Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 23

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"I just finished." Willa shut the door, motioning him toward the kitchen. "How are Angus and Myrtle doing this afternoon?"

"They're so excited. I told Myrtle to take an extra blood pressure pill and gave Angus a beer. Their daughter is visiting and bringing her kids, and it has them excited. Myrtle said thanks for fitting her in on short notice."

"They've been keeping you busy?"

"Myrtle always finds something to keep me busy." Douglas was the older couple's handyman, and he kept an eye on them since their children all lived out of town.

Willa pointed at the pink box on the counter. "Would you like a cup of coffee before you go?"

She didn't give him time to answer, going behind the counter to pour him a cup.

"I really don't have the time."

Willa turned to glance over her shoulder as Douglas started to reach into his back pocket.

"No charge. It's my present to them."

"They gave me the money..." Again, he reached for his back pocket.

"Then you can give it back." She gave him an unconsciously sad smile. "Are you sure you can't stay for coffee? I could use the company."

Douglas opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a scratching at the back door.

"Excuse me." Willa opened the back door, letting Ria inside.

The dog sniffed the air and began growling.


Ria sat down on her haunches without taking her eyes off her.

"Did you just call her off?" Douglas's eyes narrowed on the dog.

"Yes. Isn't she smart?"

He stared at the dog warily, taking a seat at her counter. "I'll take that coffee."

"I'm glad." Willa placed the coffee in front of him.

"When did you get a dog? You didn't have one the last time I stopped by and picked up Angus's and Myrtle's anniversary cake."

"I've only had her a few weeks." Willa poured herself a cup of coffee then, standing on the opposite side of the counter, facing Douglas.

"Pretty dog," he stated, taking a drink of his coffee.

Tears blurred her vision, but Willa blinked to get rid of them.

"Are you all right?" The man sat stupefied as she burst into tears.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start crying. I have to give Ria back to Lucky, and my kids are going out to dinner tonight with their uncle." Willa began to cry harder. "They really like him."

"That isn't a good thing?" He set his cup down on the counter.

"It is." Willa nodded her head, crying harder. "I want them to like him, but I don't want to lose them, either. He's going to take them back to Tyler, Texas with him next week. I thought it would take longer, like maybe six months." Willa brushed the tears away from her cheeks.

"Where are they now?" Douglas glanced around the kitchen, as if hoping someone would rescue him.

"Travis, their uncle, took Caroline and Chrissy to the park." The tears began again. "I tried to get him to stay here with them and play, but he thought it would be a good idea to spend some alone time with them."

"I bet he did," Douglas muttered. "Your upcoming wedding will give you something-" His coffee cup paused halfway to his mouth when a sob escaped Willa's mouth.

She waved her empty ring finger in front of his face. "I'm not engaged anymore."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. He's a jerk..." Willa began hiccupping while tearing a paper towel off the roll. Then she wiped her face, finally catching her breath.

Seeing the expression on his face, she began laughing.

"I'm so sorry, Douglas. I didn't mean to fall apart in front of you. Here." Willa turned to the side of her counter, easily putting together a cupcake box and slipping a cupcake inside. "I hope this makes up for all the crying." She gave him a sweet smile that had him pausing as he stood.

"Depends on what flavor it is..."

"S'more." Willa set the smaller box on top of the larger one.

"That'll do it." He lifted the boxes, going to the front door. "See you around, Willa, and you can tell that ex-fiance of yours for me that he's an idiot."

She smiled up at him. Then, before she could change her mind, placed a brief kiss on his cheek. "Thanks. I needed that."

He gave her a stunned look before smiling back. "I did, too."

Chapter 19.

The time for Travis and the children to leave came much sooner than Willa antic.i.p.ated. They were loading the children's suitcase into the van when Curt Dawkins pulled up at Jenna's house, which was now his since the sale had gone through the week before. He didn't look in their direction as he went inside his new home.

"Be careful of him," Travis warned. "I don't like the way he looks at you when you're in your backyard."

"I know exactly what kind of man Curt is, and I'm as close to him as I want to be."

Willa climbed into the van, trying hard not to cry on the ride to the airport. It was going to be gut-wrenching to let the children go, but deep inside, Willa acknowledged that the children would be happier. They could leave Treepoint behind and all the gossip they would have to face about their parents. With them gone, maybe Georgia and Lewis would become a part of the past.

