails digging into the muscles at her back. She lay her arms over Natsuki's shoulders, feeling her shake ever so slightly. What was wrong?

"I don't want..." Natsuki mumbled into s.h.i.+zuru's chest, causing the muscle within it to freeze momentarily. I knew it was too good to be... "I don't want to go home alone tonight!" Emerald eyes met hers with determination, her voice matching them, cutting off her thoughts. There was a gleam in those eyes, as if she'd decided on something and was sure of her path.

s.h.i.+zuru opened her mouth to speak but nothing escaped and she found herself floundering for a moment. What could she possibly say to that? Natsuki drew herself up to her full height now, her hands still clinging desperately to the older woman. With some urgency, she pressed her lips against the speechless ones, taking s.h.i.+zuru completely by surprise. Not only was Natsuki speaking openly of an insecurity, she was also kissing her in the open, where anyone could see. Her mind reeled from it all.

Natsuki pulled back from the kiss, her cheeks flushed. She seemed to be searching s.h.i.+zuru's eyes for something and she dreaded to think what she'd find there. However, Natsuki smiled and seemed content with what she saw. "Are you going to invite me in or what?" She questioned, an eyebrow raised.

s.h.i.+zuru, in turn, blushed at her. Since when did Natsuki tease her? This was all getting a bit much. She fumbled in her pocket for a moment and retrieved her keys, quickly unlocking the door and opening it. Before Natsuki could step through though, she grabbed her arm gently. "Natsuki... are you sure about this?"

The raven haired beauty seemed to consider her question for a moment, running a hand through her hair idly. When she looked back at s.h.i.+zuru, her gaze had hardened with the same resolute determination as before. "For once... yeah." She paused and s.h.i.+zuru thought that was all she was going to say but then she took a breath in, readying herself. "It feels like all my life I've been confused, you know. Emotion, attachment, affection. It's all very grey." She frowned for a moment, her brow creasing but then her features brightened. "But you helped me see... helped me see that I don't have to over think everything. That sometimes it's better to just feel and be d.a.m.ned with everything else."

s.h.i.+zuru merely blinked at her for a moment. Then she chuckled, knowing that if she didn't laugh, she'd end up crying. Natsuki looked at her with mild irritation. "Ookini, Natsuki." She took up one of the biker's hands in between her own and traced the skin on the back of her hand with a thumb. "For explaining." She added with a smile. Natsuki gave her a shrug and allowed herself to be pulled into the house.

Chapter Three: For Evermore.

Safe. That was the first thought that struck her as her mind awoke. She wasn't exactly sure where that feeling came from but she was able to identify it immediately. As her senses began to stir she became aware of a comforting warmth enveloping her and a familiar scent. The feeling of cotton beneath her and something soft and smooth against her skin brought her nerves to life and she started to process all this new information. Memories of the previous day flooded her mind and she opened her eyes, blinking away the sleep fuelled haze.

Natsuki found herself staring at something white in colour. Her brow furrowed as she tried to discern what it was. As her brain tried to place the image, she became aware of her positioning and found she was wrapped around something soft and warm. s.h.i.+zuru. Her mind finally made the connection and she had to forcefully deny the impulse to move away so she didn't wake the sleeping woman. The first frown of the day set into her features as she wondered why she had felt the urge to pull away. She had felt safe, had she not? She guessed habits sometimes took a long time to break.

Now that her muscles were beginning to relax, she felt a sensation of comfort fill her. Her right arm was draped over a slim waist and her legs entangled with both of s.h.i.+zuru's. The older woman, in turn, was cradling her protectively with both arms, causing Natsuki to burrow into her ample bosom. Not that she was complaining right now. There was nowhere else she'd rather be. She flexed her right hand, allowing her fingertips to brush over the material of s.h.i.+zuru's robe, bringing back memories of the previous night.

