Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 19

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Every promise he had made himself dissolved with his will power. Willa's kiss drove all the other kisses he had ever experienced out of his mind, replacing them with only hers. The soft lips under his trembled as they returned the pressure of his shyly until he took control, showing her what he wanted.

"Like this, siren." Lucky's tongue traced her bottom lip.

Tentatively, Willa licked his before entering his mouth to search his. Her timid efforts had his hand going behind her knee, lifting her thigh so he could notch his d.i.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y. The jeans separating them were the only thing that kept him from sinking his c.o.c.k into her.

He groaned when she lifted her hips, grinding her p.u.s.s.y on him.

"Did I hurt you?" Willa whispered.

"Every time I look at you," Lucky confessed as his trembling hand turned her face so her mouth came back to his.

All the desire he had hidden from Willa escaped him in a moment of weakness. In the photo booth, he had stormed her defenses, not giving her a chance to respond. Now, he took his time, teaching her how to kiss.

Her hands glided underneath his T-s.h.i.+rt, exploring the skin of his back in small, fluttering touches as if it was the first time she had touched a man, and his defenses against her crumbled even more. He unb.u.t.toned the blue blouse, letting it fall to her sides. Then his hands unclasped the blue, lacy bra, and it sprung open, displaying her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Lucky would never forget the first time he saw her body. It was golden in the lamplight, her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s the size men fantasized about and women had breast implants to achieve.

His hand squeezed the soft flesh, lifting the rosy nipple to his lips. Tenderly, he brushed his mouth over the nipple.

"I've died and gone to Heaven." Willa's p.u.s.s.y ground harder against him.

Lucky pressed down harder, rocking his c.o.c.k against the seam of her jeans. His mouth then lazily wandered to her other breast, sucking the nipple into his mouth and twirling his tongue across the hardening tip.

Willa clutched his back harder, her nails digging in like small daggers. He shuddered, barely able to hold back from coming, and Willa tautened under him. Less experienced than him, she wasn't able to hold back the climax he had barely managed to avoid.


Lucky stiffened over her, his name returning him to reason. Tearing himself away from her, he stood next to the bed, trying to catch his breath.

"Lucky? What's wrong?" Willa's eyes were filled with confusion, making Lucky feel even worse for starting what he knew would lead them both down a path there would be no returning from.

"I need to get the h.e.l.l out of here." Unfilled desire made his voice unintentionally harsh.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Lucky stopped with his back to her. "I can't do this, Willa." He couldn't place her in anymore danger than she was already in with their fake engagement.

"Okay. I understand." The unshed tears in her voice had him rus.h.i.+ng from the bedroom, slamming the door behind him as he went into his room.

Pacing his floor, he ran his hands through his shortened hair, trying to get control of his rampaging desire. He knew he could call one of the numerous women he had f.u.c.ked the last few months and have one underneath him in less than five minutes. Instead, he threw his cell phone against the wall, shattering it into as many pieces as he had Willa's heart.

No matter how much she hurt, he had to keep his distance from now on. Bridge wasn't bluffing. Before he had left the Navy Seals, Bridge had been considered one of the best. Deadly and relentless when he hunted for his prey, his job had been reconnaissance, hunting for the target that had been given to him. Once found, they would send in Shade. Bridge was the hunter, Shade the

Only two men were living who had the skill to kill Bridge. Shade was held back because of the promise he had given, and the other was held back because his honor refused to let him kill a man who deserved his vengeance.

Lucky went to the window, parting the curtain to stare out at the town. If he wasn't tied to the church again, he would be on his bike, roaring down the street and enjoying his freedom. He had lost count of the times he had stood here when he had been a pastor before.

He expected the same feelings of being caged and bound he had felt in the past. However, those weren't the emotions a.s.sailing him tonight. He felt as if he were home. It wasn't because he was back in the church, though. It was because of ... Willa.

Chapter 15.

Willa rolled over in the bed, trying to escape the bright sunlight. She wanted to go to the bathroom, but she was too scared to move for fear of throwing up. She was afraid to even open her eyes since they hurt so badly.

