Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 24

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She had just stepped off the sidewalk, brus.h.i.+ng her tears away, when the sound of a loud motor resonated through the air. Everyone froze except Ria as Lyle's tow truck came flying down the street.

Lucky and Shade began running but he knew they wouldn't be able to reach Willa in time. Willa screamed in terror as the tow truck headed straight for her.

"Willa!" Lucky screamed in agony, desperately trying to reach her in time.

Ria ran out in the street her four legs easily out distancing the men racing to save Willa.

Willa screamed out the command for the dog to stop but Ria kept running, jumping up she knocked Willa backwards onto the sidewalk. The tow truck struck the brave dog before hitting the pole coming to a cras.h.i.+ng stop.

"G.o.d, please let her be okay ... please..." Lucky was unaware of the agony in the prayers falling from his lips as he and Shade ran to the other side of the tow truck. Seeing Willa laying on the ground took twenty years off his life, as he fell to his knees beside her.

Lyle began moving inside the truck, trying to open the truck door.

"Don't move, Lyle!" Viper shouted to no avail.

The door came open and the town drunk fell out onto the road.

"Go take care of him, before I decide to kill him myself." Lucky ordered Shade.

Willa's frightened eyes opened, staring up into his.

"Is Lyle alright?" She asked shakily.

"For now." Lucky gritted out helping Willa to her feet.

"Ria!" Willa screamed, trying to get to the dog laying pinned underneath the tow truck.

He swept her up, backing away as fast as he could. "Don't look, I've got you."

Willa wound her arms tightly around his neck, screaming out Ria's name. Her hysterical cries brought tears to his own eyes, seeing the dog couldn't be helped.

Sirens filled the air as the ambulance arrived. Lucky ignored the pandemonium, carrying Willa inside the church while she sobbed, each one like a lash against his soul.

He talked softly to her as he walked through the church, carrying her to the part that was his home. Lucky laid her down on the bed then lay next to her, pulling her into his arms. He rocked her as she cried, his hands smoothing over her body to soothe her while checking to make sure she was all right.

"Sh ... You're going to make yourself sick," Lucky whispered.

"Is ... Ria dead?"

He knew Willa already knew the answer, but when you loved something, any chance was worth the pain of the answer.

"Yes, Willa, she's gone. I'm so sorry, baby."

She lay against his side, crying until she gradually quieted, falling asleep. Lucky continued to hold her as he stared up at the ceiling.

Some choices in life you made for yourself, and some choices were made for you. Seeing Willa nearly killed in the split-second before Ria had saved her had helped him finally make the choice he had been struggling with since the day he had stared down from the pulpit and seen Willa.

That day, the sunlight had made a halo over her, and he had imagined for a moment one of the angels from the paintings on the walls had become real and was sitting a few feet away. Although she had glanced away when her shy gaze had been caught by his, Lucky had felt as if her soul was calling to him, trying to capture his soul without words.

"Thank you." Lucky closed his eyes, giving thanks for the life saved and for the soul that had returned from the dead.

Chapter 20.

Willa blinked her swollen eyes as she woke, finding Lucky's hand cupping her cheek, his thumb caressing the smooth flesh.

"You okay?"

She nodded her head against his hand before sitting up on the mattress, looking around the room.

"Where am I?" Her throat felt raw.

"My bedroom." He sat up on the side of the bed.

Her eyes turned to the side as he stood and stretched. He glanced over his shoulder. He had taken off his suit jacket and was wearing only his pants and white s.h.i.+rt. He had unb.u.t.toned the top b.u.t.tons, exposing his gleaming skin. At the base of his throat was a tattoo that she couldn't make out.

She slid across the bed. "I need to go home."

He slid his feet into his shoes before holding his hand out to her. "I'll take you."

Willa slipped her hand into his, and he helped her rise to her feet. He steadied her while she slipped her shoes on. Then she followed him from his bedroom, down the hallway, and to the door that led outside.

She pulled back when he would have opened the door. He placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to his side.

"The wreck has been cleaned up," he said, letting the words silently tell her Ria's body had been removed.

"Where is she...?" Willa's voice broke, but she managed to keep from shedding any more tears. Her aching heart felt as though she didn't have any more to give.

"Knox buried her in Cash's family cemetery."

Willa liked the thought of her dog not being alone. She saw the sun in the sky. "What time is it?" Her voice broke despite her best efforts.

"It's morning. You slept through the night. Do you want to go to the diner and get some breakfast?"

"No." The thought of food made her stomach heave.