Once they'd entered the house and she'd been given the tour, they'd unanimously voted to get some sleep; the events of the day had tired them both out. Unfortunately, Natsuki didn't have a change of clothes and she wasn't prepared to use the school uniform stored in her motorcycle as nightwear. So she had stripped off her leathers and shyly slipped under the bed sheets in her underwear. s.h.i.+zuru hadn't helped her nervousness by getting changed in front of her. She'd averted her gaze only to be presented with the enchanting vision of the other woman in a long white night robe, the silky material fitting her curves perfectly. She was pretty sure she wouldn't be sleeping much but, thankfully, she'd been wrong. Once s.h.i.+zuru was under the covers, Natsuki had rolled over and attempted to block out that arousing image. Perhaps she'd upset her companion with that action but they'd somehow found each other during the night. Natsuki decided she could definitely get used to waking up like this.

She silently let out a yawn and snuggled closer to s.h.i.+zuru, enjoying the warmth. She felt the other woman's grip instinctively tighten around her and she couldn't help the smile that pushed at her lips. Why had she deprived herself of this feeling for so long? She'd been so adamant in the past that she shouldn't let anyone in, that she couldn't let anyone in. If she'd known it would have felt so good she would have done it a long time ago. Who am I kidding? No I wouldn't, I'm too d.a.m.n stubborn. But now she had this, she could feel a pleasant heat fill her chest and it made her smile widen. What is this I'm feeling? Would she ever be able to figure out her emotions? It was incredibly frustrating for her but she put some hope into the fact that s.h.i.+zuru would help her through this. She had already taught her so much, even if it was in an indirect way.

At that thought, her mind wandered back to the previous day, lingering over the new experiences. She involuntarily blushed at the images that evoked. She would never have imagined herself doing those sorts of things before but it had come so easily to her, as if she was driven by instinct. Perhaps she had been. Thoughts that had made her cringe and squirm awkwardly before now made a heat rise up within her. s.h.i.+zuru was at the center of all of those thoughts. She hadn't just awoken her libido it seemed, she had awakened her need for the chestnut haired woman. Some form of primal desire to be close to s.h.i.+zuru, to be touching her and causing a reaction within her. She mentally shook the images from her mind. Bah, I'm getting as bad as her.

Still, she had to admit she'd acted rather impulsively in that club office. She would have thought she'd have run away from that kind of situation, hopped on her motorcycle and gotten as much distance as possible between them both. But she had willingly closed the distance, willingly wrapped her arms around s.h.i.+zuru, and willingly thrust her fingers... She squeezed her eyes shut, the memories stirring a sensation in the pit of her stomach. So why had she done that? She idly traced circles along the silky fabric of s.h.i.+zuru's robe as she searched for the answers. She heard a low murmur come from above her but the other woman didn't wake. No satisfying answer presented itself to her so she tried to remember what she'd felt at the time.

She recalled sitting on that table, attempting to recover from what had just happened. s.h.i.+zuru had disappeared into the shower room and Natsuki was busy trying to make sense of what had occurred between them. She remembered noticing the other woman at her locker, a hint of worry etched into her usually calm features. That had drawn Natsuki out of her self a.n.a.lysis. Once s.h.i.+zuru had disappeared back into that alcove she found herself wondering what she'd been thinking. So many thoughts had consumed her. Is s.h.i.+zuru regretting what we did? Is she scared of how I'll act now? How will I act? I don't even know how I feel about it. Was I meant to return the favour? What if I suck at it? Oh. My. G.o.d. I'm not a virgin anymore. And she is! Does she not want to allow me to take that from her? Does she want to save herself for some other time? Why am I even thinking this? I wonder what she's doing in there? She's naked right now and... Natsuki chuckled softly as she remembered her train of thought. Sometimes she could be such an idiot.

