Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 18

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"Are we still talking about s.e.x?" Willa asked Lily in confusion.

"I hope not."

"Me, too." Willa started to take another bite of pizza then realized she had lost her appet.i.te. Instead, she sipped her lemonade which was getting better and better.

Lucky stared down at his watch. "How much longer do you think they're going to be?"

Shade crossed his arms over his chest. "You never know. When they have their parties, it can last an hour or four. It pretty much only ends when the liquor and food are gone."

"They're in a restaurant with a bar," Lucky reminded him.

"Then we're going to be here for a while. Don't expect any of them to be sitting in church in the morning, either. Lily will be the only one there, and you'll be lucky if the rest show up for the evening service."

"Willa will be in church. She doesn't drink," Lucky bragged.

"Right ... We'll see. Penni's in there."

"What does Penni have to do with it?"

"It means Willa's going to come out either drunk or high," Shade advised.

"Not Willa. I know her like the back of my hand."

"Brother, you don't know s.h.i.+t about Willa, but I know my sister, and I'm telling you, there's no way Willa's coming out sober."

"Wanna bet?" Lucky goaded.

"h.e.l.l yes. You going to win the way you won the bet with Moon?"

Lucky didn't feel guilty about picking the motorcycle he had tried to buy off Rider for the last six months.

"I didn't cheat."

"You didn't cheat, but getting engaged to her made Moon believe you f.u.c.ked her, and you didn't tell him any different. It also keeps him from trying to get her in his bed until you're willing to share ... if you do."

"Willa would have an anxiety attack if I touched her, much less have her take part in one of the club's parties."

"Like I said, you don't know s.h.i.+t about Willa, and you're too chicken s.h.i.+t to find out."

"I'm not chicken s.h.i.+t. Willa and I aren't a couple. You know we're only engaged to get Flora to leave the kids alone."

"I keep going back and forth, trying to make up my mind on who's the dumber f.u.c.k: you or Rider."

"Neither of us. Moon is." Lucky grinned, unrepentant. The brother deserved to lose the bet for thinking Willa would be an easy conquest.

"So what does the winner get?"

"You have to bring Train back from Ohio. He's calling me every hour to come back because I told him I would go."

"Who would go instead?"

"Send Moon back. He's the one who made the mess in the first place."

"All right, and if I win, you have to let me out of my promise to you."

Lucky's face turned serious. "Pick something else. I'm dealing with Bridge."

"You're doing a c.r.a.p job. He's watching every move you make."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm watching him."

"You can watch, just keep your promise."

"If I win, I want you to tell Willa the truth about the club. It's only a matter of time before Sissy or someone else tells her, and it will hurt less coming from you."

Lucky nodded. He had already decided to tell her when she wasn't surrounded by the children.

"Then we have a bet?"

"It's a bet." Lucky repeated, knowing either way, he lost.

The door to King's restaurant opened, and the women came stumbling outside.

Shade took his cell phone out of his pocket.

"Who are you calling?"

Shade looked up. "Knox. We're going to need more cars."

Chapter 14.

"Why are we at the church? I don't feel like asking for forgiveness right now."

"You will in the morning," Lucky muttered, unlocking the side entrance that led to the part of the church he had moved back into when he had become pastor again.

When the church had been built, the back portion had been designed for the pastor and his family to live. If you came inside the side entrance, you wouldn't a.s.sume it was attached to the church, but it was a large home.

Willa stumbled in the darkness before he could flip the light switch on. Lucky closed the door with his foot before sweeping Willa into his arms.

She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's too soon to carry me over the threshold. Be careful or you'll throw your back out."


Willa pouted up at him, seeing his stern expression. "Are you mad at me for getting drunk?"

"For getting drunk, no. I get mad when you put yourself down. I've told you not to do it in front of me."

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me." She laid her head on his shoulder, patting his chest.

The woman was irresistible when she was drunk because her guard was lowered, showing the real Willa. She had cracked jokes and sang as he had driven the b.i.t.c.hes back to Jamestown. Stud had met him halfway and Willa had hung out the door, waving good-bye to them and asking Stud if s.e.x Piston had been a virgin when they were married. s.e.x Piston had put her own window down, yelling at Willa to shut the f.u.c.k up before she got out and whipped her a.s.s. Then Willa had thrown the woman air kisses, reminding her she had promised to cut her hair.

