Mitchell Family: Raging Love Part 8

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"I have to give it to my dear cousin. He got you to have s.e.x in public, in the DAYTIME," he added.

My face turned blood red. Colt didn't have to look at me to know I was totally embarra.s.sed. "He's just jealous we did it first."

"In the water. We already hit the balcony and gave everyone a good show, right baby?" Ty's s.e.xual confession did not make me feel any better about being caught.

Instead of letting him get the best of me, I stood and reached for my man's hand. "The balcony sounds s.e.xy. Come on babe; let's go show em how it's done."

Oh, s.h.i.+t! Was I really considering it?

Colt said nothing and I could see him clenching his jaw. He wanted to laugh, or say something smart, but he knew better. Ty and Miranda just sat there with their jaws dropped. I held up my hand while Colt grabbed our bag. "It could take us a while. Colt can last for hours."

Once we got far enough away, I thought Colt was going to pee himself. He hunched over and tears were coming out of his eyes. "Did you see his face?"

I couldn't help but laugh. My heart was beating so fast from my big fat lie, but it was worth it. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we just started a war over who can have the most s.e.x in the most places."

Colt calmed down and got a little serious as we made it back to our room. He stroked the hair out of my face. "I wouldn't fight you if you wanted to actually go through with it."

"With what?" I asked.

"Desperately makin' love to your husband in random places."

"Oh," I started to giggle thinking he was teasing, but then I saw that he wasn't. "OH! Seriously? We could get arrested you know."

He tossed the beach bag on the floor and pressed me against the wall. His fingers gently ran over my lips and I eagerly opened them. He bit down on his lip and looked at me with a creased brow. "Darlin', bein' with you is worth the risk. I would never force you into doin' somethin' you didn't want to do, but Sugar you are so breathtaking that I would do just about anything to be inside of you."

Breathe Savanna.....just breathe. Stop panting!

Chapter 11.

Colt Savanna stood there breathing heavy in my arms. She had to know how much she drove me crazy. I was in awe of the woman. Her salty hair fell down over the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of her bathing suit and I pushed it aside. She still hadn't said a word, but I had a feeling she was considering my idea.

Savanna was modest and I loved that about her, but we weren't at home, in fact n.o.body knew us here, aside from my cousins. We could explore each other in ways that we had never done before. It was appealing to even think about.

Without a single word, Savanna came at me, while reaching up and ripping off her top. Her hands pushed me back toward the balcony and once I hit the gla.s.s door, she ran her tongue over my nipple and looked intently into my eyes. I felt her reach behind me and open the door, swinging it open and allowing us to back out. The balcony consisted of two regular chairs and one lounge. Savanna pushed me down on the lounge chair, never even looking to see if anyone was watching us.

She dropped her bikini bottoms and climbed over top of me, straddling me with her legs. I watched as she let her hair fall down over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she began rocking all over my groin. "Jesus Darlin' are you for real?"

"Don't talk." Her hands went for the fly of my swimming trunks and she rapidly pulled them open, grabbing my whole c.o.c.k and pulling it out.

f.u.c.k...that's my girl!

It made me groan when I felt her maneuvering herself to slide right over me. I entered her hot s.e.x and grabbed her waist, running my hands up to her chest. She ran her hands in her hair, making her perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s stick out for me. I couldn't help but reach up and touch them. Her sudden courage was s.e.xy as h.e.l.l and I had no idea how long it would last. Just knowing that forced me to take advantage of all that she was offering.

Savanna moved her body slowly over top of mine. She knew just how to rock her hips to send me begging for more. She could tell I was going crazy and decided to pick up the pace, which would only make it worse. I grabbed her awesome a.s.s and started grinding her into me harder. Her facial expression let me know she liked it. She put two fingers into her mouth and I watched her tongue them. I pulled her hands down and offered her my fingers instead. She took them right into her mouth and started sucking them, as if it were my c.o.c.k. When I pulled them away from her lips, she licked them once more before directing them to one of her nipples. As my wet fingertips circled her hard little mounds, I felt her insides tightening around me. Just seeing her face was so hot and I felt myself trying to still her eager body. Savanna let out tiny cries and she fell onto my chest. We lay there panting, covered in sweat.

Whistles from below were coming in different directions and Savanna instantly became aware of what we had just done. She covered her chest with her hands and ran for the door. I fastened my shorts and followed behind her, never looking out to see how many people had got an eye full.

Thank you Ty!