A curiosity had pushed her from that table, her legs having regained some strength since s.h.i.+zuru had left. She hovered at the edge of that table, still unsure as to what to do. She had looked at the door, pondering leaving but she'd soon discarded that thought. She wouldn't hurt s.h.i.+zuru, not again. She'd made the decision and she was never one to go back on a promise. Even if it was a silent promise. But could she bring herself to move those steps forwards? To step into that shower room? Thankfully she had. Natsuki smirked at the memory of s.h.i.+zuru standing leaning against the shower wall. At first she had been frozen with shock, her eyes widening at seeing the other woman in the process of pleasuring herself. And then something raw and primal had swirled deep inside her. She had never felt it before but she knew she had to touch s.h.i.+zuru then and there or it would never be satiated.

She'd been surprised when s.h.i.+zuru had stopped and turned the shower on. She noticed her shoulders slump slightly and she had wondered if she was crying. No, s.h.i.+zuru doesn't cry. Only... She could feel the sadness and disgust roll off her though. Why did she have to feel like that? It caused guilt to surge within Natsuki and she knew she had to take it away. Take it away before any more damage was done. All feelings of self consciousness and embarra.s.sment were stripped from her as she removed the remainder of her clothing. She felt a weight lift from her, both physically and mentally as she kicked them out of the room. She remembered walking forwards and reaching out a hand to touch s.h.i.+zuru's back without hesitation. This new found confidence felt good.

Everything after that had happened so fast but it almost felt as though each moment had been captured in an eternity as well. She remembered each detail perfectly, each sound, each smell, each touch. It had been beautiful. She had seen s.h.i.+zuru for who she truly was. No masks, no pretenses, no hiding. She had been laid out before her, her defences shattered, begging to be gazed upon. She had remembered feeling a hint of smugness that she was able to do that to her, to have the power to break the unbreakable. She had gently nurtured that vulnerability, hoping s.h.i.+zuru knew that is was okay to let her guard down around her. To s.h.i.+zuru's credit, she had allowed herself to fall completely. There were no attempts to cling onto that mask. I see you, she had found herself thinking.

Beautiful summed it up nicely, she decided. She was pretty sure she'd find no other sight that was more powerful and stunning than how s.h.i.+zuru's face had looked in that moment of honesty. She idly wondered if she was as easy to read. She knew s.h.i.+zuru didn't have much of a problem reading her at the best of times though so she guessed that was probably the case.

Another murmur rose up from s.h.i.+zuru's throat and Natsuki s.h.i.+fted slightly so she could tilt her head to view the exposed creamy skin of the other woman's neck. Tempting. She pressed her lips against the inviting throat and felt it vibrate against her mouth as a sound pa.s.sed through it. She heard s.h.i.+zuru breathe in sharply and she guessed she'd awoken from her deep slumber. The other woman's body moved against Natsuki's slightly as she s.h.i.+fted, bringing her nerves to full attention. She soon found intent crimson studying her.

"Morning." She said quietly, a smile crossing her face.

s.h.i.+zuru looked down at her sleepily, blinking a few times in an attempt to clear her mind and vision. Natsuki noticed that there was no attempt to bring the mask up yet and she wondered if that was because she'd just woken or if it was because of yesterday. "Good morning." Came the groggy Kyoto-ben. "How long have you been awake?"

Natsuki grinned at her, unable to hide the impish expression. "A little while." She admitted, watching in satisfaction as a slight blush coloured s.h.i.+zuru's cheeks. She could get used to having their roles reversed like this. Now she held a certain power over the usually composed woman.

The blush was gone as soon as it had come though and she noticed those eyes darken a little. For some reason, that worried her a little. "Ara, Natsuki has been watching over me?" The tone was light and playful and it evoked the same reaction in her that s.h.i.+zuru had experienced moments before. d.a.m.n her! Lulling me into a false sense of security!