Lucky had driven off while the women were still yelling back and forth to each other. There was no way he was going to make the same mistake Razer and Shade had made and allow Willa to become friends with the biker b.i.t.c.hes. He was going to nip that one in the bud.

"Where are we going? I need to get home to the kids."

"You would wake them up, and I didn't think you'd want your neighbor to see you in this condition." Lucky walked down the hallway, easily carrying her weight.

He opened one of the spare bedrooms, placing Willa down on the bed. As she stared up at him in bemus.e.m.e.nt, Lucky felt his d.i.c.k getting hard. The woman was cute as h.e.l.l when she was sober; drunk, she had a seductive look he had never seen on her before. Apparently, being drunk gave Willa a lethal amount of confidence that Lucky was smart enough to know would be hard to resist if he stayed much longer.

"Go to sleep." Lucky gritted his teeth, heading for the door. He was getting sick and tired of protecting her from himself. h.e.l.l, he had never pretended to be a saint.


He made the mistake of turning around at her slurred parting and saw that she was still lying in the same position he had laid her down in. Her legs were half off the bed, and she was lying sideways.

"Dammit!" Lucky turned back, bending down next to the bed. He took off her shoes then lifted her again and laid her back down until her head lay on a pillow.

"Thank you."

Lucky straightened, his aching b.a.l.l.s killing him. "Do you have to be so polite all the time?"

Willa's drunken stare became angry. "You're a mean a.s.shole; do you know that?"

Lucky burst out laughing, which made Willa even angrier. She rose up into a sitting position and threw her pillow at him.

"It's the truth!"

Lucky didn't try to dodge the pillow, letting it fall to the floor. "Is that so?"

"h.e.l.l yes! You're as mean as Curt Dawkins, and I hate him. He's always trying to touch me when no one is around."

Lucky didn't know what made him more p.i.s.sed: that Curt was touching Willa or being compared to the man Jo had accused of raping her in high school.

"Rider's much nicer to me. He makes me feel pretty. Even that new biker at your club is nice to me. He bought me a cup of coffee the other day when I dropped my delivery off at the diner."

"Did he?"

Willa nodded. "He's very nice."

The backstabbing brother was going to get his boot up his a.s.s the next time he saw him.

"And you know what? He's better-looking than you. You know why?"

"Why don't you tell me," Lucky answered, his voice going lethally quiet. However, Willa was too drunk to notice the warning signs that would have sent the other brothers running.

Lucky almost never lost control of his temper, but when he did, no one ever forgot. He had only really lost his temper twice in his life, and both men were dead.

Willa unwisely nodded her head vehemently. "His grey eyes make you think he's undressing you." Willa sighed.

"He's a horn-dog."

"Really?" The interest in Willa's eyes deepened.

"You need to lie down and go to sleep. Now."

"Quit ordering me around."

Before Lucky could move, Willa's feet came off the bed, kicking him in the stomach. Lucky took the unexpected punch in his gut, releasing his breath in a whoosh of air.

Willa began laughing, and Lucky lost what restraint he had been holding onto. Before Willa could understand what was happening, Lucky lifted her up, flipping her over his knees. Then his hand came down on her jean-covered a.s.s.

"You can't spank me!" Willa screeched.

"Watch me!" Lucky said, his hand swatting her a.s.s again.

Despite himself, he couldn't help letting his hand linger on her luscious a.s.s, but a sudden pain in his thigh had him nearly dropping her on the floor.

"Stop biting me, you little h.e.l.lcat." Lucky hastily tossed her back onto the bed before she could bite him again.

"Moon would never spank me!"

"Here's something else that son of a b.i.t.c.h isn't going to do."

Before she could open her mouth and make him even madder, Lucky trapped her mouth under his, his tongue taking advantage and slipping inside her warm mouth before she could react.

Being smarter this time, his hand held her face, making sure she wouldn't use those vicious teeth on him again. He didn't need to be worried, though. Willa melted underneath him, opening her mouth wider as her arms slipped around his waist.

Lucky broke the kiss.

"d.a.m.n, woman, what did you drink?"

"I just had some lemonade."

"You don't taste like lemonade."

"What do I taste like?"

"Fire. You taste like fire." Lucky groaned, lowering his mouth to catch hers again.

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 18 summary

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