Demons Of Society 7 Confrontation

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"Eh?" He asked.

"Stay with you...?" He looked at her, then frowned.

"M-mm..." She kept her gaze focused on her lap.

"Ugh!" He groaned.

"Fine!" He grumbled, sitting in a nearby chair.

"Luci!" She squealed, clapping her hands together.

Luci turned away, blus.h.i.+ng angrily.

As the night progressed, Nana was sound asleep.

"Man..." He sighed, as he flipped over the newspaper.

"I'm bored!" He groaned.

"Huh...?" Nana muttered.

"Nothing, go back to sleep ya brat." He grumbled.
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"Ah," he began, looking out the window.

"Looks like the sun's comin' up."

"Eh...?" Nana grumbled, sitting up and wiping her eye.

"Well," Luci stretched, standing up.

"The sun's up, kid." He said.

"O-oh..." Nana whispered.


"Hah!?" He cried.

"What is it now?" He groaned.

"T-thank you for last night..." She smiled softly.

Luci looked at her, then blushed.

"I-It's nothin'..." He grumbled.

As Nana was eating breakfast, Luci was busy talking to the front desk.

"My apologies sir, we just don't take orphans in like that..." The worker frowned.

"My suggestion would be to look for a nearby orphanage...?" She suggested.

"Ah, well thanks anyway." Luci said, heading back to the table where Nana was still busy eating.

"What were you doin'?" She asked, with a mouthful of bagel.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Luci scolded.

"Nothin' of importance..." He sighed.

"Oi, hurry and finish we gotta get goin'." He said.

As the two left the hotel, Luci started searching up options on his phone.

"Luci, look!" Nana cried suddenly.

"Hah?" Luci looked up, noticing a dog.

"Nice." He replied, clearly uninterested.

"Hmph!" Nana puffed her cheeks in annoyance.

As Luci looked up again for a second, his eyes widened.

"Nana..." He whispered.

"Grab my hand." He said.


Luci quickly grabbed Nana's hand and started running.

d.a.m.nit, what's this dude's problem!? He thought to himself.

The man with the shades from the other day was chasing the pair.

"Luci, who is that!?" Nana cried.

"It doesn't matter!" Luci shouted, scooping the girl up.

s.h.i.+t! A dead end!? He quickly turned around.

The two of them were cornered.

"Luci..." Nana whimpered.

"Oi..." The man began.

"Let's make this easy, your majesty..." He said, slowly taking off his shades.

Luci's eyes widened.


"You think I'd just go around callin' anyone royalty?" The man frowned.

"L-Luci what's going on...?" Nana whimpered.

"Let me take you back where we belong, or the girl gets it." The man glared.

"Nana, close your eyes." Luci said.

"Huh?" Nana looked up at him.

"Close them!" He demanded.

Nana quickly closed her eyes.

Just as she did, Luci slowly began spreading his wings.

"Che," The man clicked his tongue.

"I can't stand cheaters..." He grumbled.

As Luci slowly hovered off the ground, he kicked the man in the face.

The man stumbled backwards, however he stood his ground.

Luci's eyes widened.


"NANA!" Luci cried.

"Your eyes better not be open right now, you hear me!?" He shouted.

Nana's eyes widened as she noticed they were a good few feet of off the ground.

"W-what's happening...!?" She shrieked.

As Luci was distracted, the man jumped up, grabbing his leg.

Luci fell hard to the ground.

"ACK!" He cried.

Nana tumbled out of his arms.

Luci lied on the ground groaning.

The man scooped her up in his arms.

"D-don't you dare...!" Luci cried.

"Look, I'll go with you, j-just..."

"Let her go!" He shouted.

The man raised an eyebrow.

"Hoh?" He asked.

"Listen, your majesty..." The man began, releasing Nana.

"LUCI!" She shrieked, running over to him.

"Bringing you back to h.e.l.l isn't my goal..."

"Then what is your goal!?" He growled.

"I want to find my sister..." The man whispered, hurt filled his eyes.

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Demons Of Society 7 Confrontation summary

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