"N-no!" She blurted out but she instantly snuggled closer to the other woman to take the edge off the harsh response. s.h.i.+zuru reacted with a small giggle, her mirth causing her chest to rumble against Natsuki's cheek. She felt one of s.h.i.+zuru's hands roam across her back, gently caressing the exposed skin there inducing a s.h.i.+ver from her. "Did you sleep okay?" She found herself asking to change the subject.

s.h.i.+fting slightly again, s.h.i.+zuru rubbed her cheek against the top of Natsuki's head. "Mm, better than okay." She muttered into black strands. The warmth in Natsuki's chest swelled further at her words. She pressed her right palm into the small of s.h.i.+zuru's back, bringing their bodies closer to one another. She heard the other woman sigh softly. She felt compelled to be closer to her, to touch as much of her as she could. She briefly wondered why that was but the feeling of s.h.i.+zuru pressing into her quickly cleared her mind of all thoughts.

The white robe had risen up s.h.i.+zuru's legs and Natsuki's breath hitched at the feel of skin sliding against skin. s.h.i.+zuru s.h.i.+fted her left leg over Natsuki's hip, her heated thigh brus.h.i.+ng over the younger girl's causing her to shudder. The sensations she'd experienced yesterday re-emerged in abundance now, surging from the pit of her stomach. Natsuki allowed her right hand to languidly travel down s.h.i.+zuru's back and over the silky fabric, trailing lightly across the curve of her behind. s.h.i.+zuru s.h.i.+vered under her touch and she could hear her breathing pick up a notch. Her fingers continued on their path, nails dragging across the robe, pulling at it slightly as she reached the thigh. She sighed in contentment as she touched flesh, the skin hot and smooth under her fingers.

She hovered there, her fingertips barely meeting the skin beneath them. s.h.i.+zuru squirmed slightly and she looked down at the younger woman. "Ikezu." She breathed, causing another involuntary shudder to course through Natsuki's body. She looked up at s.h.i.+zuru, their eyes meeting and she could see the desire swirling within crimson. The intensity of it brought her back to reality and her mind took control of her once more. What am I doing? She moved her hand again and rested it on s.h.i.+zuru's hip, pulling her body back a little so she could strain to see the clock on the table beside the bed.

"c.r.a.p!" She gasped as she saw the clock blink 8:16 at her in its obnoxious digital red. She quickly pushed herself up from her lying position, finding it quite difficult with the other woman wrapped around her. s.h.i.+zuru didn't show any intention of letting her go either. She looked down at her, her brow furrowed with slight irritation. s.h.i.+zuru merely stared back at her with an innocent expression, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Natsuki could see the glint of mischief there.

"What's the matter?" The Kyoto woman asked, ever so sweetly.

"I'm going to be late, that's what the matter is!" Natsuki grumbled, looking pointedly at the clock. s.h.i.+zuru glanced over her shoulder at it, releasing her grip on the younger woman slightly, but not enough so she could completely break free. She then turned her attention back fully towards Natsuki, one hand sliding against her bare ribs slowly. "s.h.i.+zuru!" Natsuki squeaked, the caress causing her to squirm away slightly.

"Natsuki is a dutiful student." s.h.i.+zuru murmured, her eyes now roaming the younger woman's form. Natsuki felt the flush in her cheeks begin to spread to the rest of her body, quickly seeping down her neck and across her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Deciding drastic action had to be taken, she swatted at s.h.i.+zuru's shoulder, bringing her focus up to her eyes immediately. "I can't afford to miss it." She couldn't believe she was saying those words. They didn't sound right at all. But she had a pretty good attendance as of late and she didn't want to break that record. The last thing she wanted was to have to repeat a year.

Natsuki only realised she was grimacing when a low giggle emerged from s.h.i.+zuru. She arched an eyebrow at her companion who disentangled herself in response, retreating to her side of the bed. "Natsuki is too adorable, I cannot deny her anything." The tone was a teasing one but it still caused the heat to rise in Natsuki's face. Immediately missing the warmth of s.h.i.+zuru's body, she had to fight the urge to cuddle back into her. Instead she pushed the covers back and glanced around the room, trying to remember where she put her leathers.