She whimpered, her hands holding the side of the bed as she scooted her b.u.t.t to the edge of the mattress. She cautiously opened her eyes, feeling her stomach roll.

"I'm never going to eat or drink anything Penni makes again." Willa whimpered in pain as she tried to stand. She was halfway across the bedroom before she realized it wasn't her bedroom.

"What?" She stared around the room for a second, trying to remember the night before. The last thing she remembered was seeing Lucky's shocked expression when she had left King's restaurant.

As images from the night finally penetrated her foggy mind, her hands flew to her cheeks.

"Just let me die," Willa mumbled, praying the door she was headed for was a bathroom. Opening it slowly, she found a small bathroom with an old-fas.h.i.+oned tub.

"This one you give me?" Willa said out loud, thinking of the thousands of things she had prayed for since she was a little girl.

She gently washed her face with a soft washcloth, feeling as if it were a Brillo pad. Then she stared at her reflection. Her eyes were so bloodshot she looked like a vampire, and her blouse had been b.u.t.toned wrong. She fixed her appearance as best she could before she went back into the bedroom, nearly tripping over her tennis shoes and barely managing to keep herself from falling onto the bed.

Carefully picking up her shoes, she sat down on the bed to put them on. When she finished, she went to the bedroom door.

"Please, please let me get out of here without Lucky seeing me." She was beginning to feel like she was on a roll when she managed to slip out of the unfamiliar home.

It was still early enough that hardly any traffic was around except a few early risers going into the diner for breakfast. She didn't look in their direction, walking toward her house. It was only a couple of blocks away.

Willa had no choice other than to knock on her front door. She couldn't remember where her purse was. It was a sad day when she hoped a thief had it instead of having to face Lucky to get it back.

After Mrs. Stevens opened the door, letting her inside, Willa thanked her then explained she had to get ready for church. Mrs. Stevens departed, leaving Willa feeling guilty for rus.h.i.+ng her off. Then the clock on her wall had her running upstairs to get the kids up for the service.

As Leanne and Charlie both grumbled, wanting to sleep in, she sympathized, wanting to climb into her own bed and pull the covers over her head. She darn sure didn't want to have to face Lucky. However, no catastrophe made attending church impossible, so Willa ushered the children to her van and into the front pew with a few seconds to spare. She had barely leaned back when the side door opened and Lucky entered.

Willa determinedly stared down at the Bible in her hands. Listening to his sermon without lifting her head, she wished there was some way to get out of standing with him at the end of the service.

The service ended much too soon. Hearing Lucky step down from the podium, she began to stand with Caroline in her arms. Lucky stopped next to her, taking the girl from her, then held out his free hand. Willa took it, her fingers trembling within his grip as they walked down the aisle to the doorway.

The line of paris.h.i.+oners seemed never-ending, and Willa simply wanted to escape and go home.

"Willa, Lucky." Curt Dawkins stopped in front of them.

Lucky was slow to take the hand held out to him, shaking it briefly before placing his arm around Willa.

"I heard you were engaged. Congratulations."

"Thank you." Lucky started to greet the paris.h.i.+oner behind Curt, but he didn't take the hint, not moving forward.

"I saw you sneaking out of the back of the church this morning, Willa. Guess you and the pastor decided not to wait for a wedding night, but then, not many do anymore. Isn't that right, Pastor? I was having breakfast with Jenna before she leaves town. I'm thinking of buying her house. We could be neighbors soon, Willa." Willa didn't miss the subtle threat that Curt gave her nor the insulting tone in his voice when he talked to Lucky.

"Jenna found her employment opportunities in Treepoint dried up. It would be a shame if the funding for the new football field dried up, too. The school board wouldn't be happy if they found out the football coach insulted one of the donors."

Curt paled, leaving without another word.

"What was that about?"

"The Last Riders make regular donations to the school and community, and since I'm the vice president, Viper lets me make the decisions on who to donate the money to. That football field is going to cost thousands of dollars. If they don't get a new field, they're going to have to lay out a season until it can be repaired."