Lucky led her to his SUV.

"I can take my van," Willa protested as Lucky opened the pa.s.senger door.

"Get in. I'll see that your van's at your house by lunch."

She sat down, letting him shut the door. When Lucky had gotten behind the steering wheel and pulled out onto the main street, Willa closed her eyes tightly.

His hand took hers in a tight clasp. "We're past the spot." His low voice gave her the courage to open her eyes.

"I saw Lily and Rachel at the church store yesterday before..."

Lucky's mouth tightened. "They heard the crash. Thank G.o.d Rachel was there. She wouldn't let Lily out the door. Rachel had to push her back. She said they didn't see anything.

"I'm glad. I wouldn't want Lily and Rachel to have that in their head."

Lucky pulled into her driveway, bringing the Yukon to a stop. "Like it's in yours?"

"I keep seeing Ria, she saved my life." She was wrong; she did have more tears left. As another one found its way down her cheek, Lucky wiped it away with a tender smile.

"Yes, she did."

"Do you think she knew I was coming back for her?" Willa's voice broke.

"Yes, I do."

"What do I tell the kids when they call and ask about her?"

"Tell them she found a better home."

Willa agreed it would be kinder to not tell them. Besides, the dog would eventually slip from their memories as they made new ones.

"She was the only dog I ever had."

"I can get you another-"

Willa vehemently shook her head. "I don't ever want another one. She can't be replaced."

Lucky stared down at her with a look she didn't understand. "No, she can't."

Willa didn't think he was talking about Ria anymore. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the door handle.

"Willa?" She turned back to him. "Will you go out with me tonight? We can go to dinner at King's."

Willa's heart gave a lurch before she made herself calm down. "I'll be fine, Lucky. I don't need you to take me out to dinner to make me feel better."

"Ria isn't the reason I'm asking you out. I want to go out like a normal couple."

"I don't know..."

"Willa, you almost died yesterday, and there wasn't a f.u.c.king thing I could do to prevent it. Please just give me a chance. That's all I'm asking for now. Can you do that?"

"I can do that," she said softly, unable to resist his husky entreaty.

"Good. I'll pick you up at six."

"Okay." Willa slid out of the SUV then watched as he pulled out until he turned the corner back to the church.

She might be making a mistake by going out with Lucky, but she was done running. This time, she was going to stand still and see what happened.

Lucky walked through the front of the clubhouse. He had called Viper after he had dropped Willa off to ask for the club meeting, and now the members were waiting for him in the packed kitchen.

Viper was standing in the TV area with the other six original members as Lucky walked up to them, coming to a stop. He reached into his pant pocket, pulling out two sets of bike keys, handing one set to his president.

"Lucky..." Viper's eyes went to his hand.

"My cut is in the saddlebag."

"Brother, don't."

"I can't be a brother and have Willa, too. I love her, Viper. I always have."

The club members were silent, listening to every word.

"It doesn't have to be either. You could choose both," Shade spoke up.

"Yes, it does. For me to have Willa, it does."

Lucky heard the women in the background crying.

"I don't give a f.u.c.k if you wear our cut or not; you'll always be a brother. I love you, man." Viper took the keys from him then pulled him in for a tight hug before releasing him. The other brothers crowded around him, each saying their good-byes. However, Shade stood still with his arms crossed against his chest.

Lucky gave Rider the second set of keys when it was his turn, but the man refused at first to take them back.

"We both know I cheated in the first place. I was never going to let Moon have her."

"Brother, the only one who didn't know was you."

Lucky slapped Train on the shoulder. "Glad you're back. The women were having a hard time without you."

Train's dark eyes held the emotions that the former Seal would never reveal. They had been together since the service, and their bond would last until death. "Wasn't the same without you guys."

Lucky nodded then smacked Knox on the shoulder, grinning up at the brother wearing the police uniform. "I'm never going to get used to seeing you in that get-up."

"I'm getting used to it. You'll have to borrow one of the deputies' uniforms some time. Makes Diamond hornier than h.e.l.l."

Lucky laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

Cash and Razer both gave him grins before nearly breaking his ribs with their hugs. When he managed to break their grips, he turned to the women giving each a brief hug. Lucky went to the door where he stopped and looked back at Shade, who had made no move to tell him good-bye.

"Lucky, I told you that you don't know s.h.i.+t about Willa."

He stopped, turning back to Shade. "It's myself I finally figured out. It's what I want, too."


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Last Riders: Lucky's Choice Part 24 summary

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