"I don't have time for a shower." She grumbled absent mindedly. "And I have no change of clothes." She let out an irritated breath, the thought of leaving the warmth and comfort of the bed irking her. Admittedly, she had her school uniform in her motorcycle's storage compartment but she'd have to wear the underwear she'd had on yesterday. She felt the mattress s.h.i.+ft slightly as s.h.i.+zuru moved and she turned to see what she was doing.

She was surprised to see a slight pink hue to s.h.i.+zuru's cheeks as she lifted herself into a sitting position, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She watched as pale, smooth skin disappeared behind white silk as the robe dropped around her legs when she stood. The older woman strode over to a chest of drawers nearby and pulled open the top drawer, rummaging inside for a few moments. Natsuki quirked an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering what s.h.i.+zuru could possibly be looking for. When the other woman finally turned, producing a small black and lacy pair of panties, she knew exactly what that wiggle of the eyebrows meant.

Natsuki immediately held up her hands and waved them erratically in s.h.i.+zuru's general direction. "T-there's no n-need for... that!" She insisted, the idea of wearing s.h.i.+zuru's underwear bringing her blush back in full force.

s.h.i.+zuru sauntered back towards the bed, gripping the panties in one hand and leaned in towards the embarra.s.sed girl. "I can't have Natsuki feeling uncomfortable all day, now can I?" She asked, the mischief evident in her voice. Natsuki opened her mouth to speak but s.h.i.+zuru quickly interjected. "Besides, they're part of that collection that I know Natsuki likes."

That new information caused the protest that rose up in her throat to be silenced and her eyes were drawn to the dangling piece of fabric. s.h.i.+zuru was right. d.a.m.n her! She quickly grabbed the panties and tugged them from their owner's grasp, leaping off the bed as fast as she could. She padded over to the bathroom door. "Fine." She snapped, not daring to look at s.h.i.+zuru for she knew she'd have that smug smile plastered over her face. As she reached the en suite bathroom, she noticed her leathers in a pile beside it. So that's where I left them. She picked them up before disappearing inside the other room.

Now safely out of s.h.i.+zuru's line of sight, she allowed herself to relax a little more and her face to return to its usual shade. She gripped the sink with both hands and leaned over it, staring at herself in the small mirror that was at eye level. She looked pretty good for this time of the morning, she had to admit. Maybe sleeping next to s.h.i.+zuru is good for my health. She had to smirk at the thought. She could just imagine the glee the other woman would have over an excuse like that. She'd never be able to be away from her. For health reasons.

Reaching down with one hand, she turned on the hot tap and watched the water flow against the white porcelain. It swirled around the plughole once and disappeared. She could feel her mind drifting again, being pulled into deep thought much like the water disappearing down the drain. She'd never get to school on time if she allowed herself to do that. She cupped her hands and scooped up the warm water, splas.h.i.+ng it onto her face. She repeated the action, feeling more and more invigorated with each splash. Once she felt she was suitably wakened, she grabbed the bar of soap sitting next to the taps and lathered it up in her hands. Hastily was.h.i.+ng and rinsing herself, she then glanced around for a towel, cursing herself for not locating it before was.h.i.+ng.

Luckily there was one hanging on a railing nearby and she dabbed at her face with it. It smelt of s.h.i.+zuru. She was caught in that position for a moment, her hands holding the towel just in front of her face. She wondered about how it was so easy to recognise one person's scent. How a mixture of odours could be unique to one person and how easy it was to identify them by it. The house smelt of s.h.i.+zuru too; she'd noticed that when she'd entered it last night. It was a much more diluted scent but it was still recognisable, even if it was perhaps mixed with other smells. She hadn't been living here long either but she had left her mark on it already. Natsuki briefly wondered if the same would be true of her if she lived here but quickly dispelled that notion.