Savanna must have ran right into the bathroom. I found her leaning against the shower, with water trickling down her stunning body. Without startling her, I let my shorts fall to the floor and joined her. She didn't even flinch as my arms reached around her waist and pulled her back up against my chest.

I grabbed the shampoo and started was.h.i.+ng her hair, making it a point to ma.s.sage her scalp as I did it. Once I got her head lathered up, it was easy to run the suds down her body, spreading them over each of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I washed Savanna's entire body while she stood there with her eyes shut. If only I had super powers to be able to perform over and over again without taking breaks. I would have loved to slide right back inside of her. Her slippery, wet body, combined with a great tan, was tantalizing to look at. I kissed the back of her shoulder. "Darlin' you are so s.e.xy."

She turned around to face me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her tongue slid from my chest and then up my neck. Savanna kissed my chin and pulled my face down to hers. She stroked my lips with her tongue and ended with her mouth pressed to mine.

As she pulled away and opened her eyes, she smiled and grabbed my a.s.s. "So are you baby."

Now, I have absolutely no idea what had gotten into her, but it was hot and I was in no hurry for it to stop. I liked this new playful side of Savanna that she had kept hidden from me until now.

Our shower ended sooner than I would have liked and Savanna got dressed quickly. I knew we were meeting Ty and Miranda for dinner and that they were probably already waiting for us, well that is what I thought. It turned out that we sat down in the hotel lobby for a good twenty minutes before they came walking down, completely engulfed in each other.

"Took you long enough," I said sarcastically.

"We were busy," Ty laughed and buried his head into Miranda's neck. We could tell he was whispering, but I was pretty sure we didn't want to know what was being said.

Right off of our resort was an outdoor restaurant and bar. It was already getting dark outside and a band was playing as we approached. While Savanna wore a sundress, Miranda wore a small top that showed off her whole stomach and full chest with a long skirt. She immediately started dancing around, enticing Ty to grab onto her exposed hips. "Save it for after we eat guys." I couldn't help laugh after I said it. Had it been Savanna, I would have done the same thing.

Dinner was fantastic and we stayed for a while after to dance to the Caribbean music the band was playing. Savanna and I danced close together, focusing on each other and appreciating our private moments, while Ty and Miranda had everyone watching them. They needed their own Vegas show for erotic dancing. The crowd gathered around them and watched as they danced in sync, basically having mind s.e.x with each other the whole time.

Even Savanna stopped dancing to watch the two of them doing their thing. Savanna got all into it and pulled me in the center of the dance floor. She started swaying her hips and matching Miranda's moves. As the crowd started cheering us on, Miranda and Savanna thought it would be more fun to erotically dance with each other instead. In a couple swift moves, Ty and I were pushed to the sidelines, while the two of them entertained everyone around us.

Ty stood there next to me smiling the whole time. "If you are picturing some sick threesome, you need to get it out of your head right now," I warned.

"Sorry," He teased and nudged me while he started laughing. "As hot as that would be, I couldn't ever share my wife, not even with another woman. In fact, that s.h.i.+t would devastate me more than her cheating. I can't compete with that, therefore I would lose."

"The fact that you have actually thought about it that much to come to that conclusion is very disturbing."

He chuckled but continued to watch his wife. "Shut up dude. Threesomes are hot and I have no problem if you want me to watch Van and another chick, just as long as my wife is sitting on my lap the whole time."

"You're sick man."

Ty started laughing. "Although, I am at an advantage since I have seen both of them naked."

I shook my head and couldn't even get mad. He was joking and I knew he had no interest in Savanna. Not only was he obsessed with Miranda, but Savanna thought he was an a.s.s most of the time.

The song finally ended, considering it was the longest song in the history of songs, and the girls came over and grabbed both of us guys.

"Colt was hoping you guys were going to start making out," Ty announced.

Savanna looked shocked, while my open-minded cousin Miranda smiled and smacked Ty on the chest. She turned around toward us. "No worries Van, Ty wouldn't let me even if I wanted to."

"Jesus, you talked about it?" She asked.

They both were laughing this time. "Not really, he just tells me all the time when I say a woman looks pretty or hot. He is a little protective of me." She reached up and kissed his sad face. "Not that I mind at all babe. It makes me love you more."

"I'd never share you." Ty was dead serious too. He had joked with me about it, but Miranda talking had put the most depressed look on his face. He needed to go to Miranda Anonymous meetings.

"Ty knows I would never do that either. You're actually lucky, he used to beg me to have threesomes." Savanna just shook her head at him.

