Mitchell Family: Raging Love Part 5

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Colt finally pulled away and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love ya Darlin'."

"I love you too baby, so much..... Colt, this is amazing. I can't believe you managed to do this. It's perfect."

Clanking of got everyone to quiet down. My biggest fear was upon us as I stared at Ty and Conner, fighting over the microphone. Finally Conner grabbed it and switched it on. "Can ya'll hear me?"

"My family and I would like to thank you all for comin' out to celebrate with us tonight. I just have a couple things I'd like to say about Colt and Van." Ty stood back and patiently waited his turn. It worried me that he was going to get the last word in.

"As everyone knows, Colt is my cousin, so I have obviously known him my whole life. He is a great all around guy, and has been hunted by every chick that's ever come in contact with him." The crowd started laughing. "The funny thing was that Colt never really noticed it. That is why we were all so surprised when he came back from an out of town visit, head over heels in love with someone. Van captured his heart and he never gave up until he had her for himself. What you all might not know, is that Van used to be ..........."

Holy s.h.i.+t! No No No!

"Give me that thing before I shove it so far up your a.s.s you can't find it." Ty yanked the microphone out of Conner's hand.

The crowd of people were dead silent. Colt grabbed my arm and held me still. "Excuse my brother in-law, he has had a bit too much to drink." Ty started to laugh a little and the crowd seemed to relax. "I have known Van, Savanna, since we were little kids. Colt knew her back then as well. He used to come and visit during the summer. All of the girls would go nuts over him there too. Van was different. She was a late bloomer and Colt made it a point to tease her for it. When he went off to college and stopped visiting, Van changed from a little girl, into a beautiful woman. Two years ago when he came to help out my family, he saw her again. I'm pretty sure she took his breath away and you all know the rest of the story. Besides my own wife, Colt and Van are my best friends. I love them and wish them a long and happy life together. Everyone hold up your," He pointed to Conner. "except you Conner, you're officially cut off." Everyone started laughing and raised their

"To Colt and Savanna."

Colt rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. Ty walked by Conner and came over to us. "You want me to f.u.c.k him up?"

I gave Ty a big hug. "No, but thank you for fixing things. That was uncomfortable."

"He didn't do it to p.i.s.s you off Savanna. He did it to get to Ty. He wanted him to look like a sap."

"He's the sap." We saw Miranda standing by her brother, arguing with him. He had issues.

The next twenty minutes flew by. Between everyone congratulating us and the photographer trying to take pictures of everyone, I was glad to finally get to the first dance. We had picked a song called "I can love you like that." It was older, but the words were so beautiful. The music started and I paid no attention to Colt reaching for something behind my back. To my utter shock, I felt the vibrations of Colt's voice as he began singing the words to the song.

"They read you Cinderella You hoped it would come true That one day your Prince Charming Would come rescue you You like romantic movies

You never will forget

The way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliet All this time that you've been waiting You don't have to wait no more"

Colt held me tight against his body while he sang every single word to me. Our family and friends had all stood up and some were even crying, as they listened to every word coming out of Colt's beautifully talented body.

"I can love you like that I would make you my world

Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl

I will give you my heart

Be all that you need

Show you you're everything that's precious to me

If you give me a chance

I can love you like that"

I looked over toward Brina and Conner who had now come out to the dance floor. They had their hands all over each other, almost like they were having some kind of s.e.x, right here in front of everyone. I shook my head and looked toward Ty and Miranda. With Bella in their arms, they swayed to Colt's beautiful voice. Ty placed small kisses on Miranda and Bella's foreheads, before resting his head into both of theirs. It was beautiful to watch them.

I never make a promise I don't intend to keep

So when I say forever, forever's what I mean

I'm no Casanova but I swear this much is true

I'll be holdin' nothing back when it comes to you

You dream of love that`s everlasting

Well baby open up your eyes

I can love you like that

I would make you my world

Move Heaven and Earth if you were my girl

I will give you my heart

Be all that you need

Show you you're everything that's precious to me

If you give me a chance

I can love you like that

You want tenderness-I got tenderness

And I see through to the heart of you

If you want a man who understands

You don't have to look very far

I love you Darlin' "

Someone came and grabbed the microphone from Colt as the music finally faded into another song. He pulled me into his embrace and kissed me deeply. I was still speechless. I couldn't believe he had sang to me in front of everyone. I had never heard him do anything like that before. Sure, he had sang to me as we danced, but never for everyone else to hear. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

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Mitchell Family: Raging Love Part 5 summary

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