She slipped off her panties and looked with uncertainty at the fresh pair. We're sharing clothes already? What does that mean? Her brow furrowed as the questions surfaced. She held the clean underwear in both hands and continued to stare at it. They are nice though. Eventually considering herself silly for such foolish thoughts, she pulled the panties on. They'd worn each others' clothing before after all. Doing this now doesn't change anything. She made quick work of donning her leathers next; the action was like second nature to her now and the tightness of the garment provided no problem for her. She zipped herself up and then dumped her underwear into the laundry basket that sat beside the door. She was pretty sure s.h.i.+zuru wouldn't mind the extra was.h.i.+ng.

Opening the door to the bedroom, she was surprised to see the room empty. The sound of china clinking came to Natsuki's ears and she turned her head in the direction of the hall. Tea. Of course. The idea of a hot drink before she went to school was a welcoming one though and she slipped into the hall and padded down the stairs. The steps led onto a narrow hallway and she could see the front door ahead of her. She turned and there were two more doors; one leading to the kitchen, the other to the living room. She wandered into the kitchen, casting a glance back to see her boots sitting beside the front door.

Natsuki paused in the doorway, her gaze drifting over the decent sized room. There were several counters against the walls and s.h.i.+zuru was in front of one, preparing the tea. Nearby was a refrigerator and a cooker. The room opened up a little and allowed for a small table with two chairs. Other than the sink and a few cupboards there wasn't much else in the kitchen. She let her eyes drift back to the robed woman who was intent on her task. Slightly mussed strands of chestnut fell about her shoulders and down her back, giving her a wilder look than Natsuki was used to seeing. It was something that made the older woman look very appealing though. School. Must remember school. Keep focused!

The slightest movement of silk against equally as smooth skin caught her attention and her eyes travelled the older woman's body as she noticed each of these subtle motions. The light from the kitchen windows fell upon s.h.i.+zuru, making the robe slightly transparent and outlining her curves perfectly. As she leaned forwards to pour the tea, the front of the robe pooled slightly and the rays of light allowed Natsuki to see the curve of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s perfectly. She found herself nibbling on her bottom lip as her stomach lurched slightly with building need. Her brow furrowed, the constant surge of sensations over the past days confusing her. Why do I feel like this? Has s.h.i.+zuru felt this all along? How the h.e.l.l does she put up with it?

Apparently sensing her presence, s.h.i.+zuru had turned to look at her, a tea cup in one hand. Her left eyebrow had headed towards her hairline in a questioning expression and Natsuki quickly freed her lip from her teeth, hoping her thoughts hadn't been too obvious. A gentle smile pulled at the corner of s.h.i.+zuru's lips and she held out the cup to her companion. Natsuki walked over and gladly took it, focusing on the warmth it radiated out through her palms. She stared into the steaming liquid, hoping the sight would distract her busy mind from its thoughts.

"Natsuki seems pensive. Is something wrong?" s.h.i.+zuru's calm voice drifted to her ears and she looked up at her, that smile still firmly etched into her features. Her head was tilted to one side slightly and her eyes showed no hint of the doubts that Natsuki was feeling. Great, now I feel guilty on top of everything else. What the heck is wrong with me? Why can't I just accept it?

Realising she hadn't answered s.h.i.+zuru, she shook her head and forced a weak smile, knowing full well that wouldn't convince the other woman. She sipped at her tea to give her mouth something to do other than frown. Surprised when she didn't receive any more questions, she glanced back up at the other woman. s.h.i.+zuru had turned away from her slightly, picking up her own tea, but she could still see those bright crimson eyes. They held worry now and Natsuki knew that was her fault.