"Sleeping with Miranda is like being with four women at once. It's f.u.c.ktastic!"

He turned her around so her back was against his chest, then wrapped his arms around her waist. She shook her head and continued to laugh. He was pus.h.i.+ng Savanna, like he loved to do, but something was making her act different. She turned around and stuck her hand right down the front of my shorts, clearly making it obvious she was grabbing my c.o.c.k. "I couldn't share you either. There is no way I would ever share that huge d.i.c.k with anyone else." She winked at me, before hugging me, with her hand still holding my junk.

"d.a.m.n, maybe ya'll need to go back to your room," Miranda suggested.

"Actually, we have already had s.e.x on the balcony. I was thinking we could take a hot walk on the beach instead." Savanna bit her bottom lip and finally let go of my d.i.c.k, so that she could grab my hand and start pulling me toward the beach.

We didn't wait to say goodbye to our family, instead we just kept walking away from them. Once we hit the sandy beach, I pulled Savanna into my arms. "What has gotten into you Darlin'?"

"I just want to enjoy every single second of our honeymoon and hopefully go home with a souvenir. Nothing else matters except being here with you Colt. I love you so much and I want to satisfy you in every way possible."

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but Darlin' I am lovin' this side of you."

She reached around and grabbed my a.s.s as we walked. "Really?" She seemed shocked.

"What am I missin'?"

She started to laugh and shake her head. "I kind of went to Miranda for advice. I wanted to be all hot for you while we were here. She gave me a book to read and told me some things you might like."

"Are you freakin' kiddin' me? Why would you go and do somethin' like that? You don't have to change for me Savanna. I love you exactly the way you are."

She turned to face me and put her hands on her hips. "I know for a fact that you have enjoyed your day immensely, don't go trying to deny it."

I reached my hands around her waist. "My wife is throwing herself at me, of course I like it. I'm human and in love with you. I would be a fool not to like it, but you don't have to change for me, not ever."

Savanna stared at me and I could tell she was thinking about what to say. She looked down instead of straight into my eyes. "I just want to satisfy you in every way possible Colt. I don't want you to ever wish you had something else."

"Darlin' you never have to worry about that with me. I realize what happened to you in your first relations.h.i.+p makes you leery, but I promise you that there will never come a time where I wished you were someone else."

She hugged me tight and then pulled away. Slowly, while I watched her, she started pus.h.i.+ng down the straps to her dress, letting it fall to the sandy beach at her feet. "What if I like feeling this way?"

I took a step toward her and she stepped back. "Do you now?"

"Maybe I do," she flirted.

My wife continued to back up, wearing nothing but a small pair of panties. I bit down on my lip as I took small steps forward toward her. She started to turn around, I ran faster catching her into my arms. She let out a little scream as I pulled her down to the soft ground. Savanna turned to face me lingering over her body. She reached up and grabbed my cheek, running her sandy fingers over my face. "I want you."

It was a command and I planned on satisfying her every desire.

Savanna smelled like her body lotion and I appreciated that she had allowed me to apply it to her legs after our shower. The pomegranate fragrance filled my nostrils, making me salivate. I sat up on my legs and pushed her knees up, while spreading her legs open.

It was dark outside and the sound of the ocean was all we could hear. I wiped the sand off of my hands and ran my hands up her inner thighs. I could feel her leg muscles tensing to my touch. I leaned down and licked the fabric to her panties, causing her to cry out into the dark night. "Oh f.u.c.k yes...."

I licked her panties again, this time forcing my tongue to press harder against her p.u.s.s.y. Savanna's hands found her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she began ma.s.saging them while trying to also watch what I was doing. I could smell the musk of her wetness and I had to taste her. With one hand, I slid my fingers into the side of her panties and moved them out of the way. "I need to taste you."

As my head moved toward her sweet s.e.x, Savanna's body vibrated with the sounds of her being completely turned on. "Mmmmm, please don't stop."

I covered my mouth over her whole p.u.s.s.y, thrusting my tongue inside of her, then pulling out to circle it around her swollen c.l.i.t. Savanna knew I got off by making her come. She moved her body against my mouth, as I pushed my tongue harder and harder against her little nub.

As I continued to lick, I thrusted two fingers inside of her, pounding them against her tight walls. She grinded herself into my hand, making sure my fingers were in as far as they could go. When I felt my fingers being forced out by her o.r.g.a.s.m, my c.o.c.k started to throb for her. I need to be inside of her, to feel her wetness coating my d.i.c.k.