"Do you think you'll ever come back to Treepoint?" Willa just had to ask.

"Doubtful. I would be willing to send you a plane ticket any time you want to visit, though."

His bluntness was hard, but she would rather have it then promises that wouldn't be kept.

"I may take you up on that."

"I hope so. If you come, try to talk Lily into coming with you. Tell her I'll teach her how to ride a horse."

"I can't." Willa leaned her head back on the headrest. "I don't want to make the kids orphans again."

Lucky entered the crowded diner. Searching the tables, he saw Viper and Shade sitting at one of the back ones. He strode forward, sitting down at the table across from Shade.

"You're late."

Lucky's mouth twisted at Shade's impatience. "What's the hurry? Lily's still at the church store."

"Had to leave John with Raci."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Last time I let her babysit, she lost his paci and his blanket. I'm worried she'll lose my kid."

He waved the waitress away. "What did you need?" He glanced at Viper.

"I'm sending Moon back to Ohio. It's either bring Train back or kill the f.u.c.ker."

"I'm looking for someone to take my place at the church, but no one's biting. It's taking longer than I antic.i.p.ated."

"If you weren't being so picky, it would have been done and you gone. What the f.u.c.k is taking so long?"

"I don't know. It could be the fact that there's only a little over a hundred attending church or the fact that the pastor salary we can offer is for s.h.i.+t. Or it could be that the only mall is a three-hour drive away," Lucky said sarcastically.

"What does a mall matter to a pastor?" Viper asked.

"It doesn't, but it usually does to his wife. I'll make some more calls when I get back to the church, schedule a few more on-calls."

"The women are missing having you around with Train gone."

"I miss the club, too."

"How's that vow of chast.i.ty going?" Shade sneered.

"Shut up, Shade."

"You could sneak out to the clubhouse every now and then. No one would know."

"I would," Lucky stated. As long as he was the church pastor, he would not break the vow he had retaken when he had returned to the church to help Willa.

"I've always been curious about something." Shade leaned across the table. "Does your vow mean no hand jobs?" The b.a.s.t.a.r.d's snicker was the last straw.

Lucky came out of his chair and Viper rose, pus.h.i.+ng him back down.

"Cut it out, Shade."

Shade shrugged. "He's too sensitive. Must be those blue b.a.l.l.s of his."

Lucky gave Shade a saccharine smile. "Lily made my lunch for me today."

Shade's blue eyes darkened, his relaxed air disappearing.

"Lucky..." Viper warned.

"She even put extra sugar in my coffee, just the way I like it."

Lucky's chair fell backward as he escaped before Shade could punch him, nearly knocking Knox over as he was coming into the diner.

"What the f.u.c.k?"

"Sorry, Knox. Glad to see you, brother." He slapped Knox on the back then placed his arm over the brother's shoulder, which wasn't easy. Lucky gave Shade a s.h.i.+t-eating grin as he came outside with Viper trying to hold him back.

"One of these days, you're going to push me too far, and I'll catch your a.s.s before you can get away."

"Ain't gonna happen," Lucky gloated, his expression turning serious once he saw Willa walking from the church parking lot and crossing the street toward him with Ria following next to her.

The expression on Willa's face was neutral, but the wounded pain in her eyes had him stiffening, his arm dropping from Knox's shoulder.

"I was about to go inside the church when I saw you."

Lucky remained silent.

"h.e.l.lo, Willa," the other three men greeted.

She nodded her head in their direction.

"Did Travis and the children's plane get off all right?" Knox questioned.

Willa's face broke into a pain-filled mask. "Yes, thank you. I just got back." Her hand holding Ria's leash thrust toward Lucky. "Here."

Lucky refused to take the leash from her hand. "She's your dog."

Willa dropped the leash. "I told you that it wasn't your choice. Stay, Ria." A lone tear slid down her cheek as she began to cross the street.

Lucky started to go after her, but Shade pulled him back. "She'll come back. Wait."

Lucky held his breath as Willa stepped up onto the curb on the other side of the road. When she reached her van, her hand was on the door handle before she turned around, coming back toward them.

"I told you I knew Willa," Shade said softly, his hand dropping from his arm.

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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 23 summary

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