After taking one last sip from the cup, she placed it back on the counter, glancing at the wall clock as she did so. 8:38. Great, definitely late now. Looking back at the other woman, it was obvious s.h.i.+zuru was still lost in thought. How could she alleviate this? Perhaps it would be good if they got the serious thoughts out of the way now? Still, that slightly hurt expression tugged at Natsuki's heart and she couldn't resist the urge to wrap her arms around the other woman's waist. s.h.i.+zuru looked at her with barely hidden surprise. Natsuki pulled her into a loose embrace, resting her chin on the other woman's shoulder.

s.h.i.+zuru relaxed into the hug and brought her own arms up to encircle Natsuki's shoulders. "I'll need to get going now." Natsuki murmured into her neck, chestnut tresses tickling her nose. She felt the other woman nod but she could still sense the lingering concern. Although she knew she needed some time and s.p.a.ce to think, to sort things out in her head, she knew she couldn't leave s.h.i.+zuru hanging either. That really wasn't fair on her, not after all she'd put her through already. Being close to her like this made her feel as though she never wanted to be apart from her. She knew she had to get away for a little while to be able to think clearly and school was the perfect time. It's not as if I'll actually be learning anything anyway. "I'll see you later, 'kay?" She offered, pulling back to see a hopeful glint in those crimson depths.

s.h.i.+zuru nodded and smiled, her hair dancing around her face as she did so. "How about I meet Natsuki after school? I need to meet with a few members of the administration anyway." At Natsuki's confused expression she elaborated. "To do with University. Apparently, not all the paperwork has been transferred correctly."

Natsuki stepped back out of the embrace and shrugged. "Okay. I guess I'll see you after school then." She said nonchalantly, though inside she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She turned and walked back into the hall, with s.h.i.+zuru close behind. She slipped into her boots, awkwardly hopping on one foot and acutely aware of the fact that she had to bend over in her tight leathers. After successfully fastening her boots she straightened, pawing at the hair that had fallen into her face. When she looked back at s.h.i.+zuru she wore an amused grin. "What?" She barked, irritated at her own self consciousness.

s.h.i.+zuru shook her head, her eyes widening into an innocent gaze. "Nothing." Natsuki puposely rolled her eyes at the chestnut haired woman before turning and looking for her keys. Now where did I put those? She absent mindedly patted at her leathers even though they held no pockets. A soft coughing came from behind her and she turned to see s.h.i.+zuru dangling the keys from a finger in front of her. "Looking for these?" Came the sweet sounding question.

Natsuki let out a soft sigh, a question forming on her lips but she knew the answer wouldn't be forthcoming. She couldn't afford to be any later for school than she already was either. She reached out to take the keys but s.h.i.+zuru pulled them back at the last second, almost causing Natsuki to over balance and tumble into her. "What the..?" She mumbled, annoyance creeping into her voice.

s.h.i.+zuru continued to grin at the younger woman. "Natsuki must pay the fee." Was the only response.

"Fee!" She asked incredulously, not catching on to what the other woman was after. She stared dumbly at s.h.i.+zuru for a moment.

"A kiss." The grin had turned into a smirk now and it widened as realisation dawned on the biker. She shuffled uncomfortably for a moment, weighing her choices. On one hand, she could argue and cause herself to be even later; on the other she could give s.h.i.+zuru what she wanted and risk getting caught up and causing herself to be late anyway. The choices didn't seem very fair to her.

"Fine." She muttered, leaning forward and placing a quick peck on the Kyoto woman's cheek. She pulled back and held out a hand expectantly. s.h.i.+zuru looked back at her with a slightly disappointed expression, her lips pursing into a pout. Ack no, not the pouting! "You didn't specify." She said defensively, trying to ignore the power of that expression.

Natsuki braced herself for another bout of merciless teasing but it didn't come. Instead s.h.i.+zuru released the keys into her outstretched palm and dropped her own arm back to her side, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly. It may have been a small gesture but Natsuki didn't miss it. Am I really always so thoughtless? She inwardly pondered. She watched as s.h.i.+zuru moved to the door and unlocked it, pulling it open to let in a wave of fresh air. The scent of morning and cherry blossom washed over her and she closed her eyes briefly to enjoy the moment. The chill of the breeze refreshed her and she smiled a little as she felt a few stray strands of her hair brush across her face. When she opened her eyes she found s.h.i.+zuru staring at her, crimson eyes baring an intense fondness which almost completely took her breath away.

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Giving In Part 2 summary

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