Savanna's hands were opening the fly to my shorts and her feet were kicking them down around my ankles. With one quick thrust I drove my eagerness inside of her, jolting my throbbing c.o.c.k deeper as I penetrated her tight walls. Her body accepted mine, like it always did.

The cool air chilled our bodies while the friction of our hot s.e.x made us burn with pleasure. It was a happy median, considering how brave we were both being to be f.u.c.king on a public beach, for anyone to discover us. My wife had turned into a voyeur and I wasn't sure I wanted her to ever stop. Being on the beach like this was something I had never experienced. It was hot and explosive and I felt myself coming far too soon.

Even after I was spent, we lay on the soft ground, still attached. Her legs were wrapped around me, while her fingertips circled the cheeks of my a.s.s.

"Jesus Christ Savanna, that was.......awe....h.e.l.l, I don't even know what to say."

"Tell me you love me," she whispered against my ear.

"You know I do." I ran my fingers over her lips before kissing them. "I love you so much."

Our moment was cut short when we saw a group of flashlights coming up on the beach, in the distance.

"Oh s.h.i.+t! Sugar, we need to get dressed." I stood up and pulled up my shorts, while pulling Savanna to her feet. She rushed over and grabbed her dress, throwing it over her head. I reached my hand out for her and we started running in the opposite direction of the lights.

Once we made it back to the resort, and into our room, we broke out into extreme laughter. We were acting like teenagers, running free and doing crazy things. I was excited and I couldn't get enough of it.

Chapter 12.

Savanna After reading Miranda's book cover to cover a few times, I felt adventurous. Colt didn't seem to mind my new curiosity, and accepted every s.e.xual innuendo I sent his way. My husband was so s.e.xy that being wild and crazy for him was easy. It turned me on to turn him on.

We spent the next two days spending our days with Ty and Miranda, but our nights discovering each other's deepest fantasies. After Ty and Miranda left, Colt and I treated ourselves to a spa day, we went snorkeling and even traveled to a place that had private waterfalls and hiking trails. Since Colt and I were being so frivolous, we decided to visit them alone. It was a good thing because once we got into that water underneath those falls, Colt went all buck wild with me. He bent me over behind the waterfall and then we later made love at the bottom where the bubbly water secluded our naked bodies.

Our honeymoon was both beautiful and educational. Colt and I discovered so many things about each other, that we hadn't known in the past two years. When we left we felt fulfilled and more in love than we had ever been. I'd like to say that I learned it all from my nympho cousin's s.e.x book, but most I learned from opening myself up to exploring both mine and Colt's bodies. Leaving Hawaii didn't end our new addiction either, I almost tempted Colt into entering the Mile High Club. It wasn't like I had changed as a person, it was just that I wanted to be desired. I wanted to get that look from Colt that Miranda got; that look like they knew they had hot secrets between each other and they couldn't wait to have an alone moment again soon. Maybe I was wrong to idolize parts of their relations.h.i.+p, but if I hadn't asked, I would have never known how good it could be.

The feeling of being with Colt was the same, but the excitement was what made it even better.

I knew we were going to go home and have s.e.x in crazy places, but just knowing that we HAD done that got me all excited again.

Since Colt and I were desperately trying to make a baby, we started really paying attention to my ovulation cycle. After four months worth of cycles went by, I was losing all hope of being able to ever get pregnant. Colt never gave up hope and a.s.sured me that it would happen for us. He said we were meant to be parents.

Five months after our honeymoon I was on my way to the pharmacy to buy a test. It was the first time I had been late since we had been trying. I remember my hands profusely shaking as I paid the cas.h.i.+er for the little box with two sticks inside that could determine our future. I was half-tempted to run into the bathroom in the back and pee on them before even leaving the store.

My b.r.e.a.s.t.s had been tender and I felt so irritable a week before purchasing the tests. Colt was so sure of himself, never giving up hope that I had a baby growing inside of me. It was hard peeing on the stick while he stood there watching me, but I knew he was just as excited as I was. This was an unforgettable moment and I knew he wanted to be there for every second of it. It turned out he had to turn the water on so that my bladder would actually wet the stick. We stood there like two little kids waiting for Christmas, just watching for two blue lines. Finally, after about thirty seconds I pulled him out of the bathroom. We stood at the edge of the door like it had some magic barrier preventing us from entering until the three minutes were up.

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Mitchell Family: Raging Love Part 8 summary

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