Treepoint was fanatical over its football. Curt making one of the donors angry would not only get him fired, but probably lynched by the townspeople. Not even his popularity as a high school football star would save him.

Lily was farther down the line, holding her small son whom Willa managed to snag away from her for a few moments.

"I see you made it to church," Lily teased.

Willa nuzzled the baby's sweet smelling neck, hiding her face.

"None of the other women answered the door when I tried to wake them. I called Stud to check on s.e.x Piston and the rest of her crew, and they were at the hospital. Killyama was getting her stomach pumped."

"Is she all right?" Willa had come to like the abrasive woman.

"She's fine, but the hospital had to call Penni to find out what she put in the lemonade."

"What was it?" Willa was afraid to hear her answer.

"Moons.h.i.+ne she bought from the Porter brothers."

"Sweet Jesus." Willa used her elbow to poke Lucky in the stomach. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is." Lucky wiped his tears of mirth away.

"She had drunk half a pitcher. She had alcohol poisoning."

"How much did you have?" Lucky asked, moving away from her elbow.

"Two I think." Willa found everything after the first gla.s.s hazy.

"Penni was going to visit her at the hospital when I was leaving for church."

"She wasn't sick like the rest of us?"

"No, Penni has a cast-iron stomach. I found that out in college. She used to drink men three times her size under the table." Lily took John back into her arms. "I'll see you at tonight's service. I'm going to go home to make Killyama some soup. The hospital is going to release her this afternoon."

"Tell her I hope she feels better soon."

"I will."

"I'll have to make sure I save some time today to prepare," Lucky stated.

"What for?" Willa smiled as Angus approached, his eyebrows looking like two caterpillars attacking each other.

"Penni's eulogy. If she gets anywhere near Killyama, she's gonna die."

Willa laughed so hard her head spun, and she had to lean against Lucky for support. Maybe she should stop by her doctor's office tomorrow to make sure she didn't have any ill effects from Penni's lemonade concoction.

Angus grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet. After placing her back down, he slapped Lucky on the back.

"Makes me feel good to see a young couple in love as much as Myrtle and I are. Hope you have as many years together as we've had. Our fifty-third anniversary is next Thursday."

Angus's wife rolled her eyes at her husband. "He's tactfully trying to remind you about our cake."

"I haven't forgotten," Willa said, noticing Lucky had become remote, standing silently until the older couple left.

"I need to leave. I'm having lunch at the diner. The Last Riders are waiting for me."

Willa took Caroline from him. "I'll see you tonight."

He had placed an invisible barrier between them, telling her without words the only relations.h.i.+p they shared was an act to deceive others. The Last Riders were the ones he wanted to spend his time with.

Lucky nodded, locking the church door then leaving her and the children to walk to the parking lot alone. She put the children in the van and drove home, refusing to acknowledge the hurt she was feeling throughout the entire drive.

He had left her last night without making love to her, which told her he wasn't attracted enough to her to actually have s.e.x with her. Today, he wanted to make sure she wasn't building any misconceptions about his feelings toward her.

Willa stood at the sink, was.h.i.+ng the dishes after lunch.

"Why aren't you using the dishwasher?" Leanne asked, placing a gla.s.s into the sudsy water.

Willa shrugged. "Sometimes I like to do them by hand."

"Why are you crying?"

Willa sniffed. "I'm not crying."

"I can do the dishes." Leanne took the plate out of her hand, moving in front of the sink. It was the first real overture the teenager had made toward her.

"I'll take the kids out to play." Willa dried her hands on a dishtowel.

All she had to do was open the backdoor and the little girls ran outside. Willa followed them, yelling at Charlie to come out and play with the girls. The sisters loved their brother to chase them around the yard.

Willa came to a stop when she stepped outside and saw what the girls were doing. A solid black German Shepherd was sitting on his haunches while the girls wrapped their arms around his neck. Terror filled Willa at the sight.

"Caroline, Chrissy, come here. Right now. Move slowly toward me," Willa urged, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

"We don't want to. Isn't she pretty?"

Her eyes traveled down the body of the large dog. "Yes, she is."

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 